In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message

In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message was written by Oskar Ernst Bernhardt (1875–1941) and first published in 1926 under the pen name Abdruschin. An expanded, complete edition was published by the author under the name of Abdruschin in 1931, entitled 'Im Lichte der Wahrheit (In the Light of the Truth). It was a collection of 91 lectures, written to build upon each other, presenting a complete picture of Creation. Between 1931 and 1934, a further total of 59 additional lectures were released.

Abd-ru-shin went on to write and publish more than 50 individual lectures after 1934, but the deteriorating conditions in Europe prevented him from publishing any further books during his lifetime. When the Nazis seized power in Austria in 1938, Abd-ru-shin was arrested, extradited to Germany, and kept under house arrest until his death in December 1941.

During his final years, Abd-ru-shin was forbidden by the Gestapo from working on his Message. Nevertheless, he was able to revise his Message, and, after his death in 1941 and the second world war, this revised version was published in its current three-volume form, as his final legacy.


Abdruschin's Message addresses all spheres of life, ranging from God and the Universe to the Laws in Creation, free will and responsibility, intuition and the intellect, the ethereal world and the beyond, justice and love. It answers eternal questions such as what does it mean to be human, what is the purpose of life on earth, and what happens after death. It also explains the causes and significance of the unprecedented crises facing humanity today and our responsibilities to the future.

The publishers write

"This book ... answers with clarity all the unsolved questions of human existence. The recognitions mediated with this book are so immense that they force the unprejudiced reader to ponder, investigate and go forward. The Grail Message will appeal to any human being who is seeking to understand life, his or her place in Creation, and the source of one’s being."

In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message was written to provide spiritual support for the problems and questions in life: Where do we come from? Where do we go when we die? What about fate and karma, Divine justice, free will, the Mission of Jesus, the Son of God, the Laws of Nature and Creation, and many others. In the Light of Truth also gives information about the Holy Grail. While ancient sagas and legends, and modern art, depict the Grail as an earthly myth, without being able to provide a conclusive explanation of its significance, Abd-ru-shin describes the Grail as a spiritual reality of the highest order, the connecting point between the Creator and His Creation.

According to the explanations of Creation given in The Grail Message, human beings are actually only guests on this earth. They came from a spiritual realm, which is far above the world of earthly matter, in order to begin a course of development leading down to this earth. This path continues for each person through repeated earth lives (reincarnation). Through experiences each person's inner, spiritual consciousness develops, grows, and matures. This is the prerequisite for the way back to the spiritual realm, which is the goal of our path of development: people can and should return to the immortality of the spiritual realm as a conscious spiritual entity, and thus enter "Paradise."

In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message explains that "The Laws of Creation" provide each human spirit with support on their way. Unchangeably interwoven from the beginning, they bear within, like the Ten Commandments, the Love, Grace, and Justice of the Creator. To truly know and understand the way these laws work is essential for successfully navigating one's way through life. Therefore, the explanation of these Laws runs like a thread through the lectures of The Grail Message.

The book also describes the relationship between the sexes: "male" and "female" each represent a specific, separate "principle", each of equal value for the total Creation. In the Light of Truth describes that there is a polarity between man and woman, which having been misunderstood in the past has often resulted in confusion over the intrinsic nature of their respective activities and the purpose of the sexes.


The Grail Message: In the Light of Truth in three volumes, containing 168 lectures (including lectures published in separate books and in individual form after 1931), was first published in 1950, and is currently available from the Grail Foundation.[1] and from booksellers around the world.

See also


External links

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