IBM 2997

The earliest roots of IBM's development of the IBM 2997 Blood cell Separator lay in the personal tragedy of one of IBM's development engineers, George Judson. One of his children contracted leukemia shortly before Judson was due for a sabbatical, funded by IBM, working on a research project of his own choice. The research project he chose was to develop a device (the IBM 2990) which could harvest white blood cells from blood donors, to support leukaemia patients to keep them alive. The subsequent development of this machine as the IBM 2997, essentially a high speed continuous centrifuge which separated the blood into red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood plasma (used in plasmapheresis), was picked up by IBM's Systems Supplies Division (SSD) which was already ready marketing the IBM 2991 Blood cell Washer once more because the (disposable) supplies element represented a large part of the revenue stream.[1] IBM 2997 machine was developed in USA in the early 50s, but the most remarchable applications was in Italy : Milan, Girolamo Sirchia, MD & Doc Marconi in Centro TRasfusionale & Transplant North Italy. In Rome Doc Mandelli for the children leukemias, in Ancona Doc Lucarelli for transplant of the Midollo Osseo (Bone main ) compatible. So today, 2013, in memories of these 1982 procedures for blood, it's necessary to remember the Cuba Havana University and Hospital "Capitan Roberto...." procedure in autotransfusion online patient to manage the blood of mystenia gravis patients with a similar 2997. This blood is prepared with additional Ozon & Oxygen. This procedure is an alternative to the steroid, etc.

  1. J Clin Apher. 1985;2(3):258-61.Platelet collection using the IBM 2997 cell separator.Bond R, Wood L, Jacobs P, Kernoff LM.
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