Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania

Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania

2015 - Szilágyi Zsolt

2011 - 2015, Toró T. Tibor
Founded 2011 (2011)
Headquarters Cluj-Napoca
Ideology Hungarian minority interests
Christian democracy
European affiliation European Free Alliance
Politics of Romania
Political parties

The Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania[1] (Hungarian: Erdélyi Magyar Néppárt, EMNP; Romanian: Partidul Popular Maghiar din Transilvania, PPMT) is a political party of the Hungarian minority in Romania. It was founded in 2011.[2]

It positions itself as an alternative to the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, the largest party representing Romania's Hungarian minority. The party's aim is "to establish an own parliament and government in Transylvania" and to achieve autonomy for the Szeklerland.[3] It also advocates territorial autonomy for Partium.[4][5] In June 2014 Tibor Toro made a proposal for the revision of the bilateral treaty between Romania and Hungary, which was signed in 1996: I think the basic treaty with Hungary should be amended to introduce a reference to the possibility of creating the legal framework of autonomy for national communities, specifically for Hungarians. [6]

This political organization is closely associated with the European MP László Tőkés, who was described by the president Tibor Toró as "the mentor of the party".[7]


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