Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress

The Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress was first awarded by the China Film Association in 1962.


Items Name Statistics Notes
Most win Liu Xiaoqing 3 wins
Oldest winner Zhao Lirong Age 74 for Spring Festival
Youngest winner Guo Keyu Age 17 for Red Cherry
First Taiwan actress win Rene Liu 1 win 2006, for A World Without Thieves
Won Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress for the same role Zhang Yu
Siqin Gaowa
Gong Xue
Li Xiuming
Liu Xiaoqing
Pan Hong
Gong Li
7 actresses for Romance on Lushan Mountain
for Rickshaw Boy
for Under the Bridge
for Xu Mao and his daughters
for Hibiscus Town
For Shanghai Fever
for Breaking the Silence

Winners & nominees


Year Number Actress Character Film
2014 32nd[1] Zhang Ziyi 章子怡 Gong Er\宫二 The Grandmaster\一代宗师
Yang Zishan 杨子姗 Zheng Wei\郑微 So Young\致我们终将逝去的青春
Yu Nan 余南 Zhou Li\周莉 Silent Witness\全民目击
Tang Wei 汤唯 Jiajia\佳佳 Finding Mr. Right\北京遇上西雅图
Helen Yao 姚星彤 Coco\可儿 CZ 12\十二生肖
2012 31st[2] Bai Baihe 白百何 Huang Xiaoxian\黄小仙 Love is Not Blind\失恋33天
Li Bingbing 李冰冰 Xu Zonghan\徐宗汉 1911\辛亥革命
Sandra Ng 吴君如 Mrs. Law\罗太太 Echoes of the Rainbow\岁月神偷
Zhou Xun 周迅 Ling Yanqiu\凌雁秋 The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate\龙门飞甲
Xu Fan 徐帆 Li Yuanni\李元妮 Aftershock\唐山大地震
2010 30th[3] Zhao Wei 赵薇 Hua Mulan\花木兰 Mulan\花木兰
Zhou Xun 周迅 Xiaowei\小唯 Painted Skin\画皮
Shu Qi 舒淇 Liang Xiaoxiao\梁笑笑 If You Are the One\非诚勿扰
Fan Bingbing 范冰冰 Yueru\月如 Bodyguards and Assassins\十月围城
Bai Jing 白静 Guo Xiaomi\郭小米 Iron Man\铁人


Year Number Actress Character Film
2008 29th[4] Li Bingbing 李冰冰 Wang Jindi\王金娣 The Knot\云水谣
Tang Yan 汤燕 Sun Guiqin\孙淑琴 The Assembly\集结号
Gao Yuanyuan 高圆圆 Shufen\淑芬 Rob-B-Hood\宝贝计划
Xu Ruoxuan 徐若瑄 Wang Biyun\王碧云 The Knot\云水谣
Gigi Leung 梁咏琪 Ms. Liu\刘老师 The Secret of the Magic Gourd\宝葫芦的秘密
2006 28th[5] Rene Liu 刘若英 Wang Li\王丽 A World Without Thieves\天下无贼
Zhang Yu 张瑜 Ren Changxia\任长霞 Ren Changxia\任长霞
Zhang Ziyi 章子怡 Xiaomei\小妹 House of Flying Daggers\十面埋伏
Naren Hua 娜仁花 Xie Li\谢莉 Life and Death of Niu Yuru\生死牛玉儒
2004 27th[6] Fan Bingbing 范冰冰 Wu Yue\武月 Cell Phone\手机
Zhao Wei 赵薇 Wen Zhu\文珠 Warriors of Heaven and Earth\天地英雄
Xu Fan 徐帆 Shen Xue\沈雪 Cell Phone\手机
Zhang Yan 张妍 Xiaohua\小花 Warm Spring\暖春
2003 26th Xu Jinglei 徐静蕾 Xiaohui\小惠 Spring Subway\开往春天的地铁
2002 25th Zhou Xun 周迅 Zhao Ningjing A Pinwheel Without Wind\烟雨红颜
2001 24th Gong Li 巩俐 Sun Liying\孙丽英 Breaking the Silence\漂亮妈妈
2000 23rd Zhang Ziyi 章子怡 Zhao Di, Young\青年母亲 The Road Home\我的父親母親


Year Number Actress Character Film
1998 21st[7] Liu Bei 刘蓓 Zhou Beiyan\周北雁 Dream Factory\甲方乙方
1997 20th[8] Ning Jing 宁静 Danzhu\丹珠 Red River Valley\红河谷
1996 19th[9] Guo Keyu 郭柯宇 Chuchu\楚楚 Red Cherry\红樱桃
1995 18th[10] Shen Danping 沈丹萍 Hong Liu cun cha kan\留村察看
1994 17th[11] Pan Hong 潘虹 Fan Li\范莉 Shanghai Fever\股疯
1993 16th[12] Gong Li 巩俐 Songlian\颂莲 Raise the Red Lantern\大红灯笼高高挂
1992 15th[13] Zhao Lirong 赵丽蓉 Mom\母亲 Spring Festival\过年
1991 14th[14] Song Jia 宋佳 Subi\素碧 Mountain Wind\落山风
1990 13th[15] Song Jia 宋佳 Fang Siying\方丝萦 The Garden\庭院深深


Year Number Actress Character Film
1989 12th[16] Liu Xiaoqing 刘晓庆 Chuntao\春桃 Chuntao\春桃
1988 11th[17] Liu Xiaoqing 刘晓庆 Jinzi\金子 A Wild Field\原野
1987 10th[18] Liu Xiaoqing 刘晓庆 Hu Yuyin\胡玉音 Hibiscus Town\芙蓉镇
1986 9th[19] Fang Shu 方舒 Chen Bailu\陈白露 Sunrise\日出
1985 8th[20] Wu Yufang 吴玉芳 Liu Qiaozhen\刘巧珍 Life\人生
1984 7th[21] Gong Xue 龚雪 Qin Nan\秦楠 Under the Bridge\大桥下面
1983 6th[22] Siqin Gaowa 斯琴高娃 Hu Niu\虎妞 Rickshaw Boy\骆驼祥子
1982 5th[23] Li Xiuming 李秀明 Si Guniang\四姑娘 Xu Mao and His Daughters\许茂和他的女儿们
1981 4th[24] Zhang Yu 张瑜 Zhou Jun\周筠 Love on Lushan Mountain\庐山恋
1980 3rd Joan Chen 陈冲 Xiaohua\小花 Little Flower\小花


Year Number Actress Character Film
1963 2nd[25] Zhang Ruifang 张瑞芳 Li Shuangshuang\李双双 Li Shuangshuang\李双双
1962 1st[26] Zhu Xijuan 祝希娟 Wu Qionghua\吴琼华 The Red Detachment of Women\红色娘子军

Multiple awards for Best Actress

3 awards
2 awards

Multiple awards for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress combined

3 awards
2 awards

Multiple awards for Best Actress and other categories combined

2 awards


  1. (Chinese) Nominees of 32nd Hundred Flowers Awards 29 Sept 2014.
  2. (Chinese) Nominees of 31st Hundred Flowers Awards 29 Sept 2012.
  3. (Chinese) Nominees of 30th Hundred Flowers Awards 21 Sept 2010.
  4. (Chinese) Nominees of 29th Hundred Flowers Awards 15 August 2008.
  5. (Chinese) Nominees of 28th Hundred Flowers Awards 22 Sep 2006.
  6. (Chinese) Nominees of 27th Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2004.
  7. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  8. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  9. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  10. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  11. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  12. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  13. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  14. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  15. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  16. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  17. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  18. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  19. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  20. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  21. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  22. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  23. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  24. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  25. (Chinese) Winners of Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2008.
  26. (Chinese) Winners of 1st Hundred Flowers Awards 20 May 2009.
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