House of Drăculești

Arms of the House of Draculesti

The Drăculești were one of two major rival lines of Wallachian voivodes of the House of Basarab, the other being the Dănești. [1] These lines were in constant contest for the throne from the late fourteenth to the early sixteenth centuries. Descendants of the line of Drăculești would eventually come to dominate this principality until its unification with Transylvania and Moldavia by Mihai Viteazul in 1600.

The line of the Drăculești began with Vlad II Dracul, son of one of the most important rulers of the Basarab dynasty, Mircea cel Bătrân. The name Drăculești is derived from the membership of Vlad II Dracul, "the Dragon," in the Order of the Dragon (founded 1408).

Members of the Drăculești line

Members of the Drăculești line who held the throne of Wallachia include the following:

Ruler Remark
Vlad II Dracul 14361442, 14431447; son of Mircea cel Bătrân
Mircea II 1442; son of Vlad II
Vlad III Drăculea 1448, 14561462, 1476; son of Vlad II
Radu cel Frumos 14621473, 1474; son of Vlad II
Vlad Călugărul 1481, 14821495; son of Vlad II
Radu cel Mare 14951508; son of Vlad Călugărul
Mihnea cel Rău 15081509; son of Vlad III
Mircea III Dracul 1510; son of Mihnea cel Rău
Vlad cel Tânăr 15101512; son of Vlad Călugărul
Radu de la Afumați 15221523, 1524, 15241525, 15251529; son of Radu cel Mare
Radu Bădica 15231524; son of Radu cel Mare
Vlad Înecatul 15301532; son of Vlad cel Tânăr
Vlad Vintilă de la Slatina 15321534, 15341535; son of Radu cel Mare
Radu Paisie 1534, 15351545; son of Radu cel Mare
Mircea Ciobanul 15451552, 15531554, 15581559; son of Radu cel Mare
Pătrașcu cel Bun 15541558; son of Radu Paisie
Petru cel Tânăr 15591568; son of Mircea Ciobanul
Alexandru II Mircea 15681574, 15741577; son of Mircea III Dracul
Vintilă 1574; son of Pătrașcu cel Bun
Mihnea Turcitul 15771583, 15851591; son of Alexandru II Mircea
Petru Cercel 15831585; son of Pătrașcu cel Bun
Mihai Viteazul 15931600; possibly a son of Pătrașcu cel Bun

See also


  1. C.C.Giurescu p.112


External links

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