Hillcrest High School (Memphis)
Hillcrest High School is a school in Memphis, Tennessee.
Hillcrest High School 4184 Graceland Dr Memphis, TN 38116 Shelby County Map Hillcrest High School
* Grades 9-12 * Public school * 973 students
Hillcrest High School, located in Memphis, Tennessee, serves grades 9-12 in the Memphis City Schools district. Student Enrollment: 1,436
Enrollment Grade 9 : 371 Enrollment Grade 10 : 300 Enrollment Grade 11 : 213 Enrollment Grade 12 : 178
White enrollment : 3 African American enrollment : 1417 Hispanic enrollment : 7 Asian enrollment : 7 Native American enrollment : 1
White % of total enrollment: 0.2% Here:
0.2% State average from 1627 schools:
70.6% African American % of total enrollment: 98.7% Hillcrest High School:
98.7% State average from 1627 schools:
23.9% Hispanic % of total enrollment: 0.5% Here:
0.5% State average from 1627 schools:
3.8% Asian % of total enrollment: 0.5% Here:
0.5% State average from 1627 schools:
1.1% Native American % of total enrollment: 0.10% Here:
0.10% State average from 1627 schools:
Economically disadvantaged % of total enrollment: 88.6% Here:
88.6% State average from 1627 schools:
Attendance percentage: 85.9% Hillcrest High School:
85.9% State average from 1623 schools:
Grades in Hillcrest High School 9th Grade (35%) 12th Grade (17%) 10th Grade (28%) 11th Grade (20%)
Races in Hillcrest High School Black (99%) Other (1%)
Suspension Statistics:
Male students suspensions : 239 Male students expulsions : 13 Female students suspensions : 159 Female students expulsions : 8 African American students suspensions : 398 African American students expulsions : 21
Percentage of Male students suspensions: 32.5% This school:
32.5% State average from 1626 schools:
10.5% Percentage of Male students expulsions: 1.80% Here:
1.80% State average from 1627 schools:
0.42% Percentage of Female students suspensions: 22.7% This school:
22.7% State average from 1626 schools:
5.6% Percentage of Female students expulsions: 1.10% This school:
1.10% State average from 1627 schools:
0.26% Percentage of African American students suspensions: 28.1% This school:
28.1% State average from 1521 schools:
12.0% Percentage of African American students expulsions: 1.50% This school:
1.50% State average from 1521 schools:
CRT Statistics:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - All Students:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Below Proficient (48%) Advanced (12%) Proficient (40%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (47%) Below Proficient (12%) Advanced (41%) Percentage of students tested: 96.0% Hillcrest High School:
96.0% State average from 1601 schools:
99.7% Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 48.0% Here:
48.0% State average from 1517 schools:
11.5% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 40.0% This school:
40.0% State average from 1517 schools:
47.1% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 12.0% This school:
12.0% State average from 1517 schools:
41.0% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced: 52.0% This school:
52.0% State average from 1517 schools:
87.3% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (2yrs): 62.0% This school:
62.0% State average from 1499 schools:
88.7% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (3yrs): 61.0% Here:
61.0% State average from 1470 schools:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Male subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Below Proficient (52%) Advanced (8%) Proficient (40%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (48%) Below Proficient (14%) Advanced (37%) Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 52.0% Here:
52.0% State average from 1515 schools:
14.0% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 40.0% Hillcrest High School:
40.0% State average from 1515 schools:
48.2% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 8.0% Hillcrest High School:
8.0% State average from 1515 schools:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Female subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Below Proficient (44%) Advanced (16%) Proficient (40%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (46%) Below Proficient (9%) Advanced (45%) Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 44.0% Here:
44.0% State average from 1508 schools:
8.6% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 40.0% Here:
40.0% State average from 1508 schools:
46.0% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 16.0% Hillcrest High School:
16.0% State average from 1508 schools:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - African American subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Below Proficient (47%) Advanced (12%) Proficient (41%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (57%) Below Proficient (17%) Advanced (26%) Percentage of students tested: 96.0% Here:
96.0% State average from 976 schools:
99.6% Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 47.0% This school:
47.0% State average from 919 schools:
16.9% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 41.0% This school:
41.0% State average from 919 schools:
56.5% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 12.0% This school:
12.0% State average from 919 schools:
26.4% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced: 53.0% Hillcrest High School:
53.0% State average from 919 schools:
80.5% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (2yrs): 62.0% This school:
62.0% State average from 772 schools:
83.3% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (3yrs): 61.0% Here:
61.0% State average from 711 schools:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Economically Disadvantaged subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Below Proficient (46%) Advanced (13%) Proficient (41%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (54%) Below Proficient (15%) Advanced (30%) Percentage of students tested: 97.0% Here:
97.0% State average from 1573 schools:
99.5% Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 46.0% Here:
46.0% State average from 1470 schools:
15.4% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 41.0% Here:
41.0% State average from 1470 schools:
54.2% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 13.0% Here:
13.0% State average from 1470 schools:
29.9% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced: 54.0% This school:
54.0% State average from 1470 schools:
82.7% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (2yrs): 62.0% Here:
62.0% State average from 1428 schools:
85.3% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (3yrs): 61.0% Hillcrest High School:
61.0% State average from 1393 schools:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Students with Disabilities subgroup: Percentage of students tested: 96.0% Here:
96.0% State average from 1442 schools:
99.3% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (2yrs): 15.0% Here:
15.0% State average from 1083 schools:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Non-Migrant subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Below Proficient (48%) Advanced (12%) Proficient (40%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (47%) Below Proficient (11%) Advanced (41%) Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 48.0% Here:
48.0% State average from 1517 schools:
11.4% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 40.0% Here:
40.0% State average from 1517 schools:
47.1% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 12.0% This school:
12.0% State average from 1517 schools:
2006 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Displaced Students subgroup: Percentage of students tested: 100.0% Here:
100.0% State average from 190 schools:
2005 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - All Students:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Proficient (43%) Advanced (28%) Below Proficient (29%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (51%) Below Proficient (9%) Advanced (40%) Percentage of students tested: 99.0% Hillcrest High School:
99.0% State average from 1587 schools:
99.8% Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 29.0% Hillcrest High School:
29.0% State average from 1564 schools:
9.2% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 43.0% Here:
43.0% State average from 1564 schools:
51.0% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 28.0% Here:
28.0% State average from 1564 schools:
39.5% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (2yrs): 65.0% Here:
65.0% State average from 1537 schools:
87.5% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (3yrs): 59.0% Here:
59.0% State average from 1512 schools:
2005 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Male subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Proficient (41%) Advanced (26%) Below Proficient (33%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (54%) Below Proficient (11%) Advanced (35%) Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 33.0% Here:
33.0% State average from 1560 schools:
11.4% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 41.0% Here:
41.0% State average from 1560 schools:
53.5% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 26.0% This school:
26.0% State average from 1560 schools:
2005 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Female subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Proficient (45%) Below Proficient (25%) Advanced (30%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (49%) Below Proficient (7%) Advanced (44%) Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 25.0% Here:
25.0% State average from 1554 schools:
6.8% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 45.0% Here:
45.0% State average from 1554 schools:
48.6% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 30.0% Here:
30.0% State average from 1554 schools:
2005 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - African American subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Proficient (43%) Advanced (28%) Below Proficient (29%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (61%) Below Proficient (14%) Advanced (25%) Percentage of students tested: 99.0% This school:
99.0% State average from 841 schools:
99.8% Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 29.0% This school:
29.0% State average from 826 schools:
13.9% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 43.0% Here:
43.0% State average from 826 schools:
61.1% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 28.0% Here:
28.0% State average from 826 schools:
24.5% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (2yrs): 65.0% Here:
65.0% State average from 760 schools:
80.4% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (3yrs): 59.0% Here:
59.0% State average from 709 schools:
2005 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Economically Disadvantaged subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Proficient (42%) Advanced (28%) Below Proficient (30%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (59%) Below Proficient (13%) Advanced (29%) Percentage of students tested: 100.0% Here:
100.0% State average from 1536 schools:
99.8% Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 30.0% Here:
30.0% State average from 1508 schools:
12.5% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 42.0% Here:
42.0% State average from 1508 schools:
58.7% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 28.0% Here:
28.0% State average from 1508 schools:
28.5% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (2yrs): 64.0% Here:
64.0% State average from 1476 schools:
83.2% Percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced (3yrs): 58.0% This school:
58.0% State average from 1429 schools:
2005 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Students with Disabilities subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Below Proficient (71%) Proficient (29%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (57%) Advanced (11%) Below Proficient (32%) Percentage of students tested: 93.0% This school:
93.0% State average from 1170 schools:
99.6% Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 71.0% Here:
71.0% State average from 1154 schools:
31.6% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 29.0% Here:
29.0% State average from 1154 schools:
2005 Reading Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) Statistics - Non-Migrant subgroup:
CRT Reading Results - Hillcrest High School Proficient (43%) Advanced (28%) Below Proficient (29%)
CRT Reading Results - Tennessee Proficient (51%) Below Proficient (9%) Advanced (40%) Percentage of students scoring below proficient: 29.0% Here:
29.0% State average from 1564 schools:
9.2% Percentage of students scoring proficient: 43.0% Here:
43.0% State average from 1564 schools:
51.0% Percentage of students scoring advanced: 28.0% Here:
28.0% State average from 1564 schools:
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This school has an average Parent Rating of 4 out of 5 stars, based on reviews from 12 parents.