Hannah Dee

Hannah Dee developed and runs the annual BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium, the one-day conference for women computing students to encourage networking for women students from around the UK, in addition to gaining career development advice from successful women in computing. Hannah is a lecturer in computer science at Aberystwyth University,[1] with research areas in computer vision for the analysis of human behaviour; shadow detection and reasoning; and student attitudes to the study of computer science. She is noted for championing the cause of women in IT.

She was one of the 30 women identified in the BCS Women in IT Campaign in 2014 source[2] and was then featured in the e-book of these 30 women in IT, “Women in IT: Inspiring the next generation” produced by the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, as a free download e-book, from various sources. [3]

Academic qualifications

Postdoctoral research positions

Before employment at Aberystwyth, she accepted a one year post doctorate position working in Grenoble (in the French alps). Prior to that she undertook a three year post doctorate in Leeds, and before that, six months in Kingston upon Thames.

Research area

Computer vision, specifically modelling visual change and patterns of motion, has worked in surveillance, analysing videos of human behaviour, modelling plant growth, modelling the way in which an artist's style changes over time. Teaching has mainly been in Artificial Intelligence and web programming. Hannah was awarded a university learning and teaching fellowship from Aberystwyth in 2012.



Roscoe, Dee, Zwiggelaar, Coping with Noise in Ultrasound Images: A review, MIUA 2012 [4]

Ngoc-Son Vu, Hannah M. Dee and Alice Caplier "Face Recognition using the POEM descriptor", Pattern Recognition[5]


Hannah M. Dee, Cohn, A. G. and Hogg, D. C. "Building semantic scene models from unconstrained video" Volume 116, Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 446.456 [6]

Paul Robson, Michal Mos, Hannah Dee, John Clifton-Brown and Iain Donnison (2011). Improving bioenergy crop yield and quality through manipulating senescence. In: Biomass and Bioenergy Crops IV. Aspects of Applied Biology 112, pp. 323–328.[7]

Hannah M. Dee & Paulo E. Santos (2011): The Perception and Content of Cast Shadows: An Interdisciplinary Review, Spatial Cognition & Computation,[8] 11:3, 226-25.


Dee, H. M. and Caplier, A. "Crowd behaviour analysis using histograms of motion direction", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2010, Hong Kong.[9]

Santos, P. E., Dee, H. M. and Fenelon, V. "Knowledge-based adaptative thresholding from shadows" Accepted at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2010, Lisbon, Portugal[10]


Hannah was voted 15th most influential woman in UK IT 2014.,[12] and is active on the Committee of BCSWomen.

In 2015, Hannah was identified as the 10th[13] Most Influential Women in UK IT 2015, by Computer Weekly.

Other activities


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