HVDC Zhoushan

Zhoushan HVDC was the first HVDC scheme built in China. Zhoushan HVDC is a bipolar HVDC connecting the powergrid of Zhoushan island with the Chinese mainland. The line has a total length of 54.1 kilometres and consists of 2 submarine cables with a length of 12 kilometres and three overhead powerline sections with a length of 12 kiolometres. The static inverters are equipped with thyristors and designed for a voltage of 100 kV and a maximum transmission rate of 50 MW. The used inverters are from six-pole type, therefore the station have much more extended harmonics filters than others. As transformers on the mainland a three winding type 115/83/10kV is used and on Zhenshou island a three winding type 38.5±2×2.5%/81/10kV is used. The reactive power of the used harmonics filters is 23.5 MVAr at Ningbo station and 24.5 MVar at Gao Tongge station on Zhoushan. The smoothing reactor has an inductance of 1.27 H. Start on construction of Zhoushan HVDC, which was built by Heavy Machine Factory, Beijing, Red Flag cable plant and Shanghai Relay Factory, took place in 1984, in 1986 construction work was completed and after a year of trial operation, it went in service on December 1, 1989.

The scheme may be today in a no more workable state and may be also partly dismantled.


The mutual sites of the inverter plants are at:

See also

External links

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