HAZMAT Class 7 Radioactive substances

Radioactive substances are materials that emit radiation.


Radioactive placard on containers aboard a US Navy ship.

Any quantity of packages bearing the RADIOACTIVE YELLOW III label (LSA-III).

Some radioactive materials in "exclusive use" with low specific activity radioactive materials will not bear the label, however, the RADIOACTIVE placard is required.


Hazardous Materials
Class 7: Radioactive

Compatibility Table

Load and Segregation Chart
  Weight 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 3 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 7 8
7 any qty X X     X   O                          
The absence of any hazard class or division or a blank space in the table indicates that no restrictions apply.
  • *: This indicates that segregation among different Class 1 materials is governed by the compatibility table in 49CFR 177.848(f)
  • X: These materials may not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility during the course of transportation.
  • O: Indicates that these materials may not be loaded, transported or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility during the course of transportation, unless separated in a manner that, in the event of leakage from packages under conditions normally incident to transportation, commingling of hazardous materials would not occur.
  • A: This note means that, notwithstanding the requirements of the letter 'X', ammonium nitrate fertilizer may be loaded or stored with Division 1.1 or Division 1.5 materials.


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