Hölder condition

In mathematics, a real or complex-valued function f on d-dimensional Euclidean space satisfies a Hölder condition, or is Hölder continuous, when there are nonnegative real constants C, α, such that

 | f(x) - f(y) | \leq C\parallel x - y\parallel^{\alpha}

for all x and y in the domain of f. More generally, the condition can be formulated for functions between any two metric spaces. The number α is called the exponent of the Hölder condition. If α = 1, then the function satisfies a Lipschitz condition. If α = 0, then the function simply is bounded. The condition is named after Otto Hölder.

We have the following chain of inclusions for functions over a compact subset of the real line

Continuously differentiableLipschitz continuousα-Hölder continuousuniformly continuouscontinuous

where 0 < α ≤1.

Hölder spaces

Hölder spaces consisting of functions satisfying a Hölder condition are basic in areas of functional analysis relevant to solving partial differential equations, and in dynamical systems. The Hölder space Ck(Ω), where Ω is an open subset of some Euclidean space and k ≥ 0 an integer, consists of those functions on Ω having continuous derivatives up to order k and such that the kth partial derivatives are Hölder continuous with exponent α, where 0 < α ≤ 1. This is a locally convex topological vector space. If the Hölder coefficient

 | f |_{C^{0,\alpha}} = \sup_{x \neq y \in \Omega} \frac{| f(x) - f(y) |}{|x-y|^\alpha},

is finite, then the function f is said to be (uniformly) Hölder continuous with exponent α in Ω. In this case, the Hölder coefficient serves as a seminorm. If the Hölder coefficient is merely bounded on compact subsets of Ω, then the function f is said to be locally Hölder continuous with exponent α in Ω.

If the function f and its derivatives up to order k are bounded on the closure of Ω, then the Hölder space C^{k,\alpha}(\overline{\Omega}) can be assigned the norm

 \| f \|_{C^{k, \alpha}} = \|f\|_{C^k}+\max_{| \beta | = k} \left | D^\beta f  \right |_{C^{0,\alpha}}

where β ranges over multi-indices and

\|f\|_{C^k} = \max_{| \beta | \leq k} \sup_{x\in\Omega} \left |D^\beta f (x) \right |.

These norms and seminorms are often denoted simply | f |_{0,\alpha} and \| f \|_{k,\alpha} or also | f |_{0, \alpha,\Omega}\; and \| f \|_{k, \alpha,\Omega} in order to stress the dependence on the domain of f. If Ω is open and bounded, then  C^{k,\alpha}(\overline{\Omega}) is a Banach space with respect to the norm  \|\cdot\|_{C^{k, \alpha}} .

Compact embedding of Hölder spaces

Let Ω be a bounded subset of some Euclidean space (or more generally, any totally bounded metric space) and let 0 < α < β ≤ 1 two Hölder exponents. Then, there is an obvious inclusion of the corresponding Hölder spaces:

C^{0,\beta}(\Omega)\to C^{0,\alpha}(\Omega),

which is continuous since, by definition of the Hölder norms, the inequality

| f |_{0,\alpha,\Omega}\le \mathrm{diam}(\Omega)^{\beta-\alpha} | f |_{0,\beta,\Omega}

holds for all f in C0,β(Ω). Moreover, this inclusion is compact, meaning that bounded sets in the ‖ · ‖0,β norm are relatively compact in the ‖ · ‖0,α norm. This is a direct consequence of the Ascoli-Arzelà theorem. Indeed, let (un) be a bounded sequence in C0,β(Ω). Thanks to the Ascoli-Arzelà theorem we can assume without loss of generality that unu uniformly, and we can also assume u = 0. Then

|u_n-u|_{0,\alpha}=|u_n|_{0,\alpha}\to 0,


\frac{|u_n(x)-u_n(y)|}{|x-y|^\alpha}\le\left(\frac{|u_n(x)-u_n(y)|}{|x-y|^\beta}\right)^{\alpha/\beta}|u_n(x)-u_n(y)|^{1-\alpha/\beta} \le |u_n|_{0,\beta}^{\beta/\alpha}\,\left(2\|u_n\|_\infty\right)^{1-\alpha/\beta}=o(1).


u_{x,r} = \frac{1}{|B_r|} \int_{B_r(x)} u(y) dy
and u satisfies
\int_{B_r(x)} |u(y) - u_{x,r}|^2 dy \leq C r^{n+2\alpha},
then u is Hölder continuous with exponent α.[1]
w(u,x_0,r) = \sup_{B_r(x_0)} u - \inf_{B_r(x_0)} u
for some function u(x) satisfies
w(u,x_0,\tfrac{r}{2}) \leq \lambda w(u,x_0,r)
for a fixed λ with 0 < λ < 1 and all sufficiently small values of r, then u is Hölder continuous.
\|u\|_{C^{0,\gamma}(\mathbf{R}^n)}\leq C \|u\|_{W^{1,p}(\mathbf{R}^n)}
for all uC1(Rn) ∩ Lp(Rn), where γ = 1 − (n/p). Thus if uW1, p(Rn), then u is in fact Hölder continuous of exponent γ, after possibly being redefined on a set of measure 0.


\|f-f_k\|_{\infty,X}=O \left (k^{-\frac{\alpha}{1-\alpha}} \right ).
Conversely, any such sequence (fk) of Lipschitz functions converges to an αHölder continuous uniform limit f.
f^*(x):=\inf_{y\in X}\left\{f(y)+C|x-y|^\alpha\right\}.


  1. See, for example, Han and Lin, Chapter 3, Section 1. This result was originally due to Sergio Campanato.


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