
Gudugudu is a traditional drum used by the Yoruba ethnic group of Nigeria. The gudugudu, being a member of the dundun family of drums, is said to mimic speech. Some commentators think that the gudugudu drum is so melodic and danceable that it can sustain a melody without accompaniment. It can be seen and experienced in modern sekere, fuji, apala and possibly juju cultural performances.


The gudugudu drum is shaped like a bowl. It is round, small, and has a single animal skin drum head. The gudugudu is played with two thin and semi-flexible dried rolled sticks or "lashes" mad of cow skin (in its dried form commonly called "rawhide").

Audio Clips and Images (External Links)

See also

Music of Nigeria


"African Counter". 3E Web Media. 26 September 2011.  "Drums". Motherlan' Music Lagos. 26 September 2011.  "MotherLand Music". MotherLand Music. 26 September 2011. 

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