Graph coloring game

The graph coloring game is a mathematical game related to graph theory. Coloring game problems arose as game-theoretic versions of well-known graph coloring problems. In a coloring game, two players are using a given set of colors to construct a coloring of a graph, following specific rules depending on the game we consider. One player tries to complete successfully the coloring of the graph, when the other one tries to prevent him to achieve it.

Vertex coloring game

The vertex coloring game was introduced in 1981 by Brahms[1] and rediscovered ten years after by Bodlaender.[2] Its rules are as follows:

  1. Alice and Bob are coloring the vertices of a graph G with a set k of colors.
  2. Alice and Bob are taking turns, coloring properly a uncolored vertex (in the standard version, Alice begins).
  3. If a vertex v is impossible to color properly (for any color, v has a neighbor colored with it), then Bob wins.
  4. If the graph is completely colored, then Alice wins.

The game chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by \chi_g(G), is the minimum number of colors needed for Alice to win the vertex coloring game on G. Trivially, for every graph G, we have \chi(G) \le \chi_g(G) \le \Delta(G) + 1, where \chi(G) is the chromatic number of G and \Delta(G) its maximum degree.[3]

Relation with other notions

Acyclic coloring. Every graph G with acyclic chromatic number k has \chi_g(G) \le k(k+1).[4]

Marking game. For every graph G, \chi_g(G) \le col_g(G), where col_g(G) is the game coloring number of G. Almost every known upper bound for the game chromatic number of graphs are obtained from bounds on the game coloring number.

Cycle-restrictions on edges. If every edge of a graph G belongs to at most c cycles, then \chi_g(G) \le 4+c.[5]

Graph Classes

For a class {\mathcal C} of graphs, we denote by \chi_g({\mathcal C}) the smallest integer k such that every graph G of {\mathcal C} has \chi_g(G) \le k. In other words, \chi_g({\mathcal C}) is the exact upper bound for the game chromatic number of graphs in this class. This value is known for several standard graph classes, and bounded for some others:

Cartesian products. The game chromatic number of the cartesian product G \square H is not bounded by a function of \chi_g(G) and \chi_g(H). In particular, the game chromatic number of any complete bipartite graph K_{n,n} is equal to 3, but there is no upper bound for \chi_g(K_{n,n} \square K_{m,m}) for arbitrary n, m.[16]

Open problems

These questions are still open to this date.

Edge coloring game

The edge coloring game, introduced by Lam, Shiu and Zu,[19] is similar to the vertex coloring game, except Alice and Bob construct a proper edge coloring instead of a proper vertex coloring. Its rules are as follows:

  1. Alice and Bob are coloring the edges a graph G with a set k of colors.
  2. Alice and Bob are taking turns, coloring properly a uncolored edge (in the standard version, Alice begins).
  3. If an edge e is impossible to color properly (for any color, e is adjacent to an edge colored with it), then Bob wins.
  4. If the graph is completely edge-colored, then Alice wins.

Although this game can be considered as a particular case of the vertex coloring game on line graphs, it is mainly considered in the scientific literature as a distinct game. The game chromatic index of a graph G, denoted by \chi'_g(G), is the minimum number of colors needed for Alice to win this game on G.

General case

For every graph G, \chi'(G) \le \chi'_g(G) \le 2\Delta(G) -1. There are graphs reaching these bounds but all the graphs we know reaching this upper bound have small maximum degree.[19] There exists graphs with \chi'_g(G) > 1.008\Delta(G) for arbitrary large values of \Delta(G).[20]

Conjecture. There is an \epsilon > 0 such that, for any arbitrary graph G, we have \chi'_g(G) \le (2-\epsilon)\Delta(G).
This conjecture is true when \Delta(G) is large enough compared to the number of vertices in G.[20]

Graph Classes

For a class {\mathcal C} of graphs, we denote by \chi'_g({\mathcal C}) the smallest integer k such that every graph G of {\mathcal C} has \chi'_g(G) \le k. In other words, \chi'_g({\mathcal C}) is the exact upper bound for the game chromatic index of graphs in this class. This value is known for several standard graph classes, and bounded for some others:

Open Problems

Upper bound. Is there a constant c \ge 2 such that \chi'_g(G) \le \Delta(G) + c for each graph G ? If it is true, is c = 2 enough ?[19]

Conjecture on large minimum degrees. There are a \epsilon > 0 and an integer d_0 such that any graph G with \delta(G) \ge d_0 satisfies \chi'_g(G) \ge (1+\epsilon)\delta(G). [20]

Incidence coloring game

The incidence coloring game is a graph coloring game, introduced by Andres,[24] and similar to the vertex coloring game, except Alice and Bob construct a proper incidence coloring instead of a proper vertex coloring. Its rules are as follows:

  1. Alice and Bob are coloring the incidences of a graph G with a set k of colors.
  2. Alice and Bob are taking turns, coloring properly an uncolored incidence (in the standard version, Alice begins).
  3. If an incidence i is impossible to color properly (for any color, i is adjacent to an incident colored with it), then Bob wins.
  4. If all the incidences are properly colored, then Alice wins.

The incidence game chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by i_g(G), is the minimum number of colors needed for Alice to win this game on G.

For every graph G with maximum degree \Delta, we have \frac{3\Delta - 1}{2} < i_g(G) < 3\Delta - 1.[24]

Relations with other notions

Graph Classes

For a class {\mathcal C} of graphs, we denote by i_g({\mathcal C}) the smallest integer k such that every graph G of {\mathcal C} has i_g(G) \le k.

Open Problems


  1. Gardner (1981)
  2. Bodlaender (1991)
  3. With less colors than the chromatic number, there is no proper coloring of G and so Alice cannot win. With most colors than the maximum degree, there is always an available color for coloring a vertex and so Alice cannot lose.
  4. Dinski & Zhu (1999)
  5. Junosza-Szaniawski & Roej (2010)
  6. Faigle et al. (1993), and implied by Junosza-Szaniawski & Roej (2010)
  7. 1 2 Dunn et al. (2014)
  8. Sidorowicz (2007), and implied by Junosza-Szaniawski & Roej (2010)
  9. Guan & Zhu (1999)
  10. Upper bound by Zhu (2008), improving previous bounds of 33 in Kierstead & Trotter (1994), 30 implied by Dinski & Zhu (1999), 19 in Zhu (1999) and 18 in Kierstead (2000). Lower bound claimed by Kierstead & Trotter (1994). See a survey dedicated to the game chromatic number of planar graphs in Bartnicki et al. (2007).
  11. Sekigushi (2014)
  12. He et al. (2002)
  13. Raspaud & Wu (2009)
  14. Zhu (2000)
  15. Faigle et al. (1993)
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peterin (2007)
  17. 1 2 3 Sia (2009)
  18. 1 2 Zhu (1999)
  19. 1 2 3 4 Lam, Shiu & Zu (1999)
  20. 1 2 3 Beveridge et al. (2008)
  21. Bartnicki & Grytczuk (2008), improving results on k-degenerated graphs in Cai & Zhu (2001)
  22. Upper bound of Δ+2 by Lam, Shiu & Zu (1999), then bound of Δ+1 by Erdös et al. (2004) for cases Δ=3 and Δ≥6, and by Andres (2006) for case Δ=5.
  23. Conditions on forests with Δ=4 are in Chan & Nong (2014)
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Andres (2009a), see also erratum in Andres (2009b)
  25. 1 2 Charpentier & Sopena (2014), extending results of Charpentier & Sopena (2013).
  26. Kim (2011), improving a similar result for k ≥ 7 in Andres (2009a) (see also erratum in Andres (2009b))
  27. Kim (2011)

References (chronological order)

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