GX (gaming expo)

GX – Canadian National Gaming Expo
Status Active
Genre Multi-Genre
Venue Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Location(s) Toronto, Ontario
Country Canada
Inaugurated 2005
Most recent Ongoing
Attendance 79,000 in 2011
Organized by Hobby Star Marketing Inc.
Filing status Corporate

Toronto, Canada's GX is the “National Gaming Expo” and part of an annual multigenre convention entitled Fan Expo Canada. It was founded 2005 by Hobby Star Marketing Inc. It is traditionally a three-day event (Friday through Sunday) but expanded to four days (Thursday through Sunday) in 2011. It is typically held the weekend before Labour Day during the summer in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Originally showcasing collectable card games, role playing games/fantasy and some film/television and related popular arts, the convention has expanded over the years to include a larger range of pop culture elements, such as Collectible miniatures games, board games, video games and web entertainment. The Fan Expo Canada convention which GX is a part of is the largest of its kind in Canada and among the largest in world, filling the entire North building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre with over 79,000 attendees in 2011.

Along with panels, seminars, and workshops with industry professionals, there are previews of upcoming products, and news from video game companies, and evening events such as The Masquerade; a costume contest, and the Diamond Distribution Industry Night Dinner and reception for industry professionals only.

Like most consumer conventions, Fan Expo Canada features a large floorspace for exhibitors. These include media companies such as movie studios and TV networks, as well as comic book publishers and collectibles merchants. Fan Expo Canada also includes a large autograph area, as well as the Artists' Alley where artists can sign autographs and sell or draw free sketches.

History of GX - Locations and dates

Dates Location Attendees Notable guests Notes
August 26–28, 2005 Metro Toronto Convention Centre 39,753 Elijah Wood, Clive Barker, Gary Gygax, James Marsters, Kevin Sorbo, Elvira, J. Michael Straczynski, Neal Adams, Jhonen Vasquez, Peter Laird. GX Gaming Expo brand first appears as a feature event. Attendance reaches facility limit and Toronto Fire Marshall's office halts ticket sales on Saturday afternoon.
September 1–3, 2006 Metro Toronto Convention Centre 42,947 William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Carrie Fisher, Alice Cooper, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Brian Michael Bendis, Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver, Mike Mignola, Roman Dirge. Canadian National Expo re-branded as Fan Expo Canada. The show outgrows the North Building of the MTCC and moves to the much larger South Building.]
August 24–26, 2007 Metro Toronto Convention Centre 43,738 Adam West, Jonathan Frakes, Malcolm McDowell, Adrienne Barbeau, Paul Dini, and David Finch (comics), World Series of Video Games partners with Fan Expo Canada to hold the largest live video game tournament ever held in Canada.
August 22–24, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre 44,500 Buzz Aldrin, Sean Astin, Renée O'Connor, Wes Craven, Brad Dourif, Alex Ross. Peter David, Adam Hughes, Kevin Eastman, Victor Lucas, Jon Jacobs, Donna Mei-Ling Park among others. Major League Gaming (MLG) replaces World Series of Video Games as partner for GX feature of Fan Expo Canada.
August 28–30, 2009 Metro Toronto Convention Centre 59,000 Leonard Nimoy, Bruce Campbell, Linda Hamilton, J. Michael Straczynski, Roger Corman, Udo Kier, Chris Bachalo, Len Wein, Bill Sienkiewicz, Steve Downes, Victor Lucas, Lil Poison, Scott Jones, and surprise guest Tobin Bell (unannounced). Fan Expo Canada reveals its first Title Sponsor with Rogers High Speed Internet.

Attendance reaches facility limit and Toronto Fire Marshal's office halts ticket sales for two hours on Saturday afternoon.

August 27–29, 2010 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Over 64,000 William Shatner, Adam West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar, James Marsters, Stan Lee, Felicia Day, Summer Glau, David Cronenberg, Lance Henriksen, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Yoshitaka Amano, Victor Lucas, Scott Jones, Tommy Tallarico, Jarett Cale, Geoff Lapaire, Ed Greenwood, Robin D. Laws, Casts of Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, Riese, Lost Girl, Dark Rising, Durham County, Pure Pwnage, Electric Playground, and Reviews on the Run.

Cancellations: Peter Facinelli (to attend the Emmy’s) Leslie Nielsen (due to poor health)

Attendance reaches facility limit and Toronto Fire Marshal's office halts ticket sales for four hours on Saturday afternoon.
August 25–28, 2011 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Over 79,000 William Shatner, Tom Felton, Eliza Dushku, Katee Sackhoff, Anthony Daniels, Victor Lucas, Scott Jones, Tommy Tallarico, Jarett Cale, Ed Greenwood, Robin D. Laws, and surprise guest Guillermo del Toro (unannounced). First year running for 4 days, with Thursday added as the new extra day. Operating hours also expanded for each day.
August 23–26, 2012 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Over 79,000 expected

External links and references

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