Academic grading in Canada

Academic grading in Canada varies by province, level of education (e.g., high school or university), institution (e.g., Queens), and faculty. The following are commonly used conversions from percentage grades to letter grades, however, this is not necessarily meaningful, since there is not a uniform scheme for assigning percentage grades either.

Academic Grading

British Columbia


Letter Percent
A 86% - 100%
B 73% - 85%
C+ 64% - 72%
C 60% - 63%
C- 50% - 59%
I 0% - 49%

[1] Letter Grade Interpretation:

A = The student demonstrates excellent or outstanding performance in relation to expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade.

B = The student demonstrates very good performance in relation to expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade.

C+ = The student demonstrates good performance in relation to expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade.

C = The student demonstrates satisfactory performance in relation to expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade.

C- = The student demonstrates minimally acceptable performance in relation to expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade.

I = (In Progress or Incomplete) The student, for a variety of reasons, is not demonstrating minimally acceptable performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes. An "I" letter grade may only be assigned in accordance with section 3.

F = (Failed) The student has not demonstrated the minimally acceptable performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes for the course or subject and grade. F (Failed) may only be used as a final letter grade if an "I" (In Progress) letter grade has been previously assigned or the "F" is assigned as a result of failing a provincially examinable course.

W = (Withdrawal) According to the policy of the board, and upon request of the parent of the student or, when appropriate, the student, the principal, vice principal or director of instruction in charge of a school may grant permission to a student to withdraw from a course or subject.

SG = (Standing Granted) Although completion of normal requirements is not possible, a sufficient level of performance has been attained to warrant, consistent with the best interests of the student, the granting of standing for the course or subject and grade. Standing Granted may be used in cases of serious illness, hospitalization, late entry or early leaving, but may only be granted by an adjudication process authorized by the principal, vice principal or director of instruction in charge of the school. Standing Granted may not be used for a course with a Required Graduation Program Examination. Standing Granted may not be used for Graduation Transitions.

(TS = Transfer Standing) May be granted by the principal, vice principal or director of instruction in charge of a school on the basis of an examination of records from an institution other than a school as defined in the School Act. Alternatively, the principal, vice principal or director of instruction in charge of a school may assign a letter grade on the basis of an examination of those records.

Many school districts in British Columbia have switched the reporting method from percentages to letter grades for Grades 8 - 9.


7th & 8th Grade:

Letter Percent
A+ 90% - 100%
A 80% - 89%
B 70% - 79%
C 60% - 69%
D 50% - 59%
F 0% - 49%

Senior 1-4 (Grade 9-12): Students need to obtain 30 credits in 4 years. The credits are given on a pass-fail system. Each teacher creates their own standard of the pass-fail line. The line can be no less than 50% and no greater than 70%. When the student completes Senior 4, a class rank based on the curve will be put on his or her transcript.


Prior to
September 2010[2]
Beginning in
September 2010[3]
Letter Percent
A+ 90% - 100%
A 85% - 89%
A- 80% - 84%
B+ 77% - 79%
B 73% - 76%
B- 70% - 72%
C+ 67% - 69%
C 63% - 66%
C- 60% - 62%
D+ 57% - 59%
D 53% - 56%
D- 50% - 52%
F 0% - 49%
Letter Percent
A+ 95% - 100%
A 87% - 94%
A- 80% - 86%
B+ 77% - 79%
B 73% - 76%
B- 70% - 72%
C+ 65% - 69%
C 63% - 64%
C- 60% - 62%
D+ 57% - 59%
D 53% - 56%
D- 50% - 52%
F 0% - 49%


At a high school level, most subjects are separated in three competencies. On report cards, marks are normally shown as numbers and an average of the two marks associated to the subject will be calculated. There is a Level of academic failure that is below *F that is known as a "W" and its is Nationally recognized as "Wooden Class". For example, if a student achieves A, A- and B+ in a subject, teachers will calculate an average of the three marks (in this case, 90%).

Quebec passing mark is 60% and not 50% as compared to some other provinces. Also worth note the military pass mark is also generally 60%.

Note: Most schools in Quebec have now switched to percentages. The mark the students receives is the mark that is shown. The 60% passing mark remains.


In elementary schools "M" may be used to indicate a student is in a modified program (for children with learning disabilities, advanced programs, some gym classes etc.)

  1. 1 2
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