Frank Neuner

Frank Neuner was born 1971. He is professor of Clinical Psychology at Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science, Bielefeld University.


Frank Neuner heads the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, including the affiliated treatment facilities and the Institute for Postgraduate Therapy Training. The research includes fundamental neuroscientific studies on the effects of violence on the brain and extends to epidemiological studies and experimental therapy studies with traumatized survivors of war, torture, and natural disasters in current and former war zones, e.g., in Uganda, Rwanda, and Sri Lanka. In 2004 he gains the Award of the Foundation “Science and Society”, Konstanz and the Award for promising young talents of the Section Clinical Psychology of the German Psychological Society. He is member of the Association of Psychological Sciences (APS) (since 2008) and also member of vivo e. V. (chairman from 2001 to 2008.


Selected publications

Personal Website

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