fpqc morphism

In algebraic geometry, an fpqc morphism f: X \to Y of schemes is a faithfully flat morphism that satisfies the following equivalent conditions:

  1. Every quasi-compact open subset of Y is the image of a quasi-compact open subset of X.
  2. There exists a covering V_i of Y by open affine subschemes such that each V_i is the image of a quasi-compact open subset of X.
  3. Each point x \in X has a neighborhood U such that f(U) is open and f: U \to f(U) is quasi-compact.
  4. Each point x \in X has a quasi-compact neighborhood such that f(U) is open affine.

Examples: An open faithfully flat morphism is fpqc.

An fpqc morphism satisfies the following properties:

Fpqc stands for the French phrase "fidèlement plat et quasi-compact", meaning "faithfully flat and quasi-compact".

See also


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