Short Trips: Zodiac

Short Trips: Zodiac
Author Jacqueline Rayner
Series Doctor Who book:
Big Finish Short Trips
Release number
Publisher Big Finish Productions
Publication date
December 2002
Pages 192
ISBN 1-84435-006-1
Followed by Short Trips: Companions

Short Trips: Zodiac is a Big Finish original anthology edited by Jacqueline Rayner and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


Title Synopsis Featuring Author Zodiac symbol
"The True and Indisputable Facts in the Case of the Ram’s Skull" 1st Doctor, Ian and Barbara Mark Michalowski Aries
"Growing Higher" 8th Doctor, Fitz Paul Leonard Taurus
"Twin Piques" 2nd Doctor, Jamie Tony Keetch Gemini
"Still Lives" 3rd Doctor, Liz and The Brigadier Ian Potter Cancer
"Constant Companion" 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Zoe Simon A. Forward Leo
"Virgin Lands" 7th Doctor, Ace and Bernice Summerfield Sarah Groenewegen Virgo
"The Switching" 3rd Doctor, Jo and UNIT Simon Guerrier Libra
"Jealous, Possessive" K-9, Marks I and II Paul Magrs Scorpio
"Five Card Draw" 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th Doctors, and Peri Todd Green Sagittarius
"I Was A Monster!!!" 4th Doctor, Romana II Joseph Lidster Capricorn
"The Invertebrates of Doom" 7th Doctor, Mel Andrew Collins Aquarius
"The Stabber" 6th Doctor, Peri Alison Lawson Pisces

External links


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