First Rutte cabinet

First Rutte cabinet
Rutte-Verhagen cabinet

68th Cabinet of the Netherlands

The First Rutte cabinet on 14 October 2010
Date formed 14 October 2010 (2010-10-14)
Date dissolved 5 November 2012 (2012-11-05)
People and organisations
Head of government Mark Rutte
Deputy head of government Maxime Verhagen
Head of state Beatrix of the Netherlands
Ministers removed
Total number of ministers 13
Member party People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD)
Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA)
Status in legislature Minority government
Election(s) Dutch general election, 2010
Outgoing election Dutch general election, 2012
Legislature term(s) 2010-2012
Incoming formation 2010 Dutch cabinet formation
Outgoing formation 2012 Dutch cabinet formation
Predecessor Fourth Balkenende cabinet
Successor Second Rutte cabinet
Azure, billetty Or a lion with a coronet Or armed and langued Gules holding in his dexter paw a sword Argent hilted Or and in the sinister paw seven arrows Argent pointed and bound together Or. [The seven arrows stand for the seven provinces of the Union of Utrecht.] The shield is crowned with the (Dutch) royal crown and supported by two lions Or armed and langued gules. They stand on a scroll Azure with the text (Or) "Je Maintiendrai" (French for "I will maintain".)
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politics and government of
the Netherlands

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The First Rutte cabinet, also called the Rutte-Verhagen cabinet was the executive branch of the Dutch government from 14 October 2010 until 5 November 2012. The cabinet was formed by the political parties People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) after the Dutch general election of 2010. The cabinet was a minority cabinet but it was supported by the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the House of Representatives for a majority.


Further information: 2010 Dutch cabinet formation

Following the collapse of the fourth Balkenende cabinet on 20 February 2010, elections for the House of Representatives were held on 9 June 2010. As usual in Dutch politics, none of the parties had a majority and several Informateurs were appointed to investigate the formation of a coalition cabinet. A broad coalition consisting of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, Christian Democratic Appeal and the Labour Party was briefly looked at, but dismissed. Then negotiations for a "purple plus" coalition consisting of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, Labour Party, Democrats 66 and GreenLeft lasted for about three weeks, but the parties could not reach agreement on the amount of budget cuts. Finally, a construction which is rare for the Netherlands was investigated: a minority coalition consisting of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy and Christian Democratic Appeal (together 52 out of 150 seats in the House of Representatives), supported in parliament by the Party for Freedom (24 seats), to make the smallest possible majority of 76 seats. The reason for this construction was that parties agreed that the largest party the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy and the largest winner in the elections needed to be in power; only the Christian Democratic Appeal could or wanted to help make a majority, but they were against forming a proper coalition with Party for Freedom because of their different views on Islam and immigration. Therefore, negotiations were held to form a coalition agreement between the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy and Christian Democratic Appeal, and to form a "parliamentary support agreement" between all three parties, which were successfully finished on 30 September 2010.

The opposition parties expected that the coalition would prove to be unstable because at a special Christian Democratic Appeal conference, about a third of the Christian Democratic Appeal members voted against the formation of this cabinet. Also, in the Christian Democratic Appeal parliamentary fraction at least two people indicated they have difficulties with the cabinet, but say they will support it because the majority of the party approves of the cabinet.

When the cabinet took office, the three parties had a minority in the Senate of 35 out of 75 seats. The parties hoped this would change following the Dutch Senate election of 2011, but they obtained 37 seats, one short of a majority. However, it is expected that the small Christian party Reformed Political Party, which obtained one seat, will support the cabinet in the Senate.

Withdrawal of support of the Party for Freedom

Because of the financial crisis in the Netherlands and because of the rules of the European Union that the deficit should be maximum 3%, the Christian Democratic Appeal (Maxime Verhagen), the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (Mark Rutte), and the Party for Freedom (Geert Wilders) decided to talk with each other about new, severe austerity measures, worth about 14 billion Euro. The negotiations about the measures lasted 7 weeks and ended on 21 April when Geert Wilders walked out of the negotiations. The reason he gave was that the measure would negatively impact people who receive benefits from the Dutch pension act. Both Rutte and Verhagen blamed Wilders for the failure of the negotiations. As a result, the government resigned and a new election was called.


The cabinet consisted of 12 Ministers and 8 Undersecretaries. The positions where divided equally among the coalition members, regardless of their respective size: People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (31 seats in parliament) supplied 6 Ministers and 4 Undersecretaries, and Christian Democratic Appeal (21 seats) also supplied 6 Ministers and 4 Undersecretaries.

The number of Ministers and Undersecretaries was reduced from the previous cabinet by merging several ministries: the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality was merged with the Ministry of Economic Affairs; the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment was merged with the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management to form the new Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment; some tasks of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations went to the Ministry of Justice, which was renamed the Ministry of Security and Justice. Also the Minister for Development Cooperation was scrapped and replaced by a Minister without portfolio for Immigration, Integration and Asylum Affairs.

On 16 December 2011 the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Piet Hein Donner resigned after he was selected as the new Vice President of the Council of State succeeding Herman Tjeenk Willink, he was replaced as Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations by fellow Christian Democratic Appeal party member Liesbeth Spies.[1][2][3]

Ministers Title/Portfolio Term of office Party
Mark Rutte
(born 1967)
Prime Minister General Affairs 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Maxime Verhagen
(born 1956)
Deputy Prime Minister /
Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Piet Hein Donner
(born 1948)
Minister Interior and Kingdom Relations 14 October 2010 –
16 December 2011 [Appt]
Christian Democratic Appeal
Liesbeth Spies
(born 1966)
16 December 2011 –
5 November 2012
Uri Rosenthal
(born 1945)
Minister Foreign Affairs 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Jan Kees de Jager
(born 1969)
Minister Finance 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Ivo Opstelten
(born 1944)
Minister Security and Justice 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Hans Hillen
(born 1947)
Minister Defence 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Edith Schippers
(born 1964)
Minister Health, Welfare and Sport 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Marja van Bijsterveldt
(born 1961)
Minister Education, Culture and Science 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Melanie Schultz van Haegen
(born 1970)
Minister Infrastructure and the Environment 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Henk Kamp
(born 1952)
Minister Social Affairs and Employment 14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Minister without portfolio Title/Portfolio/Ministry Term of office Party
Gerd Leers
(born 1951)
Minister Immigration, Integration and Asylum Affairs
(within Interior and Kingdom Relations)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Undersecretaries Title/Portfolio/Ministry Term of office Party
Ben Knapen
(born 1951)
Undersecretary European Affairs and Development Cooperation
(within Foreign Affairs)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Frans Weekers
(born 1967)
Undersecretary Fiscal Affairs, Taxes and Finances of the Lower Government
(within Finance)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Fred Teeven
(born 1958)
Undersecretary [Title] Prevention, Family Law, Copyright Law and Youth Justice
(within Security and Justice)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Henk Bleker
(Born 1953)
Undersecretary [Title] Agriculture, Nature, Food Quality,
Tourism and Postal Affairs
(within Economic Affairs)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Marlies Veldhuijzen van Zanten
(born 1953)
Undersecretary Nursing and Care, Elderly Policy,
Youth Policy and Biotechnology
(within Health, Welfare and Sport)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Halbe Zijlstra
(born 1969)
Undersecretary Higher Education, Science and Knowledge,
Teachers and Culture
(within Education, Culture and Science)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Joop Atsma
(Born 1956)
Undersecretary Aviation, Water Policy and the Environment
(within Infrastructure and the Environment)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
Christian Democratic Appeal
Paul de Krom
(born 1963)
Undersecretary Unemployment Insurances, Equality,
Long-term Unemployment, Poverty, Health and Safety
(within Social Affairs and Employment)
14 October 2010 –
5 November 2012
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy
Source: (Dutch)
Title Allowed to use a ministers title while on foreign business.
Appt Appointment: Piet Hein Donner appointed Vice President of the Council of State.

See also


  1. (Dutch) Benoeming Spies tot minister vrijdag verwacht, NOS, 15 December 2011
  2. (Dutch) Donner naar Raad van State, NOS, 16 December 2011
  3. (Dutch) 'Spies volgt Donner op in kabinet',, 16 December 2011

External links

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