Fantasía Bética

Fantasía Bética (or Betic Fantasy or Fantasia Baetica) is a composition for piano by Manuel de Falla written in 1919. It is an evocation of the old Roman province of Baetis, the southern part of Spain which now constitutes most of Andalusia. It reflects Falla's interest in the traditional regional styles of Spanish music, using ancient Andalusian melodies and rhythms, but its harmonic boldness and technical virtuosity mark a transition from Falla's earlier more impressionistic music.

The piece lasts about fourteen minutes and, for the performer, is on a high level of technical difficulty, comparable with Albeniz's Iberia. The traditional materials are reworked into a dazzling collage of textures, with a balletic feel reminiscent of Stravinsky's reworkings of Russian musical materials at around the same time. The piano particularly evokes the percussive and harp-like effects of ancient plucked-string instruments.

It was commissioned by and dedicated to the Polish virtuoso Arthur Rubinstein. He planned to perform it in Barcelona in 1919 but had not learnt it sufficiently well. He instead gave the first performance in New York on 20 February 1920. He played it a handful of times but dropped it from his repertoire, and never recorded it.[1]


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