Famous verses in the Quran
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This is the list of famous verses in Quran which of them focuses on specific concepts such as loans, Hijab, Wilayah, loan, and brotherhood. The name of the verse had been choose in accord with concept of the verse.
# | Name | Sura | Verse | Concept | English translation |
1 | The Throne Verse | Al-Baqara | 255 | It displayed in the Islamic world due to its emphatic description of God's power over the entire universe. | Quran 2:255 (Yusuf Ali) |
2 | The verse of loan | Al-Baqara | 282 | The concept of loan was explained at the verse.[1] | Quran 2:282 (Yusuf Ali) |
3 | The obedience verse | An-Nisa | 59 | The verse orders to believers to obey Allah, the prophet and those vested with authority (Uli al-amr). In Shiites sources this verse is introduce as the one of the proofs for the infallibility and Imamat of Ali and other twelve Imams. | Quran 4:59 (Yusuf Ali) |
4 | The verse of Ikmal al-Din | al-Ma'ida | 3 | In this verse Allah says that Muhammad, prophet of Islam, had perfected the religion and completed the blessing. | Quran 5:3 (Yusuf Ali) |
5 | The verse of Wilayah | al-Ma'ida | 55 | In the view of Shia Imami scholars, the verse refers to the giving of Zakat to the poor by Ali while he was in Ruku during prayer.[2] | Quran 5:55 (Yusuf Ali) |
6 | The verse of announcement | al-Ma'ida | 67 | Shia narrators of traditions therefore consider this verse to relate to the succession of Ali at Ghadir Khumm. | Quran 5:67 (Yusuf Ali) |
7 | The verse of Hijab | An-Nur and Al-Ahzab | 30,31 and 58,59 | Hijab verses are commandment of Allah to Muslim men and women about observing the Hijab in the Islamic and non-Islamic societies.[3] | Quran 24:30 (Yusuf Ali) and Quran 33:58 (Yusuf Ali) |
8 | The warning verse | Ash-Shu'ara | 214 | According to this verse, Muhammad was appointed to warn his closest kindred for converting to Islam.[4] | Quran 26:214 (Yusuf Ali) |
9 | The verse of Mawadda | Ash-Shura | 23 | According to this verse, Muhammad's wage of Resalat is introduced to love his near relatives (al-Qorba).[2] | Quran 42:23 (Yusuf Ali) |
10 | Verse of brotherhood | Al-Hujurat | 10 | The verse refers to equality between individuals and lack of difference in terms of ethnic group, tribe and race. | Quran 49:10 (Yusuf Ali) |
11 | The verse of evil eye | Al-Qalam | 51,52 | It is usually recited for protection from the evil eye. | Quran 68:51 (Yusuf Ali) |
12 | The verse of purification | Al-Ahzab | 33 | In the view of Shia Imami scholars, the verse refers to Ismah (infallibility) of Ahl al-Bayt | Quran 33:33 (Yusuf Ali) |
13 | There is no compulsion in religion | Al-Baqara | 256 | The verse includes the phrase that "there is no compulsion in religion. The version is important to the debate on conversion to Islam and apostasy from Islam, specifically whether the "compulsion" is taken to refer to conversion to or apostasy from Islam. | Quran 2:256 (Yusuf Ali) |
14 | The verse of Fadak | Al-Hashr | 6 | The verse related to the controversies of the land of Fadak. | Quran 59:6 (Yusuf Ali) |
15 | The verse of Fadak | Al-Isra | 26 | The verse related to the controversies of the land of Fadak. | Quran 17:26 (Yusuf Ali) |
16 | The Jihad verse | Al-Baqara | 216 | The verse is about Jihad in Allah way. | Quran 2:216 (Yusuf Ali) |
17 | The verse of light | An-Nur | 35 | The verse is renowned for its remarkable beauty and imagery, and perhaps more than any other verse lends itself to mystical or esoteric readings of the Qur'an. The verse was very commonly used in the decoration of mosque lamps. | Quran 24:35 (Yusuf Ali) |
See also
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Qur'an |