
Zollernia latifolia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
(unranked): Meso-Papilionoideae
Tribe: Exostyleae
(Cardoso et al. 2012[1]) Cardoso et al. 2013[2][3]
  • Lecointea clade
  • Lecointioid clade
  • Lecointioids
  • Sophoreae sensu Polhill, 1981 pro parte 4
  • Swartzieae sensu Cowan, 1981 pro parte B
  • Swartzieae sensu Cowan, 1981 pro parte C

The tribe Exostyleae is an early-branching monophyletic clade of the flowering plant subfamily Faboideae (or Papilionaceae) that are mostly found in Neotropical rainforests.[2]


This clade is composed of 6 genera, most of which were traditionally assigned to the tribe Swartzieae.[4][5] However, recent molecular phylogenetic analyses circumscribed these six genera into a strongly supported monophyletic clade.[1][2][6][7][8][9] Synapomorphic traits that unite the members of this clade include non-papilionate flowers, "serrate and sometimes spinescent leaflet or leaf margins, standard position variable in the floral bud, basifixed anthers, and drupaceous fruits".[1][2][6][7] They are also united by wood anatomy, sharing an "uncommon presence of crystals in ray cells",[1][10][11] and floral ontogeny, sharing "unidirectional initiation of five sepals, simultaneous initiation of petals, and[…]unusual antepetalous stamens initiating before the antesepalous ones."[12]



  1. 1 2 3 4 Cardoso D, de Queiroz LP, Pennington RT, de Lima HC, Fonty É, Wojciechowski MF, Lavin M (2012). "Revisiting the phylogeny of papilionoid legumes: new insights from comprehensively sampled early-branching lineages". American Journal of Botany 99 (12): 1991–2013. doi:10.3732/ajb.1200380.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Cardoso D, Pennington RT, de Queiroz LP, Boatwright JS, Van Wyk B-E, Wojciechowski MF, Lavin M (2013). "Reconstructing the deep-branching relationships of the papilionoid legumes". South African Journal of Botany 89: 58–75. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.05.001.
  3. Wojciechowski MF (2013). "Towards a new classification of Leguminosae: Naming clades using non-Linnaean phylogenetic nomenclature". South African Journal of Botany 89: 85–93. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.06.017.
  4. Cowan RS (1981). "Swartzieae". In Polhill RM, Raven PH. Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 209–212. ISBN 9780855212247.
  5. Ireland HE, Pennington RT, Preston J (2000). "Molecular systematics of the Swartzieae". In Herendeen PS, Bruneau A. Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 9. Kew, UK: Royal Botanic Gardens. pp. 277–298. ISBN 184246017X.
  6. 1 2 Herendeen PS (1995). "Phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Swartzieae". In Crisp MD, Doyle JJ. Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 7: Phylogeny. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 123–131. ISBN 0947643796.
  7. 1 2 de Freitas Mansano V, Bittrich V, de Azevedo Tozzi AMGS, de Souza AP (2004). "Composition of the Lecointea clade (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Swartzieae), a re-evaluation based on combined evidence from morphology and molecular data". Taxon 53 (4): 85–93. JSTOR 4135566.
  8. Wojciechowski MF, Lavin M, Sanderson MJ (2004). "A phylogeny of legumes (Leguminosae) based on analysis of the plastid matK gene resolves many well-supported subclades within the family". American Journal of Botany 91 (11): 1846–862. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.11.1846. PMID 21652332.
  9. LPWG [Legume Phylogeny Working Group] (2013). "Legume phylogeny and classification in the 21st century: progress, prospects and lessons for other species-rich clades". Taxon 62 (2): 217–248. doi:10.12705/622.8.
  10. Gasson P (1996). "Wood anatomy of the tribe Swartzieae with comments on related papilionoid and caesalpinioid Leguminosae". International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 17 (1–4): 45–75. doi:10.1163/22941932-90000624.
  11. Gasson P, Webley P (1999). "Wood anatomy of Exostyles venusta (Swartzieae, Papilionoideae, Leguminosae)" (PDF). International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 20 (1): 59–66. doi:10.1163/22941932-90001548.
  12. de Freitas Mansano V, Tucker SC, de Azevedo Tozzi AMG (2002). "Floral ontogeny of Lecointea, Zollernia, Exostyles, and Harleyodendron (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Swartzieae s.l.)". American Journal of Botany 89 (10): 1553–1569. doi:10.3732/ajb.89.10.1553.

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