Eviatar Nevo

Eviatar Nevo (b. Feb 2., 1929 in Haifa, Israel), (נבו, אביתר).[1] is Professor Emeritus, founder and director of the Institute of Evolution at University of Haifa, Israel.[2]

Nevo received a M.Sc and PhD (1964) from Hebrew University His Ph.D thesiss was "Population studies of Anurans from the lower Cretaceous of Makhtesh Ramon, Israel" [3] He founded the Institute of Evolution at Haifa in 1973. Hevo works with many evolutionary subjects, involving understanding and tracking of speciation processes, modifications of highly evolved traits (vision), climatic and geographic effects in sympatric speciation in insects, bacteria, fungi, mammals and crops. He is a proponent of evolutionary models where environmental stressors acting positively yo shape genetic polymorphisms. The model of "Evolution Canyon"[4] is a microscale open environment where two opposite slopes with contrasting climatic conditions have also finer biotic adaptations [5] that have been researched at different biological scales, supporting the evolution in action generating evidence of sympatric speciation, and of particular impact and interest are the works in Drosophila [6] and in wild barley [7]

He has published more than 1000 peer-reviewed research articles] articles pubon a wide array of topics about genetic diversity, evolution in action, and environmental shaping of evolutionary processes.[8] According to Thomson Reuters, among the top highly cited researchers in the world.[9]

He is a Foreign Member of the Linnean Society, London (1990) and of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences (1997). He is a Foreign Associate Member in Evolutionary Biology section of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (2000),[10] an Honorary Member of the Ukraine Botanical Society (1995), of the American Society of Mammalogists (2002), and the Israel Zoological Society (2007). He received Honorary doctorates from World University (1990) and the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.


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