Euxine-Colchic deciduous forests

Euxine-Colchic deciduous forests

An Euxine forest in Strandzha Nature Park, southern-eastern Bulgaria
Biome Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests
Area 74,330 km2 (28,700 sq mi)
Countries Bulgaria, Georgia and Turkey

The Euxine-Colchic deciduous forests ecoregion, in the Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests Biome, is located along the southern shore of the Black Sea. The ecoregion extends along the thin coastal strip from the southeastern corner of Bulgaria in the west, to Georgia in the east, across Turkey to the north, where it wraps around the eastern end of the Black Sea.


The ecoregion is divided into two sub-regions.

Colchian forests

The Colchic or Colchian forests are found around the southeast corner of the Black Sea in Turkey and Georgia. The Colchian forests are mixed, with deciduous Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus and C. orientalis), Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis), and Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa), together with evergreen Nordmann Fir (Abies nordmanniana, the tallest tree in Europe at 78m), Caucasian Spruce (Picea orientalis) and Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). The Colchic region has high rainfall, averaging 1,500-2,500 mm annually, with a maximum in excess of 4,000 mm, and is home to some of Europe's temperate rain forests.

Euxinic forests

The drier Euxine or Euxinic forests lie west of the Melet River, and extend across the Bosporus along the Black Sea coast of European Turkey to Bulgaria. The Euxine forests receive an average of 1,000 to 1,500 mm precipitation annually. The Bulgarian part of the ecoregion lies with Strandzha Nature Park.

Rare habitat types include coastal sand dunes and peatlands.

See also

External links

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