European Council for High Ability

The European Council of High Ability (ECHA) was established in 1988 as a European Non-governmental organization.[1] The major aim of ECHA is to promote the information exchange of people interested in high ability – teachers, researchers, psychologists, parents, politicians and the highly able themselves. ECHA has the Charity Number: 40146782, with headquarters in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. ECHA has both personal and organizational membership. Those interested in gifted education or highly able people may apply for membership.[2]

The services of the European Council for High Ability are the following:

ECHA is directed by a General Assembly convening annually. The General Assembly elects the General Committee responsible for ECHA’s life in between two General Assemblies. Members in different countries are helped by National Correspondents. Past-presidents, past-secretaries and past-editor-in-chiefs of High Ability Studies are Honorary Members of ECHA.


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