European Commission Investment Plan for Europe

The European Commission’s Investment Plan for Europe (EC IPE) known as the “Juncker Plan” or the “EU Infrastructure Investment Plan” is an ambitious infrastructure investment programme first announced by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in November 2014: it aims at unlocking public and private investments in the “real economy” of at least € 315 billion over a three years fiscal period (Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2017).

A priority for EU policy makers

Top item in EU Commission 2015 work programme

At a Dec. 16 2014 meeting held in Strasburg, EU Commission policy makers termed it the number one initiative in their new “roadmap for getting Europe back to work, based on clear priorities […] to boost our economy” [1]

'Focal point' of Latvian EU council presidency

In a January 9 2015 meeting held in Riga to kick off Latvia's EU Council presidency, Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma insisted that, during its mandate, Latvia would focus on introducing the commission's €315bn investment plan "which testifies that we are committed to supporting our businesses". [2]

Mediocre physical infrastructure in many EU countries, incl. Germany

Even rich EU countries such as Germany and Luxembourg had for many years deliberately delayed or reduced infrastructure investments in order to limit public spending. [3] There is thus an EU-wide need for better transport links, power grid connections, super-fast broadband networks, as well as school and hospital improvements [4]

Fostering growth through co-investment with inst. investors

The adoption of the European Commission’s Investment Plan coincides with the emergence of a new, more progressive policy consensus propitious to long-term investments in modern transportation, energy and other socially-beneficial assets after seven consecutive years of low to mediocre growth that followed the start of the Great Recession. [5] It also coincides with a renewed interest for infrastructure assets from the part of pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and insurers at a time when returns from some of their traditional core-investments notably government bonds and listed equity proved to be lower than normally expected in the past (“quest for yields” in a context of monetary complacency ). [6]

Avoiding ‘highways to nowhere’ and ‘white elephant’ projects

Some experts have called for a cautious, cost-conscious approach to alleviate legitimate fears by European taxpayers that this could turn out to be yet another expensive EU scheme marred by administrative inefficiencies and political preferentialism for local/national ‘pet projects’ causing an oversupply of certain types of infrastructure projects in countries or regions that don’t really need them: “EU policy makers, public lenders and development banks will need to assess thoroughly the tangible interest of future infrastructure investments one project at a time, an effort for which prospective pension and insurance co-investors from sophisticated jurisdictions such as Alberta, California, Ontario, Switzerland and the UK can play a decisive part.[7]


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, August 21, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.