
Motto Electricity for Europe
Formation 1989 (1989)
Type Sector association
Purpose To represent the common interests of the electricity industry at pan-European level
Headquarters Blvd. de l'Impératrice, 66
Region served
National power industry associations
Official language
António Luís Guerra Nunes Mexia (EDP)[1]
Vice President
Alistair Phillips-Davies (SSE)[1]
Vice President
Jean-Bernard Lévy (EDF)[1]
Secretary General
Hans Ten Berge
Main organ
Board of Directors

EURELECTRIC (full name: The Union of the Electricity Industry - EURELECTRIC) is the sector association which represents the common interests of the electricity industry at a European level, plus its affiliates and associates on several other continents. EURELECTRIC covers all major issues affecting the sector, from generation and markets to distribution networks and customer issues.

EURELECTRIC was formally established in 1989.[2] It hosts an Annual Convention and Conference at which energy policy is debated.

Organizational structure

EURELECTRIC is led by a President and two Vice Presidents, who are elected to two-year terms, and a Board of Directors. The Secretary-General leads the Secretariat, which consists of six organizational units employing an international staff of approximately thirty people. There are five professional committees and approximately thirty working groups.[1]


The following national associations are full members (voting membership) of EURELECTRIC:

  • Austria - Österreichs E-Wirtschaft (Association of Austrian Electricity Companies)
  • Belgium - Fédération Belge des Entreprises Electriques et Gazières asbl/Federatie van de Belgische Elektriciteits- en Gas Bedrijven vzw - FEBEG
  • Bulgaria - Energy Management Institute - EMI
  • Croatia - Croatian EURELECTRIC Section (Hrvatska Elektroprivreda d.d.)
  • Cyprus - Electricity Authority of Cyprus
  • Czech Republic - Cesky Svaz Zamestnavatelu v Energetice - CSZE (Czech Association of Employers in Electricity Industry)
  • Denmark - Dansk Energi (Danish Energy Association)
  • Estonia - Eesti Elektritööstuse Liit (Union of Electricity Industry of Estonia)
  • Finland - Energiateollisuus ry (Finnish Energy Industries)
  • France - Union Française de l'Electricité - UFE
  • Germany - Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. - BDEW
  • Greece - Hellenic Electricity Association - HELAS
  • Hungary - EURELECTRIC Magyarorszagi Tagozat - EMT (Hungarian EURELECTRIC Association)
  • Iceland - Samorka (Icelandic Energy and Utilities)
  • Republic of Ireland - Electricity Association of Ireland Ltd - EAI
  • Italy - Associazione nazionale delle imprese elettriche - Assoelettrica
  • Latvia - Latvijas Elektroenergetiku un Energobuvnieku asociacija - LEEA (Latvian Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors)
  • Lithuania - Nacionaline Lietuvos Elektros Asociacija (National Lithuanian Electricity Association)
  • Luxembourg - Organisation des Entreprises d’Electricité du Luxembourg / National Luxembourg Association
  • Malta - ENEMALTA Corporation
  • Norway - Energi Norge (Energy Norway)
  • Poland - Polski Komitet Energii Elektrycznej - PKEE (Polish Electricity Association)
  • Portugal - Associacao Portuguesa das Empresas do Sector Electrico - ELECPOR (Portuguese Association of Electric Power Utilities)
  • Romania - Asociata Institutul National Roman Pentru Studiul Amenajarii si Folosirii Surselor de Energie - IRE (Romanian Institute for Energy Development Studies)
  • Slovakia - Zväzu zamestnavatel'ov energetiky Slovenska - ZZES (Union of Employers of Power Industry in Slovakia)
  • Slovenia - Energetska Zbornica Slovenije, Sekcija EURELECTRIC - EZS (Energy Industry Chamber of Slovenia, EURELECTRIC Section)
  • Spain - Asociación Espanola de la Industria Eléctrica - UNESA (Spanish Association of the Electricity Industry)
  • Sweden - Svensk Energi (Swedenergy) AB
  • Switzerland - Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen - VSE/AES (Association of the Swiss Electricity Companies)
  • Netherlands - Vereniging Energie-Nederland - EnergieNed (Association of Energy Producers, Traders and Retailers in the Netherlands); Netbeheer Nederland
  • Turkey - Türkiye Elektrik Sanayi Birligi - TESAB (Association of Turkish Electricity Industry)
  • United Kingdom - Energy UK (Association of Electricity Producers Ltd); Energy Networks Association Ltd (ENA)

The following are affiliate members (non-voting membership):

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 "About Eurelectric". Retrieved 4 April 2014.
  2. Mats Jutterström: A Business Dilemma in EU Lobbying — Horizontal Relations and Parallel Action Stockholm School of Economics, SCORE, 2000. ISBN 91-7265-123-7, ISSN 1404-5052

External links

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