English Trumpeter

English Trumpeter

English Trumpeter
Conservation status Common
Country of origin England
Australian Breed Group Asian feather and voice pigeons
US Breed Group Fancy pigeons
EE Breed Group Trumpeter pigeons
While this breed originated in England it has been much altered by fanciers in the US.
Columba livia

The English Trumpeter is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding.[1] English Trumpeters, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the rock pigeon (Columba livia). This is one of the most popular breeds in the USA.[2] The English Trumpeter is regarded as one of the most ornamental breeds of fancy pigeon. Combining a tuft, crest and large muffs on their feet, they are challenging to breed. They are bred in a number of colours which are listed under self, splash and baldhead.


The name is misleading, as this breed as known today is an American creation.[2]

See also


  1. Levi, Wendell (1977). The Pigeon. Sumter, S.C.: Levi Publishing Co, Inc. ISBN 0-85390-013-2.
  2. 1 2 Seymour, Rev. Colin (Ed)(2006) Australian Fancy Pigeons National Book of Standards.

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