
Ekokem is an environmental services and hazardous waste disposal company located in Riihimäki, Finland. The services are handling, incineration and disposal of hazardous and other wastes, remediation of contaminated soil, recycling, further utilization or disposal of the wastes, services to aid in reduction of waste and production of energy in incineration. Ekokem was founded in 1979 and has minority government ownership. Ekokem employs 236 people and has an annual revenue of 95 million euros (2013).[1]

In 2014, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) selected Ekokem as one of the companies to incinerate wastes produced in destruction of Syria's chemical weapons.[2][3]

See also


  1. "Ekokem Oyj | Julkinen osakeyhtiö" (in Finnish). Kauppalehti.fi. Retrieved 2014-07-15.
  2. "Ekokem helps Syrian arms clean-up - Good News from Finland". Goodnewsfinland.com. Retrieved 2014-07-15.
  3. "Teollisuuskemikaaleja kuljettava alus saapui Syyriasta Suomeen | Ekokem" (in Finnish). Ekokem.fi. 2014-06-21. Retrieved 2014-07-15.

External links

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