Industry Enterprise Software & Database Management & Data Warehousing & OLAP
Founded 2000
Headquarters Nuremberg, Germany
Products In-memory database EXASolution, EXAAppliance, EXACloud
Website www.exasol.com

EXASOL is an analytic database management software company. Its product is called EXASolution, an in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system[1]

Since 2008 EXASOL leads the well-respected international TPC-H benchmark for analytical scenarios, in all datavolume-based categories 100 GB, 300 GB, 1 TB, 3 TB, and 10 TB. [2] Notably, EXASolution holds the top position in the section "Performance" as well as "Price/Performance". [3]

The high-speed database company is acknowledged by Gartner in its "Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems" as the only German database vendor besides SAP. [4]


EXASolution is a parallelized relational DBMS which runs on a cluster of standard hardware servers. Following the SPMD model, on each node the identical code is executed simultaneously. The data is stored in a column-oriented way and proprietary in-memory compression methods are used. The company claims that tuning efforts are not necessary since the database includes some kind of automatic self-optimization (like automatic indices, table statistics, and distributing of data). [1] [5]

Furthermore, EXASolution is designed to run in memory, although data is persistently stored on disk following the ACID rules. EXASolution supports the SQL Standard 2003 and can be integrated via standard interfaces like ODBC, JDBC or ADO.NET. Additionally, a SDK is provided for native integration.[5] For OLAP applications, the MDX extension of SQL is supported via ODBO and XMLA.

The license model is based on the allocated RAM for the database software (per GB RAM) and independent to the physical hardware. Customers gain the maximal performance if their compressed active data fits into that licensed RAM, but it can also be much larger.

EXASOL has implemented a so-called cluster operating system (EXACluster OS). It is based on standard Linux and provides functionality for parallel programs. It can be compared to Virtualization, but instead of virtualizing the hardware of a single server, it virtualizes a cluster of nodes to a single one. Cluster management algorithms are provided like failover mechanisms or automatic cluster installation. [1] [5]

In-database analytics is supported. EXASolution integrates support to run Lua, Python, and GNU R scripts in its DBMS cluster in parallel.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 Monash, C. : "Exasol technical briefing”, DBMS2, August 16, 2008
  2. Howard, P. : "EXASOL: another data warehousing vendor", IT Analysis, June 17, 2008
  3. Transaction Processing Performance Council : "TPC-H is an ad-hoc, decision support benchmark", TPC Benchmarks
  4. Mark A. Beyer, Donald Feinberg, Roxane Edjlali,Merv Adrian : "Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems", 31. January 2013, Gartner Research
  5. 1 2 3 Howard, P. : "InDetail”, Bloor Research, August, 2008

External links

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