Duke Road Racing Rankings
The Duke Road Race Rankings was established in 2002 to analyse and acknowledge the season-long performances of riders involved in a series of motorcycle road racing events held on public roads. It was the idea of Isle of Man-based Peter Duke, son of former World Champion Geoff Duke, who in conjunction with road-racing journalist Leslie Moore, author Mac McDiarmid and archivist Phil Edge, developed a scoring system which would recognise the significance of the individual events. Riders' aggregate performances over a season-long assessment of several road racing events acknowledges the most consistent racer as the ‘championship’ winner. Since Ian Lougher's first-year win in 2002, all big names of road racing have been considered, such as Adrian Archibald, Richard Britton, Jason Griffiths, Darran Lindsay and, more recently, Manxman Conor Cummins.
The purpose of the Duke Road Race Rankings is to recognise achievements across the year by those riders who enter not just the ‘major’ meetings, but also the smaller road races. To be considered for the Geoff Duke Trophy, star names need to attend lower-profile events to earn points, helping to ensure strong grids for meetings which would otherwise be overshadowed by the main events - the Isle of Man TT, North West 200 and Ulster Grand Prix. The records show a split between Ryan Farquhar and Ian Lougher, apart from 2007 when Manxman Conor Cummins received the award in only his second full-season on the roads.
The Duke Road Race Rankings series features around two dozen meetings every year, including many of the long-established Irish and Isle of Man road races, and has remained largely unaltered since 2002 – apart from cancellations and the addition of extra meetings, such as the Armoy Road Races. The series received coverage in leading publications, such as Motor Cycle News, Road Racing Ireland and Bikesportnews, culminating in an annual presentation gathering.
2016 season
The 2016 Duke Road Race Rankings Series begins on the first weekend in April, with the Antrim 150 back on the calendar after a few years away fund raising.
2016 Circuits
- provisional Dates
1 Antrim 150 Road Race - 1-2 April
2 Ian Watson Spring Cup Road Races - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 16-17 April
3 Tandragee '100' Road Race - 22-23 April
4 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races - 29-30 April
5 North West ‘200’ Road Races - 12/14 May
? Horice Road Races - 13-14 May??
? Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown - 21–22 May??
8 Isle of Man TT Races - 29 May - 10 June
? Post TT Races - Billown - 11 June?
10 Cock o'the North Continental Road Race - Oliver’s Mount - 18–19 June
11 Kells Road Races - 18-19 June
12 Skerries '100' Road Races - 1-2 July
12a Walderstown Road Races - 9-10 July
14 Southern ‘100’ Road Races - 11–14 July
15 Faugheen Road Races - 23–24 July
16 Armoy Road Races - 29-30 July
17 Aberdare Park - 29-30 July
18 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races - 11 August
19 Ulster Grand Prix - 13 August
20 Cork Road Races - 20–21 August
21 Classic TT - 26–29 August
22 Manx Grand Prix - 30 Aug – 2 September
23 Killalane Road Races - 10-11 September
24 Steve Henshaw Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 24–25 September
25 Macau Grand Prix - 17-19 November
2015 season
The 2015 Duke Road Race Rankings Series for the 14th season started at the Spring Cup National Road Races at Oliver's Mount on 11 & 12 April with James Cowton as champion, the first of a total of 25 rankings rounds in the 2015 series, culminating at the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix on 21 November. The other rounds took place in Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, Eire and the Czech Republic.
2015 Results after ROUND 22
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | William Dunlop | 1822 |
2 | Ivan Lintin | 1798 |
3 | Dean Harrison | 1716 |
4 | James Cowton | 1536 |
5 | Derek McGee | 1445 |
6 | Lee Johnston | 1239 |
7 | Michael Dunlop | 1076 |
8 | Guy Martin | 978 |
9 | Ryan Farquhar | 954 |
10 | Seamus Elliott | 931 |
2015 Circuits
1 Ian Watson Spring Cup Road Races - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 11-12 April
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races - 25 April
3 Tandragee '100' Road Race - 2 May
4 North West ‘200’ Road Races - 14/16 May
5 Horice Road Races - 16/17 May
6 Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown - 22–24 May
7 Isle of Man TT Races - 30 May - 5 June
8 Post TT Races - Billown - 6 June
9 Barry Sheene Classic Road Races - 20–21 June
10 Kells Road Races - 28 June
11 Skerries '100' Road Races - 4 July
12 Southern ‘100’ Road Races - 6–9 July
12a Walderstown Road Races - 11 July
14 Cock o'the North Continental Road Race - Oliver’s Mount - 18–19 July
15 Armoy Road Races - 25 July
16 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races - 6 August
17 Ulster Grand Prix - 8 August
18 Faugheen Road Races - 15–16 August
19 Classic TT - 29–31 August
20 Manx Grand Prix - 2–4 September
21 Killalane Road Races - 5-6 September
22 Steve Henshaw Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 12–13 September
23 Macau Grand Prix - 21 November
2014 season results
26 rounds counted towards the overall title in this year
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | James Cowton | 1858 |
2 | Ivan Lintin | 1817 |
3 | Dean Harrison | 1799 |
4 | Michael Dunlop | 1591 |
5 | Dan Kneen | 1408 |
6 | Guy Martin | 1372 |
7 | Jamie Hamilton | 1116 |
8 | Seamus Elliott | 1074 |
9 | Lee Johnston | 1047 |
10 | Michael Sweeney | 1014 |
2014 Circuits
1 Ian Watson Spring Cup Road Races - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 13 April
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races - 26 April
3 Tandragee '100' Road Race - 3 May
4 North West ‘200’ Road Races - 15/17 May
5 Horice Road Races - 17/18 May
6 Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown - 23–26 May
7 Isle of Man TT Races - 31 May - 6 June
8 Post TT Races - Billown - 7 June
9 Barry Sheene Classic Road Races - 21–22 June
10 Kells Road Races - 22 June
11 Bush Road Races - 28 June
12 Skerries '100' Road Races - 5 July
12a Southern ‘100’ Road Races - 7–10 July
14 Walderstown Road Races - 13 July
15 Cork (Glanmire) Road Races - 20 July
16 Cock o'the North Continental Road Race - Oliver’s Mount - 19–20 July
17 Armoy Road Races - 26 July
18 Czech TT Road Races - 9–10 August
19 Cahir Road Races - 10 August
20 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races - 14 August
21 Ulster Grand Prix - 16 August
22 Classic TT - 23–25 August
23 Manx Grand Prix - 25–29 August
24 Killalane Road Races - 7 September
25 Steve Henshaw Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 13–14 September
26 Macau Grand Prix - 15 November
2013 season
The Duke Road Race Rankings Series commenced for its 12th year of competition at Oliver's Mount, Scarborough, North Yorkshire on 21 April 2013 at the Ian Watson Spring Cup National Road Races, organised by the Auto 66 Club.
The overall winner in this year was Michael Dunlop who won four races in a week at the Isle of Man TT and won at the North West 200, Ulster Grand Prix, Armoy road races, Southern 100 and for the first time won the Steve Henshaw International Gold Cup.
2013 Results
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Michael Dunlop | 2729 |
2 | Dean Harrison | 1912 |
3 | Jamie Hamilton | 1845 |
4 | Guy Martin | 1740 |
5 | William Dunlop | 1688 |
6 | James Cowton | 1116 |
7 | Chris Palmer | 1093 |
8 | Michael Sweeney | 1076 |
9 | Ivan Lintin | 826 |
10 | Bruce Anstey | 824 |
2013 Circuits
1 Ian Watson Spring National Road Races - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 21 April
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races - 27 April
3 Tandragee '100' Road Race - 4 May
4 North West ‘200’ Road Races - 16/18 May
5 Horice Road Races - 19 May
6 Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown - 24–27 May
7 Isle of Man TT Races - 1–7 June
8 Post TT Races - Billown - 8 June
9 Barry Sheene Classic Road Races - 15–16 June
10 Cork (Glanmire) Road Races - 16 June
11 Skerries '100' Road Races - 6 July
12 Southern ‘100’ Road Races - 8–11 July
12a Walderstown Road Races - 13–14 July
14 Cock o'the North - Oliver’s Mount - 20–21 July
15 Armoy Road Races - 27 July
16 Mid Antrim ‘150’ Road Races - 3 August
17 Athea Road Races - 11 August
18 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races - 15 August
19 Ulster Grand Prix - 17 August
20 Classic TT - 24–25 August
21 Manx Grand Prix - 28–30 August
22 Terlicko Road Races - 31–1 September
23 Killalane Road Races - 7–8 September
24 Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 14–15 September
25 Macau Grand Prix - 14–16 November
2012 season
The Duke Road Race Rankings Series commenced for its 11th year of competition at Oliver's Mount, Scarborough, North Yorkshire on Sunday 15 April 2012 at the Ian Watson Spring Cup National Road Races. Organised by the Auto 66 Club.
2012 Results
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ryan Farquhar | 3468 |
2 | Michael Dunlop | 2163 |
3 | William Dunlop | 1480 |
4 | Guy Martin | 1183 |
5 | Jamie Hamilton | 1164 |
6 | Chris Palmer | 1157 |
7 | Dean Harrison | 1111 |
8 | Ivan Lintin | 809 |
9 | Bruce Anstey | 754 |
10 | John McGuinness | 704 |
2012 Circuits
1 Ian Watson Spring National Road Races - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 15 April
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races - 28 April
3 Tandragee '100' Road Race - 5 May
4 North West ‘200’ Road Races - 17th/19 May
5 Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown - 25–28 May
6 Isle of Man TT Races - 2–8 June
7 Post TT Races - Billown - 9 June
8 Mid Antrim ‘150’ Road Races - 16 June
9 Bush Road Races - 23 June
10 Barry Sheene Classic Road Races - 24 June
11 Kells Road Races - 30 June-1 July ....CANCELLED
12 Skerries '100' Road Races - 7 July
13 Southern ‘100’ Road Races - 9–12 July
14 Walderstown Road Races - 14–15 July
15 Munster '100' Road Races - 21–22 July ....CANCELLED
16 Cock o'the North - Oliver’s Mount - 21–22 July
17 Armoy Road Races - 28 July
18 Aderdare Park Road Races - 28–29 July
19 Athea Road Races - 4–5 August ....CANCELLED
20 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races - 9 August
21 Ulster Grand Prix - 11 August
22 Manx Grand Prix - 18–31 August
23 Faugheen '50' Road Races - 25–26 August ....CANCELLED
24 Killalane Road Races - 8–9 September
25 Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough - 15–16 September
26 Macau Grand Prix - 15–18 November
2011 season
The Duke Road Race Rankings celebrated its 10th year in 2011. Ryan Farquhar retained the Duke Road Rankings title for the fourth successive year, his sixth time in all and received the 'new' Geoff Duke Trophy at the Adelaide Motorcycle Awards Night in Belfast in January 2012. Farquhar has the original trophy in his permanment collection, having won the award outright after completing a hat-trick of title wins in 2008, 2009 and 2010.
2011 Results
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ryan Farquhar | 3754 |
2 | William Dunlop | 2726 |
3 | Michael Dunlop | 2696 |
4 | Ian Lougher | 1281 |
5 | John Burrows | 1171 |
6 | Chris Palmer | 1076 |
7 | Guy Martin | 1011 |
8 | Cameron Donald | 834 |
9 | Davy Morgan | 786 |
10 | Ronan Pentony | 765 |
Ryan Farquhar said he was 'made up' to win his sixth Duke Road Race Rankings Series after another superb season on his KMR Kawasaki machines. The Dungannon racer claimed 43 victories and 11 podium finishes on his way to a winning points tally of 3,754.
William Dunlop claimed second place ahead of brother Michael, who won a second TT title in 2011. Farquhar set 27 fastest laps during the 23-round series but said he was disappointed at not claiming more wins at the International road races. Farquhar won at both the Manx Grand Prix and Southern 100 meetings on the Isle of Man in this year.
Ian Lougher, who was the inaugural winner in 2002 and took the titles again in 2005 and 2006, finished in fourth place.
2011 Circuits
1 Ian Watson Spring National Road Races - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races -
3 Tandragee '100' Road Race -
4 North West ‘200’ Road Races -
5 Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown -
6 Isle of Man TT Races -
7 Post TT Races - Billown -
8 Bush Road Races -
9 Skerries '100' Road Races -
10 Barry Sheene Classic Road Races -
11 Walderstown Road Races -
12 Aderdare Park Road Races -
13 Southern ‘100’ Road Races -
14 Kells Road Races -
15 Faugheen '50' Road Races -
16 Cock o'the North - Oliver’s Mount -
17 Armoy Road Races -
18 Mid Antrim ‘150’ Road Races -
19 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races -
20 Ulster Grand Prix -
21 Manx Grand Prix -
22 Munster '100' Road Races -
23 Athea Road Races -
24 Killalane Road Races -
25 Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
26 Macau Grand Prix -
2010 season
2010 Results
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ryan Farquhar | 4444 |
2 | William Dunlop | 2169 |
3 | Michael Dunlop | 1857 |
4 | Ian Hutchinson | 1570 |
5 | Keith Amor | 1090 |
6 | Ian Lougher | 1039 |
7 | Chris Palmer | 1017 |
8 | John Burrows | 934 |
9 | Guy Martin | 703 |
10 | Michael Pearson | 677 |
2010 Circuits
1 Spring National - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races -
3 North West ‘200’ Road Races -
4 Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown -
5 Isle of Man TT Races -
6 Post TT Races - Billown -
7 Bush Road Races -
8 Athea Road Races - CANCELLED !!
9 Skerries Road Races -
10 Barry Sheene Classic Road Races -
11 Cock o'the North - Oliver’s Mount -
12 Walderstown Road Races -
12a Southern ‘100’ Road Races -
14 Jurby ‘South’ Road Races -
15 Kells Road Races - CANCELLED due to Weather
16 Faugheen Road Races -
17 Mid Antrim ‘150’ Road Races -
18 Armoy Road Races -
19 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races -
20 Ulster Grand Prix -
21 Munster 100 Road Races -
22 Manx Grand Prix -
23 Killalane Road Races -
24 Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
25 Boyne ‘100’ Road Races -
26 Macau Grand Prix -
2009 season
2009 Results
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ryan Farquhar | 4860 |
2 | Michael Dunlop | 2506 |
3 | William Dunlop | 2429 |
4 | Ian Lougher | 2109 |
5 | John Burrows | 1350 |
6 | Guy Martin | 1251 |
7 | Ian Hutchinson | 1028 |
8 | Keith Amor | 991 |
9 | Michael Pearson | 924 |
10 | Conor Cummins | 900 |
2009 Circuits
1 Spring National - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races -
3 Tandragee '100' Road Race -
4 North West ‘200’ Road Races -
5 Barry Sheene Classic Road Races - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
6 Pre-TT Classic Road Races - Billown -
7 Isle of Man TT Races -
8 Billtown TT Races -
9 Bush Road Races -
10 Athea Road Races -
11 Skerries Road Races -
12 Cock o'the North - Oliver’s Mount -
12a Walderstown Road Races -
14 Southern ‘100’ Road Races -
15 Jurby ‘South’ Road Races -
16 Kells Road Races -
17 Faugheen Road Races -
18 Mid Antrim ‘150’ Road Races -
19 Armoy Road Races -
20 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races -
21 Ulster Grand Prix -
22 Manx Grand Prix -
23 Killalane Road Races -
24 Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
25 Boyne ‘100’ Road Races -
2008 season
2008 Results
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ryan Farquhar | 2306 |
2 | Ian Lougher | 2058 |
3 | Michael Dunlop | 1632 |
4 | William Dunlop | 1379 |
5 | Chris Palmer | 1037 |
6 | Keith Amor | 1034 |
7 | Guy Martin | 709 |
8 | John McGuinness | 662 |
9 | Damien Howard | 563 |
10 | Mick Goodings | 547 |
TT winner Ryan Farquhar clinched the Duke Road Race Rankings for the third time, closing a successful 2008 season by clinching the rankings title at the final meeting of the year, the Gold Cup races at Oliver’s Mount, Scarborough. The 2008 Duke Road Race Rankings had been scheduled to be held over 23 rounds, but that number was cut to 19 due to four race meetings being hit by bad weather and other factors.
2008 Circuits
1 Spring National - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
2 Cookstown ‘100’ Road Races -
3 Tandragee ‘100’ Road Races -
4 North West ‘200’ Road Races -
5 Isle of Man TT Races -
6 Steam Packet Races - Billown -
7 Bush Road Races -
8 Athea Road Races(1) -
9 Skerries Road Races -
10 Southern ‘100’ Road Races -
11 Cock o'the North - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
12 Jurby ‘South’ Road Races -
13 Walderstown Road Races -
14 Kells Road Races -
15 Faugheen Road Races -
16 Dundalk Road Races -
17 Dundrod ‘150’ Road Races -
18 Ulster Grand Prix -
19 Manx Grand Prix -
20 Killalane Road Races -
21 Boyne ‘100’ Road Races -
22 Gold Cup International - Oliver’s Mount - Scarborough -
23 Athea Road Races(2) -
Previous winners
One of the upcoming riders from the Centenary TT races secured the Geoff Duke Trophy. Manxman Conor Cummins, who placed fifth, two sixths and an eighth at TT, secured the top position in the rankings during his first full-year of pure road racing.
Guy Martin, who secured three podium finishes at the Centenary TT, finished in second place, 138 points behind, but 281 points ahead of third placed William Dunlop.
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Conor Cummins | 1936 |
2 | Guy Martin | 1798 |
3 | William Dunlop | 1517 |
4 | Ian Lougher | 1380 |
5 | Chris Palmer | 1131 |
6 | John McGuinness | 1042 |
7 | Cameron Donald | 961 |
8 | Ryan Farquhar | 908 |
9 | Darren Burns | 852 |
10 | Ivan Lintin | 825 |
The twenty-five round series were held at all national and international road races in the north and south of Ireland, the Isle of Man and England. At the conclusion 147 points separated the champion and second place man, Martin Finnegan, who in turn was just nine points ahead of the late Darran Lindsay.
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ian Lougher | 1719 |
2 | Martin Finnegan | 1572 |
3 | Darran Lindsay | 1563 |
4 | Guy Martin | 1382 |
5 | Raymond Porter | 1245 |
6 | Cameron Donald | 1090 |
7 | Michael Dunlop | 1049 |
8 | John Burrows | 956 |
9 | William Dunlop | 852 |
10 | Robert Dunlop | 830 |
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ian Lougher | 2699 |
2 | Ryan Farquhar | 2229 |
3 | Guy Martin | 1798 |
4 | Richard Britton | 1400 |
5 | Chris Palmer | 1183 |
6 | Martin Finnegan | 973 |
7 | Adrian Archibald | 873 |
8 | John McGuinness | 782 |
9 | Jason Griffiths | 739 |
10 | Bruce Anstey | 728 |
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ryan Farquhar | 2031 |
2 | Darran Lindsay | 1647 |
3 | Ian Lougher | 1597 |
4 | John McGuinness | 1051 |
5 | Guy Martin | 1016 |
6 | Martin Finnegan | 952 |
7 | Bruce Anstey | 930 |
8 | Chris Palmer | 898 |
9 | Richard Britton | 816 |
10 | Adrian Archibald | 606 |
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ryan Farquhar | 1981 |
2 | Ian Lougher | 1539 |
3 | Adrian Archibald | 807 |
4 | Chris Palmer | 791 |
5 | Richard Britton | 708 |
6 | Jason Griffiths | 669 |
7 | Bruce Anstey | 448 |
8 | Martin Finnegan | 379 |
9 | John McGuinness | 368 |
10 | Robert Dunlop | 330 |
Pos | Name | Total |
1 | Ian Lougher | 2652 |
2 | Ryan Farquhar | 1464 |
3 | Darran Lindsay | 1267 |
4 | Richard Britton | 1097 |
5 | Adrian Archibald | 938 |
6 | Jason Griffiths | 893 |
7 | Chris Palmer | 892 |
8 | Gary Jess | 760 |
9 | David Jefferies | 650 |
10 | Robert Dunlop | 460 |