Draco (physician)

Draco (or Dracon, Greek: Δράκον) was the name of several physicians in the family of Hippocrates.

There may, however, be some confusion in the Suda, and it is possible that these three physicians are not all distinct persons.


  1. John Tzetzes, Chil. vii. Hist. 155; Suda, Hippocrates, ι567; Galen, De Difficult. Respir., ii. 8, vol. vii.; Comment in Hippocr. Praedict. I., ii. 52, vol xvi.; Comment in Hippocr. De Nat. Hom., ii. 1, col. xv; Thessali, Orat. ad Aram, and Sorani, Vita Hippocr. in Hippocr. Opera, vol. iii
  2. Suda, Dracon, δ1497
  3. Suda, Hippocrates, ι567
  4. Suda, Dracon, δ1497


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