David Grosso

David Grosso
Member of the Council of the District of Columbia, At-Large
In office
2013  Present
Preceded by Michael A. Brown
Personal details
Born c. 1971 (age 4445)[1]
Washington, D.C.
Political party Independent
Spouse(s) Serra Sippel[2]
Residence Brookland, Washington, D.C.[2]
Alma mater Earlham College, Georgetown University Law Center[2]
Occupation Attorney[2]

David Grosso (born c. 1971) is an American politician who is an at-large member of the Council of the District of Columbia. He is an attorney and lives in Brookland.[3] A native Washingtonian, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Earlham College and holds a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University. Grosso is a member of the D.C. Bar and served on the board of directors of Planned Parenthood Metropolitan Washington. He is a member of the Sierra Club, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the ACLU.

Early life

Grosso was born in Washington, D.C.[4] During his childhood, he lived on a farm in Northern Virginia.[5] As a teenager, he lived on Rock Creek Church Road in Petworth.[5]

Grosso graduated from Earlham College with a degree in philosophy.[2] He received a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in 2001.[4] Before attending college, Grosso volunteered helping refugees from El Salvador living in Honduras. He also spent a year as a full-time volunteer building a transitional housing program for homeless women in San Antonio, Texas, where he met his wife, Serra Sippel, also a native Washingtonian and president of the Center for Health and Gender Equity.[6]

Grosso worked for D.C. Councilmember Sharon Ambrose working as a clerk for the District's Economic Development Committee.[7][8] He worked as Chief Counsel to Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton[2] and was a vice president of public policy for health insurance carrier CareFirst for several years.[9]

David and Serra live in the Brookland neighborhood of Ward 5 with their dogs Frida and Diego.[2]

2012 District Council Election

In 2012, Grosso and six other individuals declared their candidacy for two seats as at-large member of the Council of the District of Columbia.[10] Grosso ran as an independent candidate. In accordance with the District's Home Rule Act, one of the seats up for election that year was reserved for an individual who is not affiliated with the Democratic Party.[10]

During a debate of four candidates for the at large council seat, Grosso supported expanding the types of illnesses that qualify for medical marijuana.[9] Grosso said he supported the five-cent tax on disposable bags, and he said he does not support school vouchers.[9] Grosso also said he would vote to censure Councilmember Jim Graham for violations of Metro's code of ethics.[9] In addition, Grosso said he was in favor of speeding cameras, saying that they were important because they slow drivers and save lives.[11] Grosso supports giving tax incentives for private employers to move to the District.[8]

On October 18, the Washington Post editorial board endorsed Grosso for at-large councilmember stating, "...[he] understands the issues important to the city and knows how government should work. ...[His] experience in running the council’s economic development committee for Ms. Ambrose gives him insights into affordable housing and job training." Grosso also earned the endorsements of the Current Newspapers, The City Paper, The Examiner, Sierra Club, DC Chapter of the National Organization for Women, DC for Democracy, DC Urban Moms and Dads, and Greater Greater Washington.

Grosso won one of two at-large seats on the council with twenty percent of the vote.[12]


Official results from the District of Columbia Board of Elections:[12]

    Name Party Votes Percentage
Vincent Orange Democratic 144,595 38%
David Grosso Independent 78,123 20%
Michael A. Brown Independent 57,762 15%
Mary Brooks Beatty Republican 27,847 7%
A.J. Cooper Independent 25,012 6%
Leon J. Swain Jr. Independent 24,588 6%
Ann C. Wilcox Statehood-Green 22,802 6%
Write-In   2,402 1%

In Office

Council Period 20 (2013-2014)

Councilmember David Grosso was sworn into office as an At-Large Member of the Council of the District of Columbia on January 2, 2013.[13] During Council Period 20 (his first two years in office) Grosso served on the following committees: Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs; Education; Finance and Revenue; Health; and Transportation and the Environment.[14] In Council Period 20 Councilmember Grosso was the original author of 33 bills and resolutions--19 of which were approved by the D.C. Council.[15]

On the campaign trail, Grosso knocked on doors and participated in meet and greets and the number one concern raised from D.C. residents was the state of education reform – as a result, Grosso made education a top priority as a freshman member of the D.C. Council.[16] In 2013, his first legislative victory as a member of the Committee on Education was a provision approved by the D.C. Council that was included in the Attendance Accountability Amendment Act of 2013.[17] The bill requires that the Office of the State Superintendent of Education develop an annual report with findings and recommendations for schools to reduce or eliminate the use of out of school suspensions and expulsions, except for extreme cases.[18] Councilmember Grosso also supported the Committee on Education in reinstituting the Office of the Ombudsman within the State Board of Education, [19] investments in public libraries for extended hours, professional development, library renovations,[20] enhancements to the community schools grant program, requirement for DCPS to report on their restorative justice pilot program, expansion of the school based mental health program, and funding for teen health educators who provide sexual and reproductive health education to their peers.[21] During his first year in office, Councilmember Grosso also visited over 50 schools to engage with students and faculty and to ensure support for quality resources and facilities.

Councilmember Grosso also brings a wealth of knowledge in the area of health and within his first year introduced a bill entitled Expedited Partner Therapy Act of 2013, in an effort to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections.[22] The bill allows health care providers to provide treatment for the partner of a patient that has been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection without an examination of the partner at a health care facility. The Council passed the bill and it became law in May 2014.[23]

Councilmember Grosso also introduced a resolution to rename the Washington National Football League team stating that the current name is racist and derogatory. The Council approved the resolution unanimously.[24] News of the proposed name and resolution went viral[25] and the Oneida Nation then started a campaign to “Change the Mascot.”[26] Congressional members called on the team to change the name,[27] and several news outlets refrained from using the “R-word.”[28]

Although education was front and center in Grosso’s work on the D.C. Council, criminal justice reform, human rights, campaign finance reform, and transparency and open government were on his list of priorities as well.[29]

During the summer of 2013, Councilmember Grosso and his staff conducted research and worked to roll out a legislative package of three criminal justice bills[30] when the D.C. Council reconvened during their first legislative meeting on September 17, 2013.[31] The first bill, the Marijuana Legalization and Regulation Act, was introduced as a result of reports produced by the Washington Lawyers’ Committee[32] and the American Civil Liberties Union[33] that 91% of all marijuana arrests in D.C. were of African Americans, although research shows that the use of marijuana is roughly equal between both African Americans and Whites. For Grosso, this bill was a means to address such racial disparities and to open up the conversation about comprehensive criminal justice reform and social justice.[34] Although no members joined Grosso to co-sponsor this bill,[35] eventually the Council passed a law to decriminalize possession of marijuana,[36] and the residents of D.C. voted overwhelmingly to legalize possessing and growing the plant.[37] Although Grosso reintroduced the bill in 2015,[38] a Congressional rider on the D.C. budget was interpreted to prohibit the holding of a hearing[39] on the legislation—this time co-introduced by three other members, and three Committees were prepared to act on the bill, showing the progress made on the issue.[40]

A companion bill to the Marijuana Legalization and Regulation Act was the Record Sealing for Non-Violent Marijuana Possession Act of 2013,[41] a bill to seal the arrest and conviction records for non-violent marijuana charges. Grosso’s intent for this legislation was to reduce barriers to employment, housing, and higher education.[42] The Council passed the bill and it became law in March of 2015.[43]

Finally, the Anti-Shackling of Incarcerated Pregnant Women Act of 2013[44] prohibits the shackling of incarcerated women in D.C. adult and youth detention facilities.[45] The bill also applies to women in post-partum recovery. The Council passed this bill and it is set to become law in July 2015.[46] As a result of his work on this bill, Councilmember Grosso sought to stop the practice of shackling youth during their appearances in juvenile court.[47] Working with Councilmember McDuffie and other stakeholders, Grosso successfully put an end to this inhumane practice in April of 2015.[48]

As a champion for human rights, Councilmember Grosso amended the Human Rights Act of 1977 to ensure that individuals are protected from discrimination by an employer or employment based on an individual’s or dependent’s reproductive health decision making.[49] The Council approved the legislation in December 2014 with support from the Executive and it passed into law in May 2015.[50] Another major victory on the human rights front was Grosso’s Repeal of Prostitution Free Zones Amendment Act of 2014, which repealed the law allowing MPD to declare a specific location as a prostitution-free zone for 20 days.[51] Grosso argued that prostitution free zones were fueled by bias and called this action of repeal a matter of social justice in an attempt to protect the communities that are most heavily affected.[52]

Grosso also introduced the D.C. Urban Farming and Food Security Act of 2014 to establish an urban farming land leasing initiative and a real property tax abatement for small-scale urban farming.[53] The bill was approved by the Council in December 2014 and became law in April 2015.[54]

Councilmember Grosso also introduced the Fair Leave Act of 2014, to provide D.C. government employees up to six weeks of paid leave in connection with the birth, adoption, or fostering of a child, or the care of a family member who has a serious medical condition.[55] The Councilmember then worked with the Chairman of the Committee on Government Operations, Councilmember McDuffie, to include language in the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Support Act to expand the language to include the care of any family member, increase the amount of time from six weeks to eight weeks and to cite all references and definitions to the D.C. Family Medical Leave Act for consistency.[56] On October 1, 2014, the eight weeks of paid family leave policy went into effect for all D.C. Government employees.[57]

In an effort to get residents more engaged in the political process, Councilmember Grosso introduced an elections reform package consisting of instant runoff voting, open primaries, and a clean hands provision.[58]

The Instant Runoff Voting Amendment Act[59] garnered support from residents and gained major traction and an endorsement from the Washington Post.[60] The intent of the bill is for voters to rank candidates in the order of their choice through “ranked choice voting.” The candidate with the least number of votes is then eliminated, and those votes re-apportioned to the remaining candidates. Grosso stated that the benefits to instant runoff voting would be higher voter turnout, positive and more widespread campaigning, and ensuring that the elected candidate has true majority support. Grosso’s Open Primary Elections Amendment Act of 2014[61] would allow any registered voter to change their party affiliation up until Election Day in order to vote in a primary. Lastly, the Clean Hands Elections Reform Amendment Act of 2014[62] requires all candidates for elected office to obtain a “clean hands” certification, confirming that neither the candidate nor any of the candidate's previous campaigns or political committees owes any outstanding taxes, fines or fees to the District. This legislation had a hearing in September 2014.[63] Grosso also introduced the Local Resident Voting Rights Act, a bill to grant voting rights for municipal elections to legal permanent non-citizen D.C. residents.[64] Grosso’s proposal to implement public financing of elections campaigns, Public Financing of Political Campaigns Amendment Act of 2013,[65] was discussed along with a number of other elections reform bills during hearings in March 2013,[66] but was not moved out of Committee. The Councilmember remains committed to public financing for D.C. elections.[67]

Council Period 21 (2015-2016)

Just two years into his term as an At-Large Councilmember on the D.C. Council Grosso was appointed Chairperson of the Committee on Education for the Council Period 21.[68] Grosso is the second Chair to have jurisdiction over education after the Committee became stand-alone (outside of the Committee of the Whole).[69] His bill to prohibit suspensions and expulsions for pre-kindergarten students in D.C. Public Schools and the public charter schools[70] was the first permanent legislation passed by the new Council.[71] Councilmember Grosso’s vision for the Committee is to put every child in the best possible position to succeed.[72] He believes that the Committee must work to create a high quality public education system through forward-thinking collaboration.[73] Grosso says that work includes maintaining a high level of accountability and transparency; promoting equity; and ensuring quality resources and facilities.[74] Grosso engages stakeholders and advocates to address barriers to education inside and outside of the classroom, including age-appropriate school discipline, attendance and truancy, mental health services, improving literacy, ending the school to prison pipeline, promoting quality early childhood education, and expanding community and family engagement.[75]

During the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget vote, under Grosso’s leadership, the Committee on Education approved a $2.4 billion budget that supported modernization of the Martin Luther King, Jr. central library, and created a new, objective approach to determining capital funding for D.C. Public Schools, based on equity and data.[76] Grosso allocated $1.6 million for a new literacy intervention program, targeted at 3rd grade reading and writing success.[60] He also transferred $760,000 to the Committee of the Whole to restore funding to the University of the District of Columbia.[77] Grosso allocated almost $700,000 to DCPS to make up for funding losses at schools such as Wilson and Ballou High Schools, and $450,000 to restore funding for SAT and ACT test preparation courses for D.C. high school students.[78] Grosso included language in the Budget Support Act that broadens the scope of the Bullying Prevention Taskforce and extends its term until August 2018.David Grosso (May 14, 2015). Grosso’s FY16 Budget Unanimously Passed by Committee on Education.[79] He also allocated $266,000 to expand the Community Schools program, which supports students and their families by providing wrap-around services. New language in the Budget Support Act also strengthens the program and expands the pool of potential applicants to include middle schools.[80]


Grosso currently serves on the following committees:[81]

Community Engagement

Councilmember Grosso encourages residents to be engaged with what is going on at the D.C. Council[82] and has used open houses and events to encourage greater participation in the historic John A. Wilson Building. Grosso hosted an open house for his office and partnered with the D.C. Commission on Arts and Humanities to showcase artwork displayed in his office. Grosso also hosted an “Evening of Poetry” featuring the D.C. Youth Slam Team who won first place in the Brave New Voices international poetry slam contest[83] Grosso teamed up with the Washington Performing Arts for a live jam session at the John A. Wilson Building featuring local musicians.[84] Not only were these opportunities to encourage and promote community engagement in the John A. Wilson but also an opportunity to showcase the work of the thriving arts community. Grosso’s commitment to the arts is also evident in his forming of Arts Action DC, a diverse group who make up the creative economy sector in an effort to advocate for funding, support, and growth of the arts.[85]


  1. Basu, Moni (April 30, 2013). "D.C. council member pushes name change for Washington Redskins". CNN.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "About David Grosso". David Grosso, DC Council At Large. Retrieved September 19, 2015.
  3. Craig, Tim (September 20, 2012). "Patterson, Lightfood Endorse Grosso". The Washington Post.
  4. 1 2 Sanborn, Tyler (September 20, 2011). "Former Law Student Runs for DC Council". The Hoya (Georgetown University).
  5. 1 2 Grosso, David (May 8, 2012). "Learning To Be a Leader From My Mom". Huffington Post.
  6. http://www.genderhealth.org/about_us/our_staff/
  7. Nakamura, David; Heath, Thomas (February 6, 2006). "Stadium Lease Deal Leaves Questions; Baseball Officials Await Key Details". The Washington Post. p. A01.
  8. 1 2 Wiener, Aaron (October 19, 2012). "A Q&A with David Grosso on Housing and Development". Washington City Paper.
  9. 1 2 3 4 "D.C. Council Candidates Debate at Catholic University". WTOP. October 21, 2012.
  10. 1 2 Craig, Tim (November 3, 2012). "D.C. Council At-large Candidates on the Issues". The Washington Post.
  11. Craig, Tim (September 28, 2012). "Forum for D.C. Council Challengers Turns Contentious". The Washington Post.
  12. 1 2 "Declaration of Winner and Certification of Election Results: General Election Held November 6, 2012, for the Office of At-Large Member of the Council of the District of Columbia" (pdf). District of Columbia Board of Elections. November 29, 2012. p. 4.
  13. Debonis, Mike (January 2, 2013). "Wednesday’s swearing-in ceremony.". The Washington Post.
  15. D.C. Council. Legislative Information Management System. http://lims.dccouncil.us/
  16. Patrick Madden (November 9, 2012). Ethics, Education Top David Grosso's Council Agenda. WAMU. http://wamu.org/news/morning_edition/12/11/09/ethics_education_top_david_grossos_council_agenda.
  17. David Grosso (February 12, 2013). Councilmember David Grosso Addresses School Expulsions and Suspensions in Attendance Bill. http://susiecambria.blogspot.com/2013/02/cm-grosso-on-school-attendance.html.
  18. Sarah Anne Hughes (January 6, 2014). Report On Suspensions And Expulsions In D.C. Reveals Disturbing Trends, Need For More Data. DCist. http://dcist.com/2014/06/report_students_who_are_black_in_fo.php
  19. Emma Brown (November 5, 2013). D.C. Council tentatively approves bill intended to end social promotion. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/dc-council-tentatively-approves-bill-intended-to-end-social-promotion/2013/11/05/9eb01982-4649-11e3-bf0c-cebf37c6f484_story.html
  20. David Grosso (May 22, 2013). Grosso Reports FY 2014 Budget Requests Success. http://conta.cc/Z0jBAx
  21. David Grosso (May 28, 2014). Grosso Reports FY2015 Budget Victories. http://conta.cc/1Mj2jVc
  22. Jonathan Neeley (February 24, 2014). D.C. Legalizes Expedited Partner Therapy To Combat High Rate Of Sexually Transmitted Infections. DCist. http://dcist.com/2014/02/dc_legalizes_expedited_partner_ther.php
  23. Jonathan Neeley (February 24, 2014). D.C. Legalizes Expedited Partner Therapy To Combat High Rate Of Sexually Transmitted Infections. DCist. http://dcist.com/2014/02/dc_legalizes_expedited_partner_ther.php
  24. Mike DeBonis and Aaron Davis (November 5, 2013). D.C. Council calls on Washington Redskins to ditch ‘racist and derogatory’ name. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-council-calls-on-washington-redskins-to-ditch-racist-and-derogatory-name/2013/11/05/17cbbd66-4646-11e3-bf0c-cebf37c6f484_story.html
  25. (May 1, 2013). Pol calls for Redskins name change. ESPN.com. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9230556/dc-pol-suggests-redtails-name-change-washington-redskins
  26. Ben Fischer (September 5, 2013). Oneida Indian Nation launches campaign to change Redskins name. Washington Business Journal. http://www.bizjournals.com/washington/blog/2013/09/oneida-indian-nation-launches-campaign.html
  27. Mark Maske, Paul Kane and Theresa Vargas (February 9, 2014). NFL faces pressure from Congress to change Redskins’ name. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/football-insider/wp/2014/02/09/nfl-faces-pressure-from-congress-to-change-redskins-name/
  28. Annys Shin (August 2, 2014). Washington Post editorial board stops using the word ‘Redskins’. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/washington-post-editorial-board-stops-using-the-word-redskins/2014/08/22/39864ae0-2a0a-11e4-8593-da634b334390_story.html.
  29. David Grosso: Priorities. http://www.davidgrosso.org.
  30. David Grosso (September 11, 2013). David Grosso gives an update on what he did over the summer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-OT7VulruM
  31. Susie Cambria (September 22, 2013). DC Council introductions, Sept. 17. Susie’s Budget and Policy Corner. http://susiecambria.blogspot.com/2013/09/dc-council-introductions-sept-17.html
  32. Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs (July 2013). Racial Disparities in Arrests in the District of Columbia 2009-2011. http://www.washlaw.org/pdf/wlc_report_racial_disparities.pdf
  33. American Civil Liberties Union of the National Capital Area. (June 4, 2013). The War on Marijuana in Black and White. http://aclu-nca.org/billions-of-dollars-wasted-on-racially-biased-arrests-behind-dc-numbers
  34. Matt Cohen (November 15, 2013). Will The Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Solve D.C.'s Race And Gender Disparity Problem? DCist. http://dcist.com/2013/11/will_the_marijuana_decriminalizatio.php
  35. B20-0466 - MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION AND REGULATION ACT OF 2013. http://lims.dccouncil.us/Legislation/B20-0466?FromSearchResults=true
  36. Paula Mejia (July 19, 2014). D.C. Decriminalizes Marijuana, But Congress May Halt Future Legalization Efforts. Newsweek. http://www.newsweek.com/dc-decriminalizes-marijuana-congress-may-halt-future-legalization-efforts-259973
  37. Matt Ferner (November 4, 2014). Washington, D.C. Votes To Legalize Recreational Marijuana. Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/04/washington-dc-legal-marijuana_n_5947520.html
  38. Martin Austermuhle (January 7, 2015). Challenging Congressional Ban, D.C. Legislator Introduces Pot Legalization Bill. WAMU. http://wamu.org/news/15/01/07/challenging_congressional_ban_dc_legislator_introduces_pot_legalization_bill
  39. Aaron Davis (February 9, 2015). D.C. Council backs down on marijuana hearing after attorney general warning. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-council-warned-not-to-move-forward-on-marijuana-legalization/2015/02/09/2c1593aa-b067-11e4-827f-93f454140e2b_story.html
  40. Matt Ferner (November 4, 2014). Washington, D.C. Votes To Legalize Recreational Marijuana. Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/04/washington-dc-legal-marijuana_n_5947520.html
  41. RECORD SEALING FOR NON-VIOLENT MARIJUANA POSSESSION ACT OF 2013. http://lims.dccouncil.us/Legislation/B20-0467?FromSearchResults=true
  42. Martin Austermuhle (October 7, 2014). D.C. Moves Towards Sealing Records Of Residents Arrested For Pot Offenses. WAMU. http://wamu.org/news/14/10/07/dc_council_backs_bill_sealing_records_of_residents_arrested_for_non_violent_pot_offenses
  43. Matt Cohen (October 28, 2014). Bill to Seal Records of Non-Violent Marijuana Offenses Passed By Council. DCist. http://dcist.com/2014/10/all_the_bills_the_dc_council_passed.php
  44. ANTI-SHACKLING OF INCARCERATED PREGNANT WOMEN ACT OF 2013. http://lims.dccouncil.us/Legislation/B20-0468?FromSearchResults=true
  45. Victoria Law (October 4, 2013). We Need to Stop Shackling Pregnant Women in Prison—Now. Bitch Media. http://bitchmagazine.org/post/stop-shackling-pregnant-women-in-prison
  46. Martin Austermuhle (October 7, 2014). D.C. Moves Towards Sealing Records Of Residents Arrested For Pot Offenses. WAMU. http://wamu.org/news/14/10/07/dc_council_backs_bill_sealing_records_of_residents_arrested_for_non_violent_pot_offenses
  47. Keith Alexander (August 24, 2014). D.C. defense attorneys want juveniles released from shackles in court. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/dc-defense-attorneys-want-juveniles-released-from-shackles-in-court/2014/08/24/18547cec-28b2-11e4-86ca-6f03cbd15c1a_story.html
  48. Editorial Board (April 5, 2015). District juveniles will no longer be routinely shackled in court. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/district-juveniles-will-no-longer-be-routinely-shackled-in-court/2015/04/05/b7fb68b0-da40-11e4-8103-fa84725dbf9d_story.html
  49. Emily Crockett (December 18, 2014). D.C. Council Prohibits Employment Discrimination Based on Reproductive Health Choices. RH Reality Check. http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2014/12/18/d-c-council-prohibits-employment-discrimination-based-reproductive-health-choices/
  50. David Grosso (May 2, 2015). Grosso's Bill to Protect Workers from Discrimination Goes into Effect Today. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/5/2/grossos-bill-to-protect-workers-from-discrimination-goes-into-effect-today
  51. Network of Sex Work Projects (October 16, 2014). Prostitution Free Zones Repealed in the District of Columbia. http://www.nswp.org/news-story/prostitution-free-zones-repealed-the-district-columbia
  52. David Grosso (April 3, 2014). Time to repeal ‘prostitution free zones’. Washington Blade. http://www.washingtonblade.com/2014/04/03/time-repeal-prostitution-free-zones/
  53. Karen Chen (September 19, 2014). DC considers bill to encourage urban farming on vacant lots. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-considers-bill-to-encourage-urban-farming-on-vacant-lots/2014/09/19/1a51ad0c-3de9-11e4-9587-5dafd96295f0_story.html
  54. Kimberly Burge (March 2015). A Farm Grows in Brookland. Sojourners. http://sojo.net/magazine/2015/03/photos-three-part-harmony-farm
  55. Anne Robinson (March 21, 2014). The Fair Leave Act of 2014. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2014/3/21/the-fair-leave-act-of-2014
  56. Anne Robinson (September 9, 2014). Paid Family Leave: Eight Weeks for District Government Employees. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2014/9/9/paid-family-leave-eight-weeks-for-district-government-employees
  57. Martin Austermuhle (September 30, 2014). D.C. Government Workers Get Eight Weeks Of Paid Family Leave. WAMU. http://wamu.org/news/14/09/30/dc_government_workers_get_eight_weeks_paid_family_leave
  58. David Grosso (March 4, 2014). Grosso's Elections Reform Package to Boost Voter Turnout. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2014/3/4/grossos-elections-reform-package-to-boost-voter-turnout
  59. Instant Runoff Voting Amendment Act of 2015 http://lims.dccouncil.us/Legislation/B21-0002?FromSearchResults=true
  60. Editorial Board (May 14, 2015). Instant-runoff voting makes sense for Washington. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/instant-runoff-voting-makes-sense-for-washington/2015/05/14/81d2aa9a-f5e4-11e4-b2f3-af5479e6bbdd_story.html
  61. Open Primary Elections Amendment Act of 2014 http://lims.dccouncil.us/Legislation/B20-0717?FromSearchResults=true
  62. Clean Hands Elections Reform Amendment Act of 2014 http://lims.dccouncil.us/Legislation/B20-0718?FromSearchResults=true
  63. David Grosso (September 18, 2014). Grosso Announces Hearing on 'Clean Hands' Bill. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2014/9/18/grosso-announces-hearing-on-clean-hands-bill
  64. Andrew Lapin (January 21, 2015). Grosso Re-Introduces Bill To Allow Local Voting Privileges For Legal Non-Citizens. DCist. http://dcist.com/2015/01/grosso_tries_to_pass_local_voting_p.php
  65. David Grosso (July 5, 2013). Why D.C. needs public campaign financing. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-dc-needs-public-campaign-financing/2013/07/05/40718c46-e4c6-11e2-aef3-339619eab080_story.html
  66. Adam Smith (July 12, 2015). DC City Councilmembers Hold Roundtable Discussion on Policies to Empower Small Donors. Public Campaign. http://publicampaign.org/blog/2013/07/12/dc-city-councilmembers-hold-roundtable-discussion-policies-empower-small-donors
  67. David Grosso (June 5, 2015). What do you think? How could DC be a leader in reforming campaign finance? What would it take? Twitter. https://twitter.com/cmdgrosso/status/606161718084009984
  68. Michael Alison Chandler (December 22, 2014). Grosso wants to focus on mental health issues in schools as new education chair. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/grosso-wants-to-focus-on-mental-health-issues-in-schools-as-new-education-chair/2014/12/22/9cb6a68c-87c0-11e4-9534-f79a23c40e6c_story.html.
  69. Aaron Davis (December 19, 2014). D.C. Council reorganizes to address affordable housing and homeless problems. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-council-reorganizes-to-address-affordable-housing-and-homeless-problems/2014/12/19/ff861b50-87b4-11e4-a702-fa31ff4ae98e_story.html.
  70. Jacob Fenston (February 4, 2015). D.C. Council Moves To Ban Suspension Of Pre-K Students. WAMU. http://wamu.org/news/15/02/04/dc_council_moves_to_ban_suspension_of_pre_k_students
  71. Council of the District of Columbia (April 14, 2015). Single Tight Vote Provides Contrast with Otherwise Consensus-Driven Meeting. http://dccouncil.us/news/entry/single-tight-vote-provides-contrast-with-otherwise-consensus-driven-meeting
  72. David Grosso (January 19, 2015). Grosso Announces Committee on Education Priorities. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/1/13/grosso-announces-committee-on-education-priorities
  73. David Grosso (January 19, 2015). Grosso Announces Committee on Education Priorities. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/1/13/grosso-announces-committee-on-education-priorities
  74. David Grosso (January 19, 2015). Grosso Announces Committee on Education Priorities. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/1/13/grosso-announces-committee-on-education-priorities
  75. David Grosso (January 19, 2015). Grosso Announces Committee on Education Priorities. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/1/13/grosso-announces-committee-on-education-priorities
  76. David Grosso (May 14, 2015). Grosso’s FY16 Budget Unanimously Passed by Committee on Education. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/5/14/grossos-fy16-budget-unanimously-passed-by-committee-on-education.
  77. David Grosso (May 14, 2015). Grosso’s FY16 Budget Unanimously Passed by Committee on Education. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/5/14/grossos-fy16-budget-unanimously-passed-by-committee-on-education
  78. David Grosso (May 14, 2015). Grosso’s FY16 Budget Unanimously Passed by Committee on Education. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/5/14/grossos-fy16-budget-unanimously-passed-by-committee-on-education
  79. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/5/14/grossos-fy16-budget-unanimously-passed-by-committee-on-education
  80. David Grosso (May 14, 2015). Grosso’s FY16 Budget Unanimously Passed by Committee on Education. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2015/5/14/grossos-fy16-budget-unanimously-passed-by-committee-on-education
  81. http://dccouncil.us/council/david-grosso
  82. David Grosso (May 16, 2014). Grosso Announces New Initiative to Collaboratively Draft DC Laws Online with the Public. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2014/5/16/grosso-announces-new-initiative-to-collaboratively-draft-dc-laws-online-with-the-public
  83. Office of Cable Television (March 13, 2014). Councilmember David Grosso Hosts Evening of Poetry, 2/12/14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIe8900R1Sc
  84. David Grosso (November 5, 2014). Politics and Arts: A Jam Session in the Wilson Building. http://www.davidgrosso.org/grosso-analysis/2014/11/5/politics-and-arts-a-jam-session-in-the-wilson-building
  85. Matt Cohen (November 18, 2014). With New Coalition, David Grosso Wants To Strengthen D.C.'s Creative Arts Community. DCist. http://dcist.com/2014/11/arts_action_dc.php
Council of the District of Columbia
Preceded by
Michael A. Brown
At-Large Member, Council of the District of Columbia
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