Cristache Gheorghiu

Cristache Gheorghiu (born May 2, 1937) is a writer and painter, born in Romania and settled in Greece. He graduated from the Technical University of Iasi in 1959. In literature, he is best known as an essayist. An engineer by profession, he is mentioned in "The History of Science in Romania", published by the Romanian Academy, for his scientific researches at the chapter “Cybernetics" (pg. 105). Also, in "Study of the Romanian Contribution in the Development of Cybernetics", two of his works have been selected (Publishing House of Academy, 1981, pages 205 and 220). In the latter part of his life he devoted himself to literature and art.


He attended the Lyceum "Roman Voda", in his natal city, Roman. Graduated from Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi (1959), with a master's degree in engineering, he worked for some time as an mechanic engineer in Romanian enterprises and as a master designer in the County Institute of Design “Prahova”. In 1970, he turned about his profession in computer science, as a result of attending the courses organised by C.I.I. France, from which Romania has bought the license for producing electronic computers. During this time, he published numerous scientific research articles. The main theme of his researches was "Territorial Information System". As recognition of his contribution, his name is mentioned in "The history of Science in Romania", the chapter "Cybernetics", and two of his scientific works has been selected in "Study of the Romanian Contribution in the Development of Cybernetics", (Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1981). At the same time, he devoted himself to literature and art. He had numerous personal exhibitions and there are his paintings in many private collections or decorating public spaces. In literature he is known particularly as an essayist, his books - novels, travel notes or essays as it - always having deeper connotations than the apparent form the wording. He created and maintained the electronic publication "ADVERSA RES – a magazine of cultural confluences", where he used to comment the main cultural events from Brasov, where he moved in 1972. After retirement, he settled in Athens, Greece.


Scientific works in Romanian language

Bucureşti 19-20 octombrie 1987

Bucureşti 1985,

Economice, a III-a Conferinţă Naţională de Cibernetică, 3-4 octombrie 1985

Ştiinţifice 29-31 octombrie 1984

Informatică, Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice I.C.I. 1981

de cercetare, 1980

comunicări ştiinţifice, 22-24 septembrie 1980

de cercetare, noiembrie 1982, în cadrul temei de cercetare: „Sistem Informatic Teritorial”.

mai 1982

VIII-a Sesiune de Creaţie Ştiinţifică şi Tehnică, Braşov 1979

cadrelor didactice a Universităţii Braşov, 15-17 februarie 1974

24-25 noiembrie 1973

pentru Direcţia pentru Sistematizarea, Arhitectura şi Proiectarea Construcţiilor, judeţul Prahova, 1970

Published works

Academiei, 1988

„Colocviu de Sisteme şi Cibernetică”, Bucureşti 19-20 octombrie 1987

August 1981


Informatică, I.C.I. Bucureşti, nr. 6/1980

Tehnică pentru Tineret, Braşov, 1980

Central de Informatică, 1980

Economică”, Academia de Studii Economice, Bucureşti 1/1974


External links

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