Exterior covariant derivative

In mathematics, the exterior covariant derivative is an analog of an exterior derivative that takes into account the presence of a connection.


Let G be a Lie group and PM be a principal G-bundle on a smooth manifold M. Suppose there is a connection on P so that it gives a natural direct sum decomposition of each tangent space T_u P = H_u \oplus V_u into the horizontal and vertical subspaces. Let h: T_u P \to H_u be the projection to the horizontal subspace.

If ϕ is a k-form on P with values in a vector space V, then its exterior covariant derivative is a form defined by

D\phi(v_0, v_1,\dots, v_k)= d \phi(h v_0 ,h v_1,\dots, h v_k)

where vi are tangent vectors to P at u.

Suppose V is a representation of G; i.e., there is a Lie group homomorphism ρ : G → GL(V). If ϕ is equivariant in the sense:

R_g^* \phi = \rho(g)^{-1}\phi

where R_g(u) = ug, then is a tensorial (k + 1)-form on P of the type ρ: it is equivariant and horizontal (a form ψ is horizontal if ψ(v0, ..., vk) = ψ(hv0, ..., hvk).)

We also denote the differential of ρ at the identity element by ρ:

\rho: \mathfrak{g} \to \mathfrak{gl}(V).

If ϕ is a tensorial k-form of type ρ, then

D \phi = d \phi + \rho(\omega) \cdot \phi,[1]

where \rho(\omega) is a \mathfrak{gl}(V)-valued form, and, following the notation in Lie algebra-valued differential form §Operations,

(\rho(\omega) \cdot \phi)(v_1, \dots, v_{k+1}) = {1 \over (1+k)!} \sum_{\sigma}  \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma)\rho(\omega(v_{\sigma(1)})) \phi(v_{\sigma(2)}, \dots, v_{\sigma(k+1)}).

Unlike the usual exterior derivative, which squares to 0, we have: with F = ρ(Ω), for a tensorial zero-form ϕ,

D^2\phi=F \cdot \phi.[2]

In particular D2 vanishes for a flat connection (i.e., Ω = 0).

If ρ : G → GL(Rn), then one can write

\rho(\Omega) = F = \sum {F^i}_j {e^j}_i

where {e^i}_j is the matrix with 1 at the (i, j)-th entry and zero on the other entries. The matrix {F^i}_j whose entries are 2-forms on P is called the curvature matrix.

Exterior covariant derivative for vector bundles

When ρ : G → GL(V) is a representation, one can form the associated bundle E = Pρ V. Then the exterior covariant differentiation D given by a connection on P defines

\nabla: \Gamma(M, E) \to \Gamma(M, TM \otimes E)

through the correspondence between E-valued forms and tensorial forms of type ρ (see tensorial forms on principal bundles.) Requiring ∇ to satisfy Leibniz's rule, ∇ also acts on any E-valued forms. This ∇ is called the exterior covariant differentiation on E. One also sets: for a section s of E,

\nabla_X s = i_X \nabla s

where i_X is the contraction by X. Explicitly,

\nabla_X s = (hX) s

since \nabla_X \overline{\phi} = \overline{D \phi (X)} = \overline{d \phi (hX)} = (hX)s when s = \overline{\phi}.

Conversely, given a vector bundle E, one can take its frame bundle, which is a principal bundle, and so gets an exterior covariant differentiation on E (depending on a connection). Identifying tensorial forms and E-valued forms, there is, for example,

2F(X, Y) s = (-[\nabla_X, \nabla_Y] + \nabla_{[X, Y]}) s.

See also


  1. If k = 0, then, writing X^{\#} for the fundamental vector field (i.e., vertical vector field) generated by X in \mathfrak{g} on P, we have:
    d \phi(X^{\#}_u) = {d \over dt}|_0 \phi(u \operatorname{exp}(tX)) = -\rho(X)\phi(u) = -\rho(\omega(X^{\#}_u))\phi(u),
    since ϕ(gu) = ρ(g−1)ϕ(u). On the other hand, (X#) = 0. If X is a horizontal tangent vector, then D \phi(X) = d\phi(X) and \omega(X) = 0. For the general case, let Xi's be tangent vectors to P at some point such that some of Xi's are horizontal and the rest vertical. If Xi is vertical, we think of it as a Lie algebra element and then identify it with the fundamental vector field generated by it. If Xi is horizontal, we replace it with the horizontal lift of the vector field extending the pushforward πXi. This way, we have extended Xi's to vector fields. Note the extension is such that we have: [Xi, Xj] = 0 if Xi is horizontal and Xj is vertical. Finally, by the invariant formula for exterior derivative, we have:
    D \phi(X_0, \dots, X_k) - d \phi(X_0, \dots, X_k) = {1 \over k+1} \sum_0^k (-1)^i \rho(\omega(X_i)) \phi(X_0, \dots, \widehat{X_i}, \dots, X_k),
    which is (\rho(\omega) \cdot \phi)(X_0, \cdots, X_k).
  2. Proof: Since ρ acts on the constant part of ω, it commutes with d and thus
    d(\rho(\omega) \cdot \phi) = d(\rho(\omega)) \cdot \phi - \rho(\omega) \cdot d\phi = \rho(d \omega) \cdot \phi - \rho(\omega) \cdot d\phi.
    Then, according to the example at Lie algebra-valued differential form §Operations,
    D^2 \phi = \rho(d \omega) \cdot \phi + \rho(\omega) \cdot (\rho(\omega) \cdot \phi) = \rho(d \omega) \cdot \phi + {1 \over 2} \rho([\omega \wedge \omega]) \cdot \phi,
    which is \rho(\Omega) \cdot \phi by E. Cartan's structure equation.


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