Council for International Development
The Council for International Development (CID) Kaunihera mō te Whakapakari Ao Whanui in Māori works to achieve effective high quality international development programmes which focus on the alleviation and eradication of poverty. CID works to enhance the capacity and participation of member agencies, the NZ Government and other sectors of the NZ community.
The Council for International Development (CID) was formed in 1985 by a small group of aid and development agencies which identified the need to coordinate some activities and present a single voice on issues of common concern. Today CID has over 80 members that include most of New Zealand's major Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that work in aid and development. On behalf of its member agencies, CID: -provides a forum for discussion of cooperative action on international aid and development issues; -strengthens national and international links between organisations and individuals involved in international development; -liaises with the NZ Government, IDG (the International Development Group within MFAT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) -raises issues with political parties on international aid and development issues -works to increase public awareness of international development needs and issues.
CID also facilitates the Non-Governmental Organisations Disaster Relief Forum (NDRF), an open forum for New Zealand-based NGOs that have an interest and involvement in international humanitarian response and emergency management issues. The NDRF is an autonomous sub-committee of CID.