
CompuHigh is a private, accredited, online high school established in 1994. CompuHigh provides individual courses as well as a diploma program called Whitmore School. CompuHigh is accredited by AdvancED [1] (formerly known as NCA CASI and SACS CASI) and is an approved course provider for National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA[2]). CompuHigh serves national U.S. and international English-speaking students in grades 9-12. CompuHigh has open, year-round enrollment and is self-paced.

CompuHigh offers core and elective courses that are taught by instructors using a mastery learning methodology.[3][4] Instruction is completely one-on-one between instructor and student, and is largely asynchronous. Instruction, interaction, coursework, and grading takes place on CompuHigh’s proprietary learning management system (LMS)


  1. AdvancED
  2. NCAA High School Portal use school code 490940
  3. Guskey, Thomas, R. (2007). "Closing Achievement Gaps: Revisiting Benjamin S. Bloom's 'Learning for Mastery'.". Journal of Advanced Academics 19 (1): 8–31.
  4. Kulik, C.C.; J.A.Kulik, R.L. Bangert-Drowns (1990). "Effectiveness of Mastery Learning Programs: A Meta-Analysis.". Review of Educational Research 60: 265–299. doi:10.3102/00346543060002265.
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