Compound matrix

In mathematics, the kth compound matrix (sometimes referred to as the kth multiplicative compound matrix) C_k(A),[1] of an m\times n matrix A is the \binom m k\times \binom n k matrix formed from the determinants of all  k\times k submatrices of A, i.e., all k\times k minors, arranged with the submatrix index sets in lexicographic order.

C_1(A) & = A \\[6pt]
C_n(A) & =  \det(A)\text{ if }A\text{ is }n\times n \\[6pt]
C_k(AB) & = C_k(A)C_k(B) \\[6pt]
C_k(aX) & = a^kC_k(X) \\[6pt]
\text{For } n\times n \text{ identity } I, C_k(I) & = I\,, \text{ the }\textstyle{\binom n k\times \binom n k} \text{ identity }\\[6pt]
C_k(A^T) & = C_k(A)^T\,, \text{ over any field} \\[6pt]
C_k(A^*) & = C_k(A)^*\,, \text{ over } \mathbb{C} \\[6pt]
C_k(A^{-1}) & = C_k(A)^{-1}\,, \text{ for } n\times n, \text{ invertible } A

If A is viewed as the matrix of an operator in a basis (e_1,\dots,e_n) then the compound matrix C_k(A) is the matrix of the k-th exterior power A^{\wedge k} in the basis (e_{i_1} \wedge \dots \wedge e_{i_k}, i_1 < \dots < i_k). In this formulation, the multiplicativity property stated above is equivalent to the functoriality of the exterior power.


  1. R.A. Horn and C.R. Johnson, Matrix Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 19–20

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