Comparison of homeowner associations and civic associations

There are important differences between a homeowner association (HOA) and a civic association.

General comparison

The following table compares HOAs and civic associations for a selection of topics.

Topic Homeowner association Civic association Residents association Neighborhood association Property owners association
Membership requirements Mandatory membership Voluntary membership Voluntary membership Mandatory membership
Violations of regulations Fines, disable access to amenities, liens, foreclosure Removal from the association Removal from the association Fines, liens, foreclosure
Size of association Membership remains constant Membership fluctuates as members are free to leave or join without restitution Membership fluctuates as members are free to leave or join without restitution Membership remains constant
Maintenance issues Board of directors of management company handles hired services Board of directors seeks volunteers to help, then hires services Board of directors seeks volunteers to help, then hires services Board of directors of management company handles hired services
Right to rule Deed restricted None None Deed restricted
Entity owns property Yes No No Yes


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