Chichimecacihuatzin I

Chichimecacihuatzin I
Queen consort of Tenochtitlan
Husband Emperor Moctezuma I (cousin)
Issue Princess Atotoztli II
Princess Chichimecacihuatzin II
Prince Iquehuacatzin?
Prince Mahchimaleh?
Father Cuauhtototzin

Chichimecacihuatzin I was a Queen consort of Tenochtitlan - Aztec empress.


Moctezuma I was both cousin and husband of Chichimecacihuatzin

She was a daughter of the king Cuauhtototzin, granddaughter of the king Tezcacohuatzin, niece of the Queen Miahuaxihuitl and cousin-wife of Emperor Moctezuma I. She had at least one child with him, Princess Atotoztli II. It is likely that she had another daughter, Chichimecacihuatzin II.

It is possible that her sons were Princes Iquehuacatzin and Mahchimaleh.

She was a grandmother of emperors Axayacatl, Tizoc and Ahuitzotl and great-grandmother of Moctezuma II and Cuitláhuac. She was also a grandmother of the queen Chalchiuhnenetzin.


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