List of Alpha Kappa Psi chapters
Naming convention
Chapters of Alpha Kappa Psi are given names consisting of either one or two Greek letters. The names are issued in order according to the dates on which the chapters are chartered. Alpha is the name given to the founding chapter at New York University, followed by Beta at the University of Denver for the second chapter, then Gamma, and so on. Once the Greek alphabet had been exhausted by using single letters, two-letter names began to be issued, starting with Alpha Beta, then Alpha Gamma, then Alpha Delta, etc.
In the first cycle of chapter naming, no two-letter chapter name consists of identical Greek letters, and letters that came before the first letter of a chapter's name in the Greek alphabet were not used for the second letter. Thus, after Alpha Omega the next name issued was Beta Gamma to Indiana University, not Beta Alpha or Beta Beta. Likewise, after Beta Omega, the next name issued was Gamma Delta; Gamma Alpha, Gamma Beta, and Gamma Gamma were not used. Using this system, 300 names could be issued to college chapters, ending in 2005 with Psi Omega at Santa Clara University. Beginning that year, the Fraternity began to issue the unused two-letter names in reverse order. As with the first naming cycle, no two-letter chapter name consists of identical Greek letters would be issued. Thus, the next charter issued after Psi Omega was to Omega Psi at Carnegie Mellon University;Omega Omega was not used.
Chapters with houses
Chapter houses were at one time common in the fraternity. The need for housing and private meeting space can be traced back to Alpha Chapter, where a committee chaired by George W. Myer, Jr. was charged in 1905 with the task of securing a meeting-room near the School of Commerce at NYU. In the fall of that same year, the chapter began to meet in a room at 28 East 11th Street, at a weekly rental of $1. When the Class of 1906 graduated the following June, the chapter had to move. Another committee was appointed to seek a new location for the new semester, and in October 1906, the chapter approved the rental of two rooms and bath at the Benedict, 80 Washington Square East, at $31.25 a month. The chapter would remain at the new location for four years. In fall 1907, the chapter expanded to two additional rooms at the Benedict for $51.50 a month. With conditions becoming crowded at the Benedict, Alpha obtained its first official chapter house on October 24, 1910, located at 113 Waverly Place, New York, New York.
A select number of chapters still have actual houses on college campuses. These chapters include:
- Northwestern University (Gamma)
- Florida State University (Beta Psi)
- Michigan State University (Gamma Mu)
- Pennsylvania State University (Gamma Epsilon)
- Tennessee Tech (Zeta Upsilon)
- University of Georgia (Alpha Epsilon)
- University of Minnesota (Alpha Eta)]
- University of Southern California (Alpha Zeta)
- Central Michigan University (Zeta Xi)
- Western Michigan University (Gamma Tau)
Chapter facts and statistics
Chapter of the Year
- 2013-2014 - Beta Xi - Virginia Tech
- 2011-2012 - Gamma Iota - Loyola University Chicago[1]
- 2010-2011 - Omega Theta - University of Maryland, College Park
- 2009-2010 - Theta - Oregon State University
- 2008-2009 - Omega Theta - University of Maryland, College Park
- 2007-2008 - Xi Omega - University of South Florida
- 2006-2007 - Alpha Gamma - University of Virginia
- 2005-2006 - Beta Xi - Virginia Tech
- 2004-2005 - Omicron Tau - Rutgers University
- 2003-2004 - Alpha Beta - University of California, Berkeley
Chapters with more than 135 student members as of 2013[2]
214 - Zeta Lambda - Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee
203 - Alpha Phi - Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida
171 - Upsilon - Trulaske College of Business, University of Missouri
159 - Beta Psi - College of Business, Florida State University
157 - Gamma Chi - Farmer School of Business, Miami University
157 - Beta Gamma - Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
153 - Alpha Mu - Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin–Madison
153 - Alpha Nu - Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
140 - Pi Chi - Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
138 - Alpha Epsilon - Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
List of college chapters
Please note:
- Many Universities and Colleges with chapters have undergone name changes since charters were granted. The most current University name is used.
- An asterisk (*) indicates that Universities and/or Colleges have merged. Duplicate entries in this list are not errors!
Number | Chapter | Installation Date | College or University | Location | Status | Notes |
1. | Alpha | October 5, 1904 | New York University | New York, New York | Active | Re-chartered December 8, 2002 |
2. | Beta | March 10, 1910 | University of Denver | Denver, Colorado | Active | Re-chartered March 8, 2003 |
3. | Gamma | November 4, 1911 | Northwestern University | Chicago, Illinois | Active | Re-chartered February 2, 2002 |
4. | Delta | February 8, 1912 | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Active | Closed in 1964. Re-chartered April 4, 1982. |
5. | Epsilon | April 16, 1913 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Champaign, Illinois | Active | |
6. | Zeta | May 7, 1914 | University of Nebraska | Lincoln, Nebraska | Active | Re-chartered January 12, 1998. |
7. | Eta | May 24, 1914 | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, Ohio | Active | |
8. | Theta | May 30, 1914 | Oregon State University | Corvallis, Oregon | Active | Closed in 1933. Re-chartered April 26, 1979. Re-chartered May 15, 1999. |
9. | Iota | March 6, 1915 | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, Texas | Active | Re-chartered April 13, 1947. |
10. | Kappa | May 3, 1915 | University of Oregon | Eugene, Oregon | Active | |
11. | Lambda | June 1, 1915 | University of Oklahoma | Norman, Oklahoma | Closed | Closed in 1933. |
12. | Mu | June 6, 1915 | Ohio State University | Columbus, Ohio | Active | |
13. | Nu | April 29, 1916 | Boston University | Boston, Massachusetts | Active | Re-chartered October 1, 1938. Closed in 1964. Re-chartered October 27, 2007 |
14. | Xi | May 1, 1916 | Harvard University | Boston, Massachusetts | Closed | Closed in 1918. |
15. | Omicron | April 21, 1917 | University of Montana | Missoula, Montana | Closed | |
16. | Pi | November 27, 1917 | Georgia State University | Atlanta, Georgia | Active | |
17. | Rho | June 12, 1919 | University of Washington | Seattle, Washington | Active | |
18. | Sigma | October 21, 1919[3] | Colorado College | Colorado Springs, Colorado | Closed | Closed in 1966. |
19. | Tau | April 10, 1920 | Oklahoma State University | Stillwater, Oklahoma | Active | Re-chartered May 2, 1998. |
20. | Upsilon | April 10, 1920 | University of Missouri | Columbia, Missouri | Active | |
21. | Phi | May 1, 1920 | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, Michigan | Active | Re-chartered October 31, 1987 |
22. | Chi | May 22, 1920 | Columbia University | New York, New York | Active | Re-chartered March 24, 2012 |
23. | Psi | May 29, 1920 | University of Kansas | Lawrence, Kansas | Active | |
24. | Omega | January 22, 1921 | College of William and Mary | Williamsburg, Virginia | Active | Closed in 1936. Re-Chartered April 27, 1996 |
25. | Alpha Beta | March 8, 1921 | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, California | Active | Re-chartered April 27, 1956. Re-chartered April 3, 1999 |
26. | Alpha Gamma | June 3, 1921 | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, Virginia | Active | |
27. | Alpha Delta | May 13, 1922 | Washington and Lee | Lexington, Virginia | Closed | Closed in 1929. |
28. | Alpha Epsilon | March 18, 1922 | University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia | Active | |
29. | Alpha Zeta | May 3, 1922 | University of Southern California | Los Angeles, California | Active | |
30. | Alpha Eta | May 20, 1922 | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, Minnesota | Active | |
31. | Alpha Theta | November 18, 1922 | Utah State University | Logan, Utah | Closed | |
32. | Alpha Iota | November 17, 1922 | University of Utah | Salt Lake City, Utah | Colony | |
33. | Alpha Kappa | May 11, 1923 | University of Idaho | Moscow, Idaho | Colony | |
34. | Alpha Lambda | May 16, 1923 | Washington University | St. Louis, Missouri | Active | Re-chartered March 31, 2001 |
35. | Alpha Mu | May 17, 1923 | University of Wisconsin–Madison | Madison, Wisconsin | Active | |
36. | Alpha Nu | May 7, 1923 | University of Arizona | Tucson, Arizona | Active | Re-chartered February 6, 1982. |
37. | Alpha Xi | May 25, 1923 | University of Iowa | Iowa City, Iowa | Active | Re-chartered April 25, 1948. |
38. | Alpha Omicron | May 26, 1923 | Syracuse University | Syracuse, New York | Active | Re-chartered 2011 |
39. | Alpha Pi | November 12, 1923 | Southern Methodist University | Dallas, Texas | Active | Closed in 1962. Re-chartered. |
40. | Alpha Rho | April 1, 1924 | University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, Alabama | Active | Re-chartered in 1997 |
41. | Alpha Sigma | May 19, 1924 | Lehigh University | Bethlehem, Pennsylvania | Closed | |
42. | Alpha Tau | February 18, 1925 | University of North Carolina | Chapel Hill, North Carolina | Active | Re-chartered November 7, 1948. |
43. | Alpha Upsilon | January 5, 1926 | University of California | Los Angeles, California | Active | Re-chartered March 13, 1999. |
44. | Alpha Phi | January 22, 1926 | University of Florida | Gainesville, Florida | Active | |
45. | Alpha Chi | January 25, 1926 | Emory University | Atlanta, Georgia | Active | Closed in 1963. Re-chartered April 26, 2006. |
46. | Alpha Psi | March 11, 1926 | Marquette University | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Closed | |
47. | Alpha Omega | May 10, 1926 | Kansas State University | Manhattan, Kansas | Active | |
48. | Beta Gamma | April 5, 1927 | Indiana University | Bloomington, Indiana | Active | |
49. | Beta Delta | January 14, 1928 | Brigham Young University | Provo, Utah | Closed | Closed in 1952. |
50. | Beta Epsilon | June 3, 1928 | University of Chicago | Chicago, Illinois | Active | Closed in 1934. Re-Chartered November 10, 2012[4] |
51. | Beta Zeta | November 10, 1928 | University of Arkansas | Fayetteville, Arkansas | Active | |
52. | Beta Eta | December 7, 1929 | Duke University | Durham, North Carolina | Closed | Closed in 1966. Re-chartered January 13, 2007. Closed in October 2012.[5] |
53. | Beta Theta | May 20, 1930 | University of Detroit Mercy* | Detroit, Michigan | Closed | Merged with Eta Zeta |
54. | Beta Iota | April 11, 1931 | University at Buffalo, The State University of New York | Buffalo, New York | Active | Re-chartered 2005 |
55. | Beta Kappa | April 18, 1931 | University of Western Ontario | London, Ontario, Canada | Closed | Closed in 1947. |
56. | Beta Lambda | November 19, 1932 | Washington State University | Pullman, Washington | Active | Re-chartered April 11, 1999 |
57. | Beta Mu | May 6, 1933 | The George Washington University | Washington, District of Columbia | Active | Re-chartered January 27, 2008 |
58. | Beta Nu | May 16, 1936 | University of Wyoming | Laramie, Wyoming | Active | |
59. | Beta Xi | February 18, 1939 | Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, Virginia | Closed[6] | Closed until at least until 2019 |
60. | Beta Omicron | May 18, 1941 | Wayne State University | Detroit, Michigan | Colony[7] | |
61. | Beta Pi | May 9, 1941 | University of Miami | Coral Gables, Florida | Active | |
62. | Beta Rho | April 4, 1943 | West Virginia University | Morgantown, West Virginia | Active | |
63. | Beta Sigma | January 29, 1947 | St. John's University | Jamaica, New York | Active | |
64. | Beta Tau | May 1, 1948 | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, New Mexico | Closed | Re-chartered April 23, 2005 |
65. | Beta Upsilon | September 25, 1948 | University of South Carolina | Columbia, South Carolina | Active | Closed in 1955. Re-chartered April 21, 2007 |
66. | Beta Phi | May 1, 1949 | Drake University | Des Moines, Iowa | Active | |
67. | Beta Chi | May 1, 1949 | Louisiana State University | Baton Rouge, Louisiana | Active | Closed in 1961. Re-chartered 1997. |
68. | Beta Psi | May 28, 1949 | Florida State University | Tallahassee, Florida | Active | |
69. | Beta Omega | December 10, 1949 | Samford University | Birmingham, Alabama | Active | |
70. | Gamma Delta | May 13, 1950 | Wake Forest University | Winston-Salem, North Carolina | Active | Re-chartered November 20, 2003 |
71. | Gamma Epsilon | May 13, 1950 | Pennsylvania State University | University Park, Pennsylvania | Active | |
72. | Gamma Zeta | December 3, 1950 | University of Colorado | Boulder, Colorado | Active | |
73. | Gamma Eta | January 13, 1951 | University of Toledo | Toledo, Ohio | Active | |
74. | Gamma Theta | April 15, 1951 | Bradley University | Peoria, Illinois | Closed | |
75. | Gamma Iota | March 16, 1952 | Loyola University | Chicago, Illinois | Active | |
76. | Gamma Kappa | Sept 28, 1952 | University of Portland | Portland, Oregon | Active | |
77. | Gamma Lambda | November 1, 1952 | California State University, Fresno | Fresno, California | Active | |
78. | Gamma Mu | December 6, 1952 | Michigan State University | East Lansing, Michigan | Active | |
79. | Gamma Nu | June 7, 1953 | Babson College | Wellesley Park, Massachusetts | Closed | |
80. | Gamma Xi | October 18, 1953 | Lewis and Clark College | Portland, Oregon | Closed | |
81. | Gamma Omicron | November 15, 1953 | Norwich University | Northfield, Vermont | Closed | |
82. | Gamma Pi | January 17, 1954 | Seton Hall University | South Orange, New Jersey | Active | |
83. | Gamma Rho | March 6, 1954 | Rockhurst University | Kansas City, Missouri | Closed | Closed in 1955. |
84. | Gamma Sigma | April 20, 1954 | Regis College | Denver, Colorado | Closed | |
85. | Gamma Tau | May 23, 1954 | Western Michigan University | Kalamazoo, Michigan | Active | |
86. | Gamma Upsilon | January 24, 1954 | Wichita State University | Wichita, Kansas | Active | |
87. | Gamma Phi | October 31, 1954 | University of Tulsa | Tulsa, Oklahoma | Closed | |
88. | Gamma Chi | February 13, 1955 | Miami University | Oxford, Ohio | Active | |
89. | Gamma Psi | May 1, 1955 | Niagara University | Lewiston, New York | Closed | |
90. | Gamma Omega | April 16, 1955 | Seattle University | Seattle, Washington | Active | |
91. | Delta Epsilon | May 22, 1955 | California State University | Los Angeles, California | Closed | |
92. | Delta Zeta | May 15, 1955 | University of Richmond | Richmond, Virginia | Active | Re-chartered April 3, 2010 |
93. | Delta Eta | May 22, 1955 | Boston College | Boston, Massachusetts | Closed | |
94. | Delta Theta | June 5, 1955 | Carroll College | Waukesha, Wisconsin | Closed | |
95. | Delta Iota | February 19, 1956 | Waynesburg College | Waynesburg, Pennsylvania | Closed | |
96. | Delta Kappa | February 12, 1956 | Lipscomb University | Nashville, Tennessee | Active | |
97. | Delta Lambda | May 5, 1956 | Mississippi State University | Starkville, Mississippi | Closed | |
98. | Delta Mu | May 20, 1956 | John Carroll University | University Heights, Ohio | Active | Re-chartered 2011 |
99. | Delta Nu | May 5, 1956 | University of Dayton | Dayton, Ohio | Active | Re-chartered 2011 |
100. | Delta Xi | May 13, 1956 | Hamline University | St. Paul, Minnesota | Closed | |
101. | Delta Omicron | June 10, 1956 | California State University | Long Beach, California | Active | Re-chartered May 11, 2012 |
102. | Delta Pi | February 3, 1957 | Creighton University | Omaha, Nebraska | Active | |
103. | Delta Rho | March 10, 1957 | University of Saint Thomas | St. Paul, Minnesota | Closed | |
104. | Delta Sigma | April 7, 1957 | Saint Louis University | St. Louis, Missouri | Active | |
105. | Delta Tau | June 15, 1957 | Canisius College | Buffalo, New York | Active | |
106. | Delta Upsilon | May 19, 1957 | Idaho State University | Pocatello, Idaho | Active | |
107. | Delta Phi | December 8, 1957 | University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Active | |
108. | Delta Chi | February 8, 1958 | Clarkson University | Potsdam, New York | Active | |
109. | Delta Psi | April 13, 1958 | Illinois Wesleyan University | Bloomington, Illinois | Active | Re-chartered April 10, 2010 |
110. | Delta Omega | May 11, 1958 | Iowa State University | Ames, Iowa | Active | |
111. | Epsilon Zeta | July 13, 1958 | University of Detroit Mercy* | Detroit, Michigan | Closed | |
112. | Epsilon Eta | October 16, 1958 | Baylor University | Waco, Texas | Active | |
113. | Epsilon Theta | January 31, 1959 | Birmingham-Southern College | Birmingham, Alabama | Closed | |
114. | Epsilon Iota | March 15, 1959 | West Texas A&M University | Canyon, Texas | Closed | |
115. | Epsilon Kappa | April 18, 1959 | Southern Illinois University | Carbondale, Illinois | Active | |
116. | Epsilon Lambda | April 26, 1959 | Old Dominion University | Norfolk, Virginia | Closed | Closed until at least July 2015[8] |
117. | Epsilon Mu | May 17, 1959 | Pittsburg State University | Pittsburg, Kansas | Closed | |
118. | Epsilon Nu | May 24, 1959 | University of Puget Sound | Tacoma, Washington | Closed | |
119. | Epsilon Xi | May 27, 1959 | Gustavus Adolphus College | St. Peter, Minnesota | Closed | |
120. | Epsilon Omicron | April 24, 1960 | Arkansas State University | Jonesboro, Arkansas | Closed | |
121. | Epsilon Pi | May 21, 1960 | University of Alaska | Fairbanks, Alaska | Closed | |
122. | Epsilon Rho | March 18, 1961 | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Active | Re-chartered April 26, 1998 |
123. | Epsilon Sigma | February 9, 1962 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, Georgia | Active | |
124. | Epsilon Tau | February 15, 1962 | Jacksonville University | Jacksonville, Florida | Closed | 2013 |
125. | Epsilon Upsilon | February 13, 1962 | Carson-Newman College | Jefferson City, Tennessee | Closed | |
126. | Epsilon Phi | June 6, 1962 | University of Arkansas | Little Rock, Arkansas | Closed | |
127. | Epsilon Chi | February 24, 1963 | Upsala College | East Orange, New Jersey | Closed | University closed |
128. | Epsilon Psi | March 3, 1963 | Fordham University* | New York, New York | Closed | Merged with Eta Sigma |
129. | Epsilon Omega | May 12, 1963 | Portland State University | Portland, Oregon | Active | Re-chartered March 19, 2011 |
130. | Zeta Eta | May 12, 1963 | Pacific Lutheran University | Tacoma, Washington | Closed | |
131. | Zeta Theta | May 23, 1963 | St. Mary's College | Winona, Minnesota | Closed | |
132. | Zeta Iota | May 9, 1964 | Saint Francis College | Brooklyn, New York | Closed | |
133. | Zeta Kappa | May 2, 1964 | Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti, Michigan | Closed | |
134. | Zeta Lambda | May 10, 1964 | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, Tennessee | Active | |
135. | Zeta Mu | June 7, 1964 | Bloomfield College | Bloomfield, New Jersey | Closed | |
136. | Zeta Nu | May 24, 1964 | Saint Francis University | Loretto, Pennsylvania | Closed | |
137. | Zeta Xi | October 25, 1964 | Central Michigan University | Mt. Pleasant, Michigan | Active | |
138. | Zeta Omicron | March 20, 1965 | Southeast Missouri State University | Cape Girardeau, Missouri | Active | |
139. | Zeta Pi | March 21, 1965 | Fort Hays State University | Hays, Kansas | Active | |
140. | Zeta Rho | May 16, 1965 | Marshall University | Huntington, West Virginia | Active | |
141. | Zeta Sigma | May 23, 1965 | Millikin University | Decatur, Illinois | Closed | |
142. | Zeta Tau | May 30, 1965 | Western Kentucky University | Bowling Green, Kentucky | Active | Re-chartered March 20, 1999 |
143. | Zeta Upsilon | May 23, 1965 | Tennessee Technological University | Cookeville, Tennessee | Active | |
144. | Zeta Phi | May 22, 1965 | Austin Peay State University | Clarksville, Tennessee | Active | |
145. | Zeta Chi | May 29, 1965 | University of Tennessee at Martin | Martin, Tennessee | Active | |
146. | Zeta Psi | May 28, 1965 | Middle Tennessee State University | Murfreesboro, Tennessee | Active | |
147. | Zeta Omega | June 14, 1965 | St. John's University | Jamaica, New York | Closed | Later combined with Beta Sigma |
148. | Eta Theta | May 21, 1966 | Texas Tech University | Lubbock, Texas | Active | |
149. | Eta Iota | February 20, 1966 | Murray State University | Murray, Kentucky | Active | |
150. | Eta Kappa | February 19, 1966 | Hardin-Simmons University | Abilene, Texas | Closed | |
151. | Eta Lambda | April 30, 1966 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Las Vegas, Nevada | Closed | March 2015 |
152. | Eta Mu | May 1, 1966 | Stephen F. Austin State University | Nacogdoches, Texas | Closed | |
153. | Eta Nu | April 24, 1966 | University of Michigan | Dearborn, Michigan | Active | Re-chartered on April 12, 2014[9] |
154. | Eta Xi | May 22, 1966 | Youngstown State University | Youngstown, Ohio | Closed | |
155. | Eta Omicron | November 5, 1966 | East Carolina University | Greenville, North Carolina | Active | |
156. | Eta Pi | October 20, 1966 | Adrian College | Adrian, Michigan | Active | |
157. | Eta Rho | November 13, 1966 | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, Illinois | Active | Re-chartered April 21, 2007 |
158. | Eta Sigma | November 4, 1966 | Fordham University* | New York, New York | Closed | |
159. | Eta Tau | February 12, 1967 | Louisiana Tech University | Ruston, Louisiana | Active | Re-chartered May 1, 2010 |
160. | Eta Upsilon | May 6, 1967 | University of Montevallo | Montevallo, Alabama | Closed | |
161. | Eta Phi | May 21, 1967 | Eastern Washington University | Cheney, Washington | Active | |
162. | Eta Chi | December 9, 1967 | Northern Michigan University | Marquette, Michigan | Closed | |
163. | Eta Psi | January 13, 1968 | Drexel University | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Active | Re-chartered June 8, 2008 |
164. | Eta Omega | February 11, 1968 | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Charlotte, North Carolina | Active | |
165. | Theta Iota | March 23, 1968 | Gannon University | Erie, Pennsylvania | Active | |
166. | Theta Kappa | April 17, 1968 | Michigan Technological University | Houghton, Michigan | Closed | Charter Revoked Fall 2013 |
167. | Theta Lambda | May 25, 1968 | Western New England College | Springfield, Massachusetts | Closed | |
168. | Theta Mu | May 19, 1968 | Stetson University | DeLand, Florida | Active | |
169. | Theta Nu | January 25, 1969 | University of South Alabama | Mobile, Alabama | Active | Re-chartered December 2, 2001 |
170. | Theta Xi | April 13, 1969 | Tri-State University | Angola, Indiana | Closed | |
171. | Theta Omicron | March 30, 1969 | Boise State University | Boise, Idaho | Active | |
172. | Theta Pi | May 3, 1969 | Southern Benedictine College | Cullman, Alabama | Closed | University closed |
173. | Theta Rho | May 10, 1969 | University of Texas-Pan American | Edinburg, Texas | Closed | |
174. | Theta Sigma | April 19, 1969 | Texas State University | San Marcos, Texas | Active | |
175. | Theta Tau | November 23, 1969 | Western Carolina University | Cullowhee, North Carolina | Closed | Closed in Aug 2014 |
176. | Theta Upsilon | April 4, 1970 | Point Park College | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Closed | |
177. | Theta Phi | May 3, 1970 | University of Southern Indiana | Evansville, Indiana | Active | |
178. | Theta Chi | May 16, 1970 | University of West Georgia | Carrollton, Georgia | Closed | |
179. | Theta Psi | December 5, 1970 | University of Memphis | Memphis, Tennessee | Active | Re-chartered May 15, 2010 |
180. | Theta Omega | December 5, 1970 | Pfeiffer University | Misenheimer, North Carolina | Closed | |
181. | Iota Kappa | February 14, 1971 | American International College | Springfield, Massachusetts | Closed | |
182. | Iota Lambda | April 3, 1971 | Benedictine College | Atchison, Kansas | Closed | |
183. | Iota Mu | July 24, 1971 | University of the Pacific | Stockton, California | Closed | |
184. | Iota Nu | December 19, 1971 | West Liberty State College | West Liberty, West Virginia | Closed | |
185. | Iota Xi | May 6, 1972 | Arizona State University | Tempe, Arizona | Active | |
186. | Iota Omicron | June 30, 1972 | California State University | San Bernardino, California | Closed | Re-chartered 2011 |
187. | Iota Pi | May 27, 1972 | Christopher Newport University | Newport News, Virginia | Active | |
188. | Iota Rho | November 18, 1973 | Montclair State University | Montclair, New Jersey | Active | |
189. | Iota Sigma | December 11, 1976 | Sam Houston State University | Huntsville, Texas | Active | |
190. | Iota Tau | February 11, 1978 | University of San Diego | San Diego, California | Active | |
191. | Iota Upsilon | April 29, 1978 | Slippery Rock University | Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania | Active | |
192. | Iota Phi | April 30, 1978 | Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina | Active | |
193. | Iota Chi | May 6, 1978 | Henderson State University | Arkadelphia, Arkansas | Active | Re-chartered April 13, 2013[10] |
194. | Iota Psi | May 7, 1978 | Francis Marion University | Florence, South Carolina | Closed | |
195. | Iota Omega | May 13, 1978 | Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, Arizona | Active | Re-chartered March 29, 2014[11] |
196. | Kappa Lambda | October 15, 1978 | Northwood University | Midland, Michigan | Suspended | |
197. | Kappa Mu | April 21, 1979 | Kean University | Union, New Jersey | Closed | |
198. | Kappa Nu | April 28, 1979 | Lander College | Greenwood, South Carolina | Closed | |
199. | Kappa Xi | May 12, 1979 | Central Washington University | Ellensburg, Washington | Active | |
200. | Kappa Omicron | May 19, 1979 | Bellevue College | Bellevue, Nebraska | Closed | |
201. | Kappa Pi | August 4, 1979 | Incarnate Word College | San Antonio, Texas | Closed | |
202. | Kappa Rho | February 2, 1980 | University of Texas at Brownsville | Brownsville, Texas | Closed | |
203. | Kappa Sigma | April 19, 1980 | Indiana University of Pennsylvania | Indiana, Pennsylvania | Closed | |
204. | Kappa Tau | April 26, 1980 | Lamar University | Beaumont, Texas | Active | |
205. | Kappa Upsilon | April 23, 1980 | South Carolina State University | Orangeburg, South Carolina | Active | |
206. | Kappa Phi | June 28, 1980 | Alabama State University | Montgomery, Alabama | Suspended | |
207. | Kappa Chi | April 25, 1981 | Appalachian State University | Boone, North Carolina | Closed | |
208. | Kappa Psi | May 30, 1981 | Seattle Pacific University | Seattle, Washington | Closed | |
209. | Kappa Omega | April 3, 1982 | University of South Carolina | Aiken, South Carolina | Closed | |
210. | Lambda Mu | May 1, 1982 | Texas Lutheran University | Seguin, Texas | Active | |
211. | Lambda Nu | Sep 25, 1982 | American University | Washington, District of Columbia | Active | |
212. | Lambda Xi | October 22, 1982 | George Fox Evangelical Seminary | Portland, Oregon | Closed | |
213. | Lambda Omicron | March 19, 1983 | North Carolina State University | Raleigh, North Carolina | Active | |
214. | Lambda Pi | April 8, 1983 | Southwestern University | Georgetown, Texas | Active | |
215. | Lambda Rho | April 23, 1983 | Missouri State University | Springfield, Missouri | Active | |
216. | Lambda Sigma | April 28, 1983 | University of Central Arkansas | Conway, Arkansas | Colony[12] | |
217. | Lambda Tau | October 8, 1983 | Phillips University | Enid, Oklahoma | Closed | |
218. | Lambda Upsilon | March 24, 1984 | Butler University | Indianapolis, Indiana | Active | |
219. | Lambda Phi | April 7, 1984 | Southwestern Oklahoma State University | Weatherford, Oklahoma | Closed | |
220. | Lambda Chi | April 28, 1984 | Texas A&M University | College Station, Texas | Closed | |
221. | Lambda Psi | May 26, 1984 | Menlo College | Atherton, California | Closed | |
222. | Lambda Omega | March 23, 1985 | Adams State College | Alamosa, Colorado | Closed | |
223. | Mu Nu | May 4, 1985 | Oakland University | Rochester, Michigan | Active | |
224. | Mu Xi | April 20, 1985 | Virginia State University | Petersburg, Virginia | Closed | |
225. | Mu Omicron | April 27, 1985 | Indiana State University | Terre Haute, Indiana | Active | |
226. | Mu Pi | May 4, 1985 | Elon University | Elon, North Carolina | Active | |
227. | Mu Rho | December 8, 1985 | University of Texas at Dallas | Dallas, Texas | Active | Re-chartered October 2009 |
228 | Mu Sigma | May 10, 1986 | San Diego State University | San Diego, California | Active | |
229. | Mu Tau | December 6, 1986 | Webster University | St. Louis, Missouri | Closed | |
230. | Mu Upsilon | April 25, 1987 | California State University | Bakersfield, California | Active | |
231. | Mu Phi | April 25, 1987 | California State University | Northridge, California | Active | Re-chartered May 18, 2007 |
232. | Mu Chi | May 26, 1987 | Dominican College | Orangeburg, New York | Closed | |
233. | Mu Psi | January 28, 1989 | Hofstra University | Hempstead, New York | Active | |
234. | Mu Omega | May 6, 1989 | Auburn University | Auburn, Alabama | Active | |
235. | Nu Xi | May 14, 1989 | University of California, San Diego | San Diego, California | Closed | closed until at least July 2018[13] |
236. | Nu Omicron | November 18, 1989 | Houston Baptist University | Houston, Texas | Active | |
237. | Nu Pi | January 27, 1990 | Trinity University | San Antonio, Texas | Active | |
238. | Nu Rho | April 22, 1990 | Colorado State University | Fort Collins, Colorado | Active | |
239. | Nu Sigma | December 8, 1990 | Davenport College | Grand Rapids, Michigan | Closed | |
240. | Nu Tau | January 26, 1991 | Roanoke College | Salem, Virginia | Active | |
241. | Nu Upsilon | February 9, 1991 | Marist College | Poughkeepsie, New York | Active | |
242. | Nu Phi | March 17, 1991 | University of Pittsburgh | Johnstown, Pennsylvania | Active | |
243. | Nu Chi | April 20, 1991 | University of Central Florida | Orlando, Florida | Active | |
244. | Nu Psi | November 9, 1991 | James Madison University | Harrisonburg, Virginia | Active | |
245. | Nu Omega | January 25, 1992 | Wesleyan College | Macon, Georgia | Closed | |
246. | Xi Omicron | March 28, 1992 | University of Texas at San Antonio | San Antonio, Texas | Active | |
247. | Xi Pi | April 25, 1992 | Lock Haven University | Lock Haven, Pennsylvania | Active | |
248. | Xi Rho | May 2, 1992 | Ohio University | Athens, Ohio | Active | |
249. | Xi Sigma | June 27, 1992 | Florida International University | Miami, Florida | Active | |
250. | Xi Tau | April 8, 1995 | Shippensburg University | Shippensburg, Pennsylvania | Active | |
251. | Xi Upsilon | May 6, 1995 | Centenary College | Hackettstown, New Jersey | Closed | |
252. | Xi Phi | May 6, 1995 | University of Northern Colorado | Greeley, Colorado | Active | |
253. | Xi Chi | May 4, 1996 | University of La Verne | La Verne, California | Closed | |
254. | Xi Psi | April 6, 1997 | Illinois State University | Normal, Illinois | Active | Re-chartered April 10, 2010 |
255. | Xi Omega | April 12, 1997 | University of South Florida | Tampa, Florida | Active | |
256. | Omicron Pi | April 13, 1997 | Azusa Pacific University | Azusa, California | Closed | |
257. | Omicron Rho | May 10, 1997 | Fairleigh Dickinson University | Teaneck, New Jersey | Active | |
258. | Omicron Sigma | November 15, 1997 | Radford University | Radford, Virginia | Active | |
259. | Omicron Tau | May 25, 1998 | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, New Jersey | Active | |
260. | Omicron Upsilon | November 8, 1998 | Cornell University | Ithaca, New York | Active | |
261. | Omicron Phi | November 21, 1998 | University of Louisville | Louisville, Kentucky | Active | |
262. | Omicron Chi | December 5, 1998 | Case Western Reserve University | Cleveland, Ohio | Active | |
263. | Omicron Psi | December 6, 1998 | University of Kentucky | Lexington, Kentucky | Active | |
264. | Omicron Omega | February 6, 1999 | University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, California | Active | |
265. | Pi Rho | February 4, 1999 | California Polytechnic State University | San Luis Obispo, California | Active | |
266. | Pi Sigma | April 24, 1999 | George Mason University | Fairfax, Virginia | Active | Re-chartered May 8, 2011 |
267. | Pi Tau | April 25, 1999 | Stanford University | Stanford, California | Active | |
268. | Pi Upsilon | May 8, 1999 | California State University | San Marcos, California | Active | |
269. | Pi Phi | November 11, 1999 | Penn State University | State College, Pennsylvania | Closed | |
270. | Pi Chi | November 5, 1999 | Tulane University | New Orleans, Louisiana | Active | Re-chartered January 31, 2004 |
271. | Pi Psi | December 11, 1999 | University of California-Irvine | Irvine, California | Active | Re-chartered February 18, 2014[14] |
272. | Pi Omega | February 5, 2000 | Purdue University | West Lafayette, Indiana | Active | |
273. | Rho Sigma | October 7, 2000[15] | College of Charleston | Charleston, South Carolina | Active | |
274. | Rho Tau | October 29, 2000 | University of Mississippi | Oxford, Mississippi | Active | |
275. | Rho Upsilon | November 18, 2000 | Missouri Western State College | St. Joseph, Missouri | Active | |
276. | Rho Phi | January 6, 2001 | University of California | Riverside, California | Active | |
277. | Rho Chi | April 21, 2001 | Chapman University | Orange, California | Active | |
278. | Rho Psi | April 21, 2001 | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, Maryland | Active | |
279. | Rho Omega | April 22, 2001 | Campbell University | Buies Creek, North Carolina | Closed | |
280. | Sigma Tau | April 28, 2001 | Pace University | New York, New York | Closed | |
281. | Sigma Upsilon | May 5, 2001 | University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology* | Manchester, England, United Kingdom | Merged | Merged with University of Manchester |
282. | Sigma Upsilon Phi | May 5, 2001 | University of Manchester* | Manchester, England, United Kingdom | Active | Merged with MMU & UMIST (previously Sigma Phi chapter) |
283. | Sigma Chi | May 5, 2001 | Manchester Metropolitan University* | Manchester, England, United Kingdom | Merged | Merged with University of Manchester |
284. | Sigma Psi | May 12, 2001 | Loyola University New Orleans | New Orleans, Louisiana | Active | |
285. | Sigma Omega | March 23, 2002 | Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton, Florida | Active | |
286. | Tau Upsilon | March 23, 2002 | Truman State University | Kirksville, Missouri | Active | |
287. | Tau Phi | April 13, 2002 | Quinnipiac University | Hamden, Connecticut | Closed | |
288. | Tau Chi | April 13, 2002 | DePaul University | Chicago, Illinois | Active | |
289. | Tau Psi | April 20, 2002 | University of Houston | Houston, Texas | Active | |
290. | Tau Omega | April 20, 2002 | University of Southern Mississippi | Hattiesburg, Mississippi | Active | |
291. | Upsilon Phi | April 20, 2002 | Montana State University | Bozeman, Montana | Closed | |
292. | Upsilon Chi | November 9, 2002 | Ball State University | Muncie, Indiana | Active | |
293. | Upsilon Psi | November 24, 2002 | University of California, Davis | Davis, California | Active | |
294. | Upsilon Omega | December 8, 2002 | Arizona State University West | Phoenix, Arizona | Active | |
295. | Phi Chi | January 25, 2003 | McGill University | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Closed | |
296. | Phi Psi | March 8, 2003 | North Dakota State University | Fargo, North Dakota | Closed | |
297. | Phi Omega | April 27, 2003 | Gonzaga University | Spokane, Washington | Active | |
298. | Chi Psi | November 16, 2003 | Tennessee State University | Nashville, Tennessee | Active | |
299. | Chi Omega | November 23, 2003 | University of North Texas | Denton, Texas | Active | |
300. | Psi Omega | January 8, 2005 | Santa Clara University | Santa Clara, California | Active | |
301. | Omega Psi | January 15, 2005 | Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Active | |
302. | Omega Chi | March 12, 2005 | University of Calgary | Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Active | |
303. | Omega Phi | March 23, 2005 | San José State University | San Jose, California | Active | |
304. | Omega Upsilon | April 9, 2005 | Clemson University | Clemson, South Carolina | Active | |
305. | Omega Tau | April 30, 2005 | University of Alabama | Birmingham, Alabama | Active | |
306. | Omega Sigma | May 7, 2005 | University of Wisconsin–Whitewater | Whitewater, Wisconsin | Closed | |
307. | Omega Rho | May 22, 2005 | Nova Southeastern University | Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Active | |
308. | Omega Pi | November 19, 2005 | University of Maine | Orono, Maine | Active | |
309. | Omega Omicron | December 3, 2005 | Eastern Kentucky University | Richmond, Kentucky | Active | |
310. | Omega Xi | January 14, 2006 | Florida A&M University | Tallahassee, Florida | Active | |
311. | Omega Nu | February 18, 2006 | Vanderbilt University | Nashville, Tennessee | Active | |
312. | Omega Mu | April 23, 2006 | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | Chattanooga, Tennessee | Active | |
313. | Omega Lambda | April 30, 2006 | Georgetown University | Washington, District of Columbia | Active | |
314. | Omega Kappa | May 6, 2006 | Towson University | Towson, Maryland | Active | |
315. | Omega Iota | May 7, 2006 | Delaware State University | Dover, Delaware | Closed | |
316. | Omega Theta | January 27, 2007 | University of Maryland, College Park | College Park, Maryland | Active | |
317. | Omega Eta | April 15, 2007 | Furman University | Greenville, South Carolina | Closed | |
318. | Omega Zeta | November 3, 2007 | State University of New York at Binghamton | Vestal, New York | Active | |
319. | Omega Epsilon | April 19, 2008 | Pepperdine University | Malibu, California | Active | |
320. | Omega Delta | January 24, 2009 | University of New Hampshire | Durham, New Hampshire | Active | |
321. | Omega Gamma | January 31, 2009 | University of British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia | Active | |
322. | Omega Beta | February 21, 2009 | Western Washington University | Bellingham, Washington | Active | |
323. | Omega Alpha | March 14, 2009 | University of Delaware | Newark, Delaware | Active | |
324. | Psi Chi | April 19, 2009 | Jacksonville State University | Jacksonville, Alabama | Active | |
325. | Psi Phi | April 25, 2009 | University of Nevada-Reno | Reno, Nevada | Active | |
326. | Psi Upsilon | May 10, 2009 | University of California, Merced | Merced, California | Active | |
327. | Psi Tau | November 7, 2009 | Howard University | Washington, D.C. | Active | |
328. | Psi Sigma | February 20, 2010 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Greensboro, NC | Active | |
329. | Psi Rho | March 27, 2010 | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT | Active | |
330. | Psi Pi | April 10, 2010 | Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, NY | Active | |
331. | Psi Omicron | May 1, 2010 | State University of New York Geneseo | Geneseo, NY | Active | |
332. | Psi Xi | May 2, 2010 | Grand Valley State University | Allendale, MI | Active | |
333. | Psi Nu | March 11, 2011 | Baruch College | New York, NY | Active | |
334. | Psi Mu | April 9, 2011 | University of Rochester | Rochester, NY | Active | |
335. | Psi Lambda | May 7, 2011[16] | Bentley University | Waltham, MA | Active | |
336. | Psi Kappa | May 14, 2011[17] | San Francisco State University | San Francisco, CA | Active | |
337. | Psi Iota | December 3, 2011 | Monmouth University | West Long Branch, NJ | Active | |
338. | Psi Theta | February 11, 2012 | Southern Oregon University | Ashland, OR | Active | |
339. | Psi Eta | April 7, 2012 | Temple University | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Active | |
340. | Psi Zeta | April 21, 2012 | Coastal Carolina University | Conway, South Carolina | Active | |
341. | Psi Epsilon | April 21, 2012 | Loyola Marymount University | Los Angeles, California | Active | |
342. | Psi Delta | April 29, 2012 | Shenandoah University | Winchester, Virginia | Active | |
343. | Psi Gamma | April 29, 2012 | West Virginia State University | Institute, West Virginia | Active | |
344. | Psi Beta | April 6, 2013 | University of North Florida | Jacksonville, Florida | Active | |
345. | Psi Alpha | March 23, 2013 | Ferris State University | Big Rapids, Michigan | Active | |
346. | Chi Phi | May 18, 2013 | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong, China | Active | |
347. | Chi Upsilon | December 7, 2013 | Ramapo College of New Jersey | Mahwah, New Jersey | Active | |
348. | Chi Tau | March 30, 2014 | University of North Dakota | Grand Forks, North Dakota | Active | |
349. | Chi Sigma | April 5, 2014[18] | Northeastern University | Boston, Massachusetts | Active | |
350. | Chi Rho | April 13, 2014[19] | High Point University | High Point, North Carolina | Active | |
351. | Chi Pi | April 26, 2014[20] | Virginia Commonwealth University | Richmond, Virginia | Active | |
352. | Chi Omicron | April 26, 2014[21] | William Paterson University of New Jersey | Wayne, New Jersey | Active | |
353. | Chi Xi | May 3, 2014[22] | The College of New Jersey | Ewing, New Jersey | Active | |
354. | Chi Nu | May 3, 2014[23] | University of Missouri-Kansas City | Kansas City, Missouri | Active | |
355. | Chi Mu | April 18, 2015 | Sacred Heart University | Fairfield, Connecticut | Active | |
356. | Chi Lambda | April 25, 2015 | Edinboro University of Pennsylvania | Edinboro, Pennsylvania | Active | |
357. | Chi Kappa | December 5, 2015 | California State University-Monterey Bay | Seaside, California | Active |
List of college colonies
Colonization Date | School | Location | Designation |
September 2011 | University of California-Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, California | Colony[24][25] |
October 2013 | University of Toronto | Toronto, Ontario | Colony[26][27] |
February 2014 | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, British Columbia | Colony[28][29] |
May 2014 | New York University Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | Colony[30] |
October 2014 | University of Tampa | Tampa, Florida | Colony[31] |
January 2015 | University of Utah | Salt Lake City, Utah | Alpha Iota Colony[32] |
May 2015 | Wayne State University | Detroit, Michigan | Beta Omicron Colony[33] |
List of alumni chapters
Number | Chapter | Original Charter Date | Last Charter Date | Location | Status |
1. | New York | 1921 | May 20, 2012[34][35] | New York, New York | Active |
2. | Atlanta | 1921 | May 17, 2009[36] | Atlanta, Georgia | Active |
3. | Boston | 1922 | Boston, Massachusetts | Colony[37] | |
4. | Pittsburgh/Golden Triangle | 1922 | May 14, 2015[38] | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Active |
5. | Los Angeles | 1922 | June 19, 2010 | Los Angeles, California | Active |
6. | Chicago | May 17, 1924 | Summer 2007 | Chicago, Illinois | Active |
7. | Denver/Mile High | September 16, 1924 | March 2, 2013[39][40] | Denver, Colorado | Active |
8. | Twin Cities | June 21, 1925 | Minneapolis, Minnesota | Active | |
9. | Salt Lake City | February 26, 1926 | Salt Lake City, Utah | Inactive | |
10. | Milwaukee/City of Festivals | March 31, 1928 | November 3, 2006[41] | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Active |
11. | Cincinnati | March 9, 1929 | Cincinnati, Ohio | Inactive | |
12. | Michigan | April 20, 1929 | Detroit, Michigan | Suspended* | |
13. | Kansas City/City of Fountains/Kansas City Metro | June 14, 1929 | June 1, 2006[42] | Kansas City, Missouri | Active |
14. | Columbia | May 20, 1932 | Columbia, New York | Inactive | |
15. | Detroit | April 26, 1936 | Detroit, Michigan | Suspended* | |
16. | Seattle | May 19, 1937 | April 21, 2010[43] | Seattle, Washington | Active |
17. | Washington/Capital Area | January 16, 1942 | December 10, 2005 | Washington, D.C. | Active |
18. | Wayne | December 13, 1946 | Detroit, Michigan | Suspended* | |
19. | Miami | May 2, 1948 | Miami, Florida | Inactive | |
20. | Buffalo-Niagara | May 15, 1948 | Buffalo, New York | Inactive | |
21. | St. John's | June 5, 1948 | Long Island, New York | Inactive | |
22. | Dallas/Ft. Worth | October 6, 1949 | June 7, 2015[44] | Dallas, Texas | Active |
23. | Lincoln | February 24, 1950 | Lincoln, Nebraska | Inactive | |
24. | Birmingham | March 11, 1950 | Birmingham, Alabama | Inactive | |
25. | Toledo/Glass City | January 12, 1952 | Toledo, Ohio | Inactive | |
26. | Omaha | October 2, 1952 | Omaha, Nebraska | Active | |
27. | Portland/Greater Portland | July 18, 1953 | January 26, 2013[45][46] | Portland, Oregon | Active |
28. | Tallahassee | July 30, 1953 | Tallahassee, Florida | Inactive | |
29. | Northern California | April 11, 1955 | San Francisco, California | Inactive | |
30. | Peoria | May 27, 1956 | Peoria, Illinois | Inactive | |
31. | Northern New Jersey | September 22, 1957 | Newark, New Jersey | Inactive | |
32. | Charlotte | April 19, 1958 | Charlotte, North Carolina | Inactive | |
33. | Motor City | April 16, 1959 | Detroit, Michigan | Active | |
34. | Nashville/Music City | May 29, 1959 | May 18, 2013[47][48] | Nashville, Tennessee | Active |
35. | Athens | July 1, 1959 | Athens, Georgia | Inactive | |
36. | Jacksonville/Florida First Coast | August 28, 1959 | May 15, 2015[49] | Jacksonville, Florida | Active |
37. | Long Beach | February 3, 1961 | Long Beach, California | Inactive | |
38. | Tampa/Tampa Bay/Greater Tampa Bay | August 10, 1962 | Tampa, Florida | Active | |
39. | St. Petersburg | August 10, 1962 | St. Petersburg, Florida | Inactive | |
40. | Cleveland | November 9, 1963 | Cleveland, Ohio | Inactive | |
41. | Tacoma | January 18, 1964 | Tacoma, Washington | Inactive | |
42. | Dayton | November 7, 1964 | Dayton, Ohio | Inactive | |
43. | Central Florida | September 12, 1964 | 1991 | Orlando, Florida | Active |
44. | Ft. Lauderdale | January 30, 1965 | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida | Inactive | |
45. | Pensacola | December 28, 1965 | Pensacola, Florida | Inactive | |
46. | Air Capitol | April 1, 1966 | Wichita, Kansas | Inactive | |
47. | Tucson | November 5, 1966 | Tucson, Arizona | Inactive | |
48. | Gateway | December 4, 1966 | St. Louis, Missouri | Inactive | |
49. | Little Rock | March 3, 1967 | Little Rock, Arkansas | Inactive | |
50. | Hampton Roads | April 8, 1967 | January 14, 2012[50] | Norfolk, Virginia | Active |
51. | Hoosier | May 9, 1967 | Indianapolis, Indiana | Active | |
52. | Des Moines | May 4, 1968 | Des Moines, Iowa | Inactive | |
53. | Tulsa | May 2, 1969 | Tulsa, Oklahoma | Inactive | |
54. | Memphis | December 5, 1970 | June 28, 2014 | Memphis, Tennessee[51][52] | Active |
55. | Phoenix | 1972 | Phoenix, Arizona | Inactive | |
56. | Garden State | 1975 | October 5, 2012[53][54] | East Orange, New Jersey | Active |
57. | Texas Gulf Coast | 1975 | Houston, Texas | Inactive | |
58. | Tri-State | 1977 | Springfield, Massachusetts | Inactive | |
59. | Hawkeye State | 1980 | Iowa City, Iowa | Inactive | |
60. | Treasure Valley | March 29, 1980[55] | Boise, Idaho | Inactive | |
61. | San Diego | 1981 | San Diego, California | Active | |
62. | St. Louis Metro | 1981 | St. Louis, Missouri | Active | |
63. | Greater Piedmont | 1984 | Charlotte, North Carolina | Inactive | |
64. | Orange County | 1984 | Orange County, California | Active | |
65. | Central Ohio | 1985 | Columbus, Ohio | Inactive | |
66. | Bay Area | 1988 | February 20, 2007[56] | San Francisco, California | Active |
67. | Ohio Valley | 1993 | Cincinnati, Ohio | Active | |
68. | Alamo City | 1994 | San Antonio, Texas | Inactive | |
69. | Florida Gold Coast | June 11, 1994 | Miami, Florida | Active | |
70. | Queen City | 1996 | Charlotte, North Carolina | Active | |
71. | Tennessee Valley | 1996 | Murfreesboro, Tennessee | Inactive | |
72. | Upper Cumberland | 1998 | Cookeville, Tennessee | Inactive | |
73. | Spindletop | 2007 | Beaumont, Texas | Inactive | |
74. | Greater Philadelphia | September 12, 2009 | September 12, 2009 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Active |
75. | Houston | October 9, 2010 | October 9, 2010 | Houston, Texas | Active |
76. | Triangle Area | August 11, 2011 | August 11, 2011 | Raleigh, North Carolina | Active |
77. | South Carolina | January 14, 2012 | January 14, 2012 | Columbia, South Carolina | Active |
78. | Baltimore Merto | December 15, 2012 | December 15, 2012 | Baltimore, Maryland | Active |
79. | Crescent City | August 7, 2013 | August 7, 2013 | New Orleans, Louisiana | Active |
80. | Orange County | March 21, 2014 | March 21, 2014 | Irvine, California | Active |
81. | Greater Gator | May 31, 2014 | May 31, 2014 | Gainesville, Florida & worldwide | Active |
82. | London | March 28, 2015 | March 28, 2015 | London, England | Active |
83. | Bluegrass | May 30, 2015[57] | May 30, 2015 | Louisville, Kentucky | Active |
84. | ASEAN | June 6, 2015[58] | June 6, 2015 | ASEAN region | Active |
85. | Paradise Coast | September 25, 2015 | September 25, 2015 | Naples, Florida/Ft. Myers, Florida | Active |
86. | Central Washington University Alumni Chapter | October 10, 2015 | October 10, 2015 | Ellensburg, Washington and worldwide | Active |
87. | Hong Kong | December 5, 2015 | December 5, 2015 | Hong Kong, China | Active |
NA. | Columbus | NA | Columbus, Ohio | Colony[59] | |
NA. | Florida Treasure Coast | NA | West Palm Beach, Florida | Colony[60][61] |
- The charters from the Michigan, Detroit, and Wayne alumni chapters were suspended in order to facilitate the installation of the combined Motor City Alumni Chapter in 1959.
- ↑
- ↑ 2012-13 Invest in You - Final Results
- ↑ AKPsi Facebook post of October 21, 2014
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Winter 2013, page 7
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ The Diary, Autumn 2011, page 8
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2013, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2013, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ copy of charter
- ↑ The Diary, Autumn 2011, page 9
- ↑ The Diary, Autumn 2011, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ Heritage Center Posting on Facebook
- ↑ Heritage Center Posting on Facebook, January 24, 2015
- ↑ Heritage Center Posting on Facebook, May 9, 2015
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Winter 2013, page 7
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- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
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- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2013, page 7
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- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2013, page 7
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- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2013, page 7
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- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Winter 2013, page 7
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- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Spring 2014, page 7
- ↑ The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, Summer 2014, page 9