Channel Niners
Channel Niners is an Australian children's television series block aired on NWS-9 in Adelaide, It hosted by Pam Tamblin and Ashleigh Mac. Later it was hosted by Patsy Biscoe and Ian Fairweather.
The final presenters of the show were Joanna "Joey" Moore and a former teacher at Adelaide High School, "Robby" Robin Roenfeldt, and their sidekick Winky Dink, a pink puppet duck (that appeared to be white on television) voiced by children's author Wendy Patching.
Channel Niners was replaced in the mid-1980s by C'mon Kids, which was basically the same show and format as Channel Niners, just with a different name. Tapings for the show would include a live studio audience (generally from primary schools around Adelaide) once a week. The show aired on weekdays from 4pm until 5pm, with the Friday show being the one with the live audience. The Friday show would generally include guest stars (mainly from Adelaide) and the final segment would see two kids from the audience (which was generally 10- to 12-year-olds from schools around Adelaide) participate in a game show.