Captain Fathom

Captain Fathom was an animated television series produced in 1965 by Cambria Studios. Like Cambria's other productions, Clutch Cargo and Space Angel, it was produced in Synchro-Vox. Eighteen 30-minute episodes, all in color, were filmed. The episodes could be broken down into five 6-minute segments in cliffhanger format. Renowned comic book artist Alex Toth was the director.[1]

This animated series was broadcast in Italy in syndication in the early 80's under 2 different titles: Avventure negli abissi (that means in English Adventures in the Abyss) and Captain Fathom.


Captain Bill Fathom was captain of a submarine called the Argonaut. He and his crew would have various adventures, similar to those of Clutch Cargo or Jonny Quest.



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