Transformers: Go!

Transformers: Go! is a Transformers animated series and toyline exclusive to Japan. It features several Autobots teaming up to battle the evil Predacons seeking to conquer Earth.


The series is set within the same continuity as Transformers: Prime, and takes place in Japan. The main antagonists, the Predacons, aim to collect several energy sources called Legend Disks in order to resurrect their leader, Dragotron (the Japanese name for Predaking). Groups of Predacons attack locations in Japan where the Legend Disks are located. During these attacks, two cousins, Isami Tatewaki and Tobio Fuma, revive the Samurai and Shinobi Autobot teams, respectively. They are then tasked by Optimus Prime to retrieve the Legend Disks before the Predacons do, however, complications arise when it is discovered that the Disks are in fact scattered throughout different time periods. The rest of the series follows an episodic format, with either the Samurai or Shinobi teams and their respective child sidekicks traveling to different time periods, trying (and usually failing) to retrieve the disks.





The Go! toyline consists of several new Autobot figures, while the Predacons and other figures are repaints or Japanese introductions of toys from the Transformers: Prime toyline.




External links

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