
IUPAC name
14220-21-4 YesY
Molar mass 406.16 g/mol
Appearance colorless
Melting point sublimes 85-90 °C (0.2 mm Hg)
Solubility in chlorocarbons soluble
Toxic (T)
R-phrases R23/24/25 R36/37/38
S-phrases S26 S28 S36/37/39 S45
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
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Bromopentacarbonylrhenium(I) is an inorganic compound of rhenium, commonly used for the syntheses of other rhenium complexes.


Bromopentacarbonylrhenium(I) is commercially available. It is also easily and inexpensively synthesized by the oxidation of dirhenium decacarbonyl with bromine:[1]

Re2(CO)10 + Br2 2 ReBr(CO)5

It was first prepared by the "reductive carbonylation" of rhenium(III) bromide:[2]

ReBr3 + 2 Cu + 5 CO → BrRe(CO)5 + 2 CuBr

Copper(I) bromide is a byproduct.


Bromopentacarbonylrhenium(I) is a useful intermediate to other rhenium complexes. For example, it reacts with zinc and acetic acid to give pentacarbonylhydridorhenium (ReH(CO)5).[3]

Re(CO)5Br + Zn + HO2CCH3 → ReH(CO)5 + ZnBrO2CCH3

It also reacts with tetraethylammonium bromide in diglyme to give [NEt4]2[ReBr3(CO)3)], an important precursor to compounds containing the rhenium tricarbonyl fragment.[4]

Refluxing bromopentacarbonylrhenium(I) in water also provides access to the rhenium tricarbonyl fragment:

ReBr(CO)5 + 3 H2O [Re(H2O)3(CO)3]Br + 2 CO

This route avoids the formation of the tetraethylammonium bromide byproduct when the tetraethylammonium complex is used. This is desirable because the tetraethylammonium bromide is often difficult to remove from reaction mixtures.[5]


  1. Steven P. Schmidt, William C. Trogler, Fred Basolo (1990). "Pentacarbonylrhenium Halides". Inorganic Syntheses. Inorganic Syntheses 28: 154–159. doi:10.1002/9780470132593.ch42. ISBN 9780470132593.
  2. W. Hieber, Mitarbeitern, Hans Schulten (1939). "XXX. Mitteilung über Metallcarbonyle. Über Rhenium-Kohlenoxyd-Verbindungen". Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 243 (2): 164–173. doi:10.1002/zaac.19392430205.
  3. Michael A. Urbancic, John R. Shapley (1990). "Pentacarbonylhydridorhenium". Inorganic Syntheses. Inorganic Syntheses 28: 165–8. doi:10.1002/9780470132593.ch43. ISBN 9780470132593.
  4. R. Alberto, A. Egli, U. Abram, K. Hegetschweiler, V. Gramlich and P. A. Schubiger (1994). "Synthesis and reactivity of [NEt4]2[ReBr3(CO)3]. Formation and structural characterization of the clusters [NEt4][Re33-OH)(µ-OH)3(CO)9] and [NEt4][Re2(µ-OH)3(CO)6] by alkaline titration". J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. (19): 2815–2820. doi:10.1039/DT9940002815.
  5. N. Lazarova, S. James, J. Babich and J. Zubieta (2004). "A convenient synthesis, chemical characterization and reactivity of [Re(CO)3(H2O)3]Br: the crystal and molecular structure of [Re(CO)3(CH3CN)2Br]". Inorganic Chemistry Communications 7 (9): 1023–1026. doi:10.1016/j.inoche.2004.07.006.
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