Bose–Hubbard model

The BoseHubbard model gives a description of the physics of interacting bosons on a lattice. It is closely related to the Hubbard model which originated in solid-state physics as an approximate description of superconducting systems and the motion of electrons between the atoms of a crystalline solid. The model was first introduced by Gersch H., Knollman G [1] in 1963; the name Bose refers to the fact that the particles in the system are bosonic.

The BoseHubbard model can be used to model systems such as bosonic atoms on an optical lattice. Furthermore, it can also be generalized and applied to BoseFermi mixtures, in which case the corresponding Hamiltonian is called the BoseFermiHubbard Hamiltonian.

The Hamiltonian

The physics of this model is given by the BoseHubbard Hamiltonian:

 H = -t \sum_{ \left\langle i, j \right\rangle } b^{\dagger}_i b_j + \frac{U}{2} \sum_{i} \hat{n}_i \left( \hat{n}_i - 1 \right) - \mu \sum_i \hat{n}_i .

Here i is summed over all lattice sites, and \left\langle i, j \right\rangle denotes summation over all neighboring sites i and j, while b^{\dagger}_i and b^{}_i are bosonic creation and annihilation operators. \hat{n}_i = b^{\dagger}_i b_i gives the number of particles on site i. Parameter t is the hopping amplitude, describing mobility of bosons in the lattice. Parameter U describes the on-site interaction, repulsive, if U > 0 , and attractive for U < 0. \mu is the chemical potential.

The dimension of the Hilbert space of the BoseHubbard model grows exponentially with respect to the number of particles N and lattice sites L. It is given by:  D_{b}= \frac{(N_{b}+L-1)!}{N_{b}!(L-1)!} . The model can also be considered with fermionic atoms, then it is called FermiHubbard Model. In such a case:  D_{f}= \frac{L!}{N_{f}!(L-N_{f})!}. The different results stem from different statistics of fermions and bosons.

Analogous hamiltonian may be formulated to describe mixtures of different atom species (BoseFermi mixtures being a prominent - even with differing statistics example due to large scientific interest). Then the Hilbert space is simply the tensor product of Hilbert spaces of the relevant species. Typically additional terms need to be included to model interaction between species.

Phase diagram

At zero temperature, the BoseHubbard model (in the absence of disorder) is in either a Mott insulating (MI) state at small t / U , or in a superfluid (SF) state at large  t / U .[2] The Mott insulating phases are characterized by integer boson densities, by the existence of an energy gap for particle-hole excitations, and by zero compressibility. In the presence of disorder, a third, ‘‘Bose glass’’ phase exists. The Bose glass phase is characterized by a finite compressibility, the absence of a gap, and by an infinite superfluid susceptibility.[3] It is insulating despite the absence of a gap, as low tunneling prevents the generation of excitations which, although close in energy, are spatially separated.

Implementation in optical lattices

Ultracold atoms in optical lattices are considered a standard realization of the Bose Hubbard model. The ability to tune parameters of the model using simple experimental techniques, lack of lattice dynamics, present in electronic systems provides very good conditions for experimental study of this model.[4][5]

The hamiltonian in Second quantization formalism describing a gas of ultracold atoms in the optical lattice potential is of the form :

 H= \int {\rm d}^3 r \! \left[ \hat\psi^\dagger(\vec r) \left ( -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 +V_{\rm latt.}(x) \right) \hat\psi(\vec r) 
 + \frac{g}{2}\hat \psi^\dagger(\vec r)\hat\psi^\dagger(\vec r)\hat\psi(\vec r)\hat\psi(\vec r) - \mu \hat{\psi}^\dagger(\vec r)\hat\psi(\vec r)\right]

where,  V_{latt} is the optical lattice potential, g is interaction amplitude (here contact interaction is assumed), \mu is a chemical potential. Standard tight binding approximation results in substitution \hat\psi(\vec r) = \sum\limits_i w_i^\alpha (\vec r) b_i^\alpha which gives the Bose-Hubbard hamiltonian if one restricts physics to the lowest band (\alpha=0) and the interactions are local also at the level of the discrete mode:  \int w_i^\alpha(\vec r)w_j^\beta(\vec r)w_k^\gamma(r)w_l^\delta(\vec r)\,{\rm d}^3 r=0 except for case i=j=k=l \wedge \alpha=\beta=\gamma=\delta=0. Here, w_i^\alpha(\vec r) is a Wannier function for a particle in an optical lattice potential localized around site i of the lattice and for \alphath Bloch band.[6]

Subtleties and approximations

The tight-binding approximation simplifies significantly the second quantization hamiltonian, introducing several limitations in the same time:

Experimental results

Quantum phase transitions in the Bose–Hubbard model were experimentally observed by Greiner et al.[9] in Germany. Density dependent interaction parameters U_n were observed by I.Bloch's group [10]

Further applications of the model

The Bose–Hubbard model is also of interest to those working in the field of quantum computation and quantum information. Entanglement of ultra-cold atoms can be studied using this model.[11]

Numerical simulation

In the calculation of low energy states the term proportional to n^2 U means that large occupation of a single site is improbable, allowing for truncation of local Hilbert space to states containing at most d <\infty particles. Then the local Hilbert space dimension is d+1. The dimension of the full Hilbert space grows exponentially with the number of sites in the lattice, therefore computer simulations are limited to the study of systems of 15-20 particles in 15-20 lattice sites. Experimental systems contain several millions lattice sites, with average filling above unity. For the numerical simulation of this model, an algorithm of exact diagonalization is presented in this paper.[12]

One-dimensional lattices may be treated by Density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and related techniques such as Time-evolving block decimation (TEBD). This includes to calculate the ground state of the Hamiltonian for systems of thousands of particles on thousands of lattice sites, and simulate its dynamics governed by the Time-dependent Schrödinger equation.

Higher dimensions are significantly more difficult due to the quick growth of entanglement.[13]

All dimensions may be treated by Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms, which provide a way to study properties of thermal states of the Hamiltonian, as well as the particular the ground state.


Bose-Hubbard-like Hamiltonians may be derived for different physical systems containing ultracold atom gas in the periodic potential. They include, but are not limited to:

See also


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