Bolivian legislative election, 1914

Bolivia held a parliamentary election in May 1914, electing a new National Congress (for half the seats of the Deputies and 1/3 the seats of the Senators).

Congressional Elections results [1]

Party/Alliance Votes % Senate (1914) Deputies (1914) Senate (total) Deputies (total) Total
Liberal Party PL ??? ??? 05 34 16 69 85
Socialist Party[2] PS ??? ??? 00 01 00 01 01
??? 100.0 05 35 16 70 86
Invalid votes ???
Votes cast ???
Registered voters ???
Population ???

The new senators: Arturo Molina Campero, PL (Tarija); Andrés S. Muñoz, PL (La Paz); Manuel E. Aramayo, PL (Potosí); José Antezana, PL Potosí; Julio A. Gutiérrez, PL (Santa Cruz).


  1. Pío Cáceres Bilbao. Bolivia: el Senado Nacional (album) : bosquejo histórico parlamentario, 1825-1925. Biblioteca del H. Congreso Nacional, 2000. Pp.189-190.
  2. A history of organized labor in Bolivia. Robert Jackson Alexander, Eldon M. Parker. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. P.17.
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