Body modification

Scarification in progress

Body modification (or body alteration) is the deliberate altering of the human anatomy or human physical appearance.[1] It is often done for aesthetics, sexual enhancement, rites of passage, religious beliefs, to display group membership or affiliation, to create body art, for shock value, and as self-expression, among other reasons.[1][2] In its broadest definition it includes plastic surgery, socially acceptable decoration (e.g., common ear piercing in many societies), and religious rites of passage (e.g., circumcision in a number of cultures), as well as the modern primitive movement.

Explicit ornaments

Surgical augmentation

In contrast to the explicit ornaments, the following procedures are primarily not meant to be exposed per se, but rather function to augment another part of the body, like the skin in a subdermal implant.

Removal or split

Female genital cutting:

Male genital cutting:

Nipple cutting:

Nullification involves the voluntary removal of body parts. Body parts that are commonly removed by those practicing body nullification are: penis, testicles, clitoris, labia and nipples. Sometimes people who desire a nullification may be diagnosed with body integrity identity disorder or apotemnophilia.[12]

Tongue cutting:

Applying long-term force

Body modifications occurring as the end result of long term activities or practices



"Disfigurement" and "mutilation" (regardless of any appreciation this always applies objectively whenever a bodily function is gravely diminished or lost) are terms used by opponents of body modification to describe certain types of modifications, especially non-consensual ones. Those terms are used fairly uncontroversially to describe the victims of torture, who have endured damage to ears, eyes, feet, genitalia, hands, noses, teeth, and/or tongues, including amputation, burning, flagellation, piercing, skinning, and wheeling. "Genital mutilation" is also used somewhat more controversially to describe certain kinds of socially proscribed modifications to the genitals, such as male circumcision, female circumcision, castration, and surgeries performed to conform the genitals of individuals with intersex conditions to those of typical males or females.[19]

Many use body modification and self-mutilation interchangeably. In many ways self-mutilation is very different than body-modification. Body modification gives one the feeling of pride and excitement, giving one something to show off to others.[20] Alternately, those who self-mutilate typically are ashamed of what they've done and want to hide any evidence of harm. Body modification is explored for adornment, self expression, and an array of many other positive reasons, while self-mutilation is inflicted because of mental or emotional stress and the inability to cope with psychological pain. Those who self-mutilate do so in order to punish themselves, express internal turmoil, and reduce severe anxiety. [21]

Individuals known for extensive body modification

See also


  1. 1 2 Thompson, Tim; Black, Sue (2010). Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction. CRC Press. pp. 379–398. ISBN 978-1420005714. Retrieved 2013-02-25.
  2. "What Is Body Modification?". Essortment. 16 May 1986. Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  3. "Scrotal Implant". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  4. "Microdermal". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  5. "Dermal Anchoring". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  6. "Silicone Injection". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  7. "Horn Implant". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  8. "Inversion". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  9. "Genital Frenectomy". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  10. "Nipple Removal". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  11. "Nipple Splitting". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  12. Jamie Gadette. "Underground". Salt Lake City Weekly.
  13. "Tongue Frenectomy". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  14. "Anal Stretching". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  15. "Ear Shaping". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  16. "Ear Cropping". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  17. "Ear Pointing". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  18. "Tooth Filing". Retrieved 20 March 2015.
  19. Wilchins, Riki. "A Girl's Right to Choose: Intersex Children and Parents Challenge Narrow Standards of Gender". NOW Times. National Organization for Women. Retrieved 12 September 2012.
  20. "Bradley University: Body Modification & Body Image". Retrieved 2015-10-14.
  21. "Self-injury/cutting Causes - Mayo Clinic". Retrieved 2015-10-14.

External links

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