Bible translations into Kurdish

Part of the Bible was first available in the Kurdish language in 1856 in the Kurmanji dialect. The Gospels were translated by Stepan, an Armenian employee of the American Bible Society and were published in 1857. Isaac Grout Bliss, of the American Bible Society translated the rest of the NT books, and the entire New Testament was published in Istanbul by A.H. Bohajian in 1872. It was published in the Armenian alphabet. Ludvig Olsen Fossum of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America translated the Bible into the Mukri dialect of Sorani Kurdish of Iran. It was published in the Arabic script under the title Injil Muqqades, in 1919. A part of the Bible was first available in the Mukri dialect in 1909. Part of the Bible was first available in Kermanshahi in 1894. Modern translations are being done into many different dialects. Biblica (International Bible Society) is translating into Sorani, Institute for Bible Translation into Cyrillic Kurmanji for Kurds in the post Soviet Union. KLA into Bedhini Kurdish, and also the gospel of Luke has been translated into Zaza Kurdish.

Translation John 3:16
1919 Fossum translation چونکہ خڵا دنيايی وها حُباند کہ کوری تاقانی خوی دا هتاکوهر کس کہبہوی ايمان َيينی هلاك نبی بڵا ژيانی ابدي يی.
Modern Kurmanji translation Çimkî Xwedê wusa ji dinyayê hez kir ku Kurê xwe yê yekta da, da her kesê ku baweriyê bi wî bîne helak nebe, lê jiyana wî ya herheyî hebe.
IBT Modern Kurmanji Чьмки Хwәде ӧса дьнйа һ'ьз кьр, кӧ Кӧр'еф хwәйи тайе т'әне бәрва да, wәки һәр кәсе кӧ wи баwәр бькә ӧнда нәбә, ле жийина wийә һ'әта-һ'әтайе һәбә.
IBS Modern Sorani چونكه‌ خودا به‌م جۆره‌ جیهانی خۆشویست، ته‌نانه‌ت كوڕه‌ تاقانه‌كه‌ی به‌ختكرد، تاكو هه‌ر كه‌سێك باوه‌ڕی پێ بهێنێت له‌ناو نه‌چێت، به‌ڵكو ژیانی تاهه‌تایی هه‌بێت.
KLA Modern Behdini چنكو خودێ وەسا حەژ جیهانێ كر كو كوڕێ خۆ یێ ئێكانە دایێ داكو هەركەسێ باوەریێ پێ بینیت ژناڤ نەچیت، بەلكو ژیانا هەروهەر بۆ وی بیت.

See also

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