Bhai Bidhi Chand Chhina

Bhai Bidhi Chand Chhina (born 1640) was a Sikh warrior and religious preacher, who lived at the time of Guru Hargobind. Bhai Bidhi Chand was disciple of the fifth Sikh master Guru Arjan Dev and served the sixth master Guru Hargobind Sahib for most of his life. He belonged to a Chhina Jat tribe of the village Chhina The Wale, 37 kilometers south of Amritsar. The village was renamed Chhina Bidhi Chand by Maharaja Ranjit Singh when he took over Punjab.

He was one of the five Sikhs chosen to accompany Guru Arjan on his journey to martyrdom at Lahore in 1606. With the death of his father Guru Hargobind now turned his thoughts to training and raising an army to resist the dangers that seemingly threatened his sangat of peace loving Sikhs at every turn. He chose Bidhi Chand to be one of the commanders of the Risaldari (Cavalry) he was raising. He displayed great feats of valour in several battles with the Mughal troops.

With Guru Hargobind Sahib ji, he is best known exploit, however, was the recovery of the two now famous horses, Dilbagh and Gulbagh, from the stables of the governor at Lahore's Fort. The horses belonged to a Sikh who had raised and trained them and was bringing them from Kabul as an offering for Guru Hargobind. All along the way the horses had attracted attention. The stories of their extraordinary qualities and beauty had arrived at the Mogul govenor's court long before the horses reached Lahore. The Govenor offered the Sikh owner a fortune for each animal. With his offers rebuffed he had his men seize them. Both horses were recovered from the Moghul satrap's stables when Bidhi jumped a low parapet and rode each of themthem down a sloped wall into the river Ravi. The saying goes fool me once shame on you—fool me twice shame on me.Returning later Bidi disguised himself as an Astrologer. Soon he arranged a demonstration of how the first horse was taken. Bidhi Chand recovered the first horse after earning the trust of the stablemen who had allowed him to sleep in the stables after he pretended to be a hayseller. It is said that the first horse's health became a concern being away from his lifelong companion. So in a daring even almost beyond belief the daring Bidhi returned, this time well disguised as an astrologer, a sooth sayer, who after earning the Govenors trust staged a bit of courtly entertainment re-enacting the first event. The Govenor and his guards were very susprised when, suddenly the new court astrologer jumped over the battlements, half slid down the slopping wall into the river, never to be seen again.

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