Battle on Vrtijeljka

Battle on Vrtijeljka
Part of the Great Turkish War
Date7 May 1685[1]
LocationVrtijeljka hill near Cetinje, Sanjak of Montenegro
Result Decisive Ottoman victory
Hajduks in Venetian service Ottoman Empire
Commanders and leaders
Bajo Pivljanin   Süleyman

The Battle on Vrtijeljka (Serbian: бој на Вртијељци/boj na Vrtijeljci) was fought between the hajduk bands of Bajo Pivljanin and the Ottoman forces of sanjak-bey Süleyman.


The bands of Bajo Pivljanin were made up of Herzegovinians (of the Sanjak of Herzegovina) and also Bokelji (of the Bay of Kotor).[2] Bajo Pivljanin was the harambaša (bandit leader) of hajduks in Venetian service who protected the Kotor krajina (frontier) against the Ottomans.[3] The Ottoman forces approached Cetinje,[3] and the two met at the hill of Vrtijeljka. The hajduks were annihilated by the Ottomans.[2] It is claimed that Süleyman managed to penetrate into Cetinje only with the help of the Brđani, who were in feud with the Montenegrin tribes.[4]

The victorious Ottomans paraded with 500 severed heads through Cetinje after the battle.[5] They also attacked the Cetinje monastery and the palace of Ivan Crnojević.[6] Süleyman had Bajo's head sent to the Sultan as a trophy.[1]


Bajo Pivljanin is enumerated in Serbian epic poetry.


  1. 1 2 Istorijski zapisi: organ Istoriskog instituta i Društva istoričara SR Crne Gore. Istorijski institut u Titogradu. 2007. Бајо је погинуо у кланцу на Вртијељци око седмог маја 1685. бра- нећи узалуд Турцима продор према Цетињу. Његову главу, као велики трофеј Сулејман-паша Бушатлија ће послати у Цариград
  2. 1 2 Enciklopedija Jugoslavije: Bje-Crn. Jugoslavenski Leksikografski Zavod. 1980. p. 49.
  3. 1 2 Zbornik za narodni život i običaje južnih slavena. 1930. p. 109.
  4. Karadžić 2–4. Štamparija Mate Jovanovnića Beograd. 1900. p. 74. Дрногорци су пристали уз Турке против Клемената и њихових савезника Врћана20), а седамдесет и две године касније, 1685. год., СулеЈман паша Бушатлија успео је да продре на Цетиње само уз припо- моћ Брђана, који су били
  5. The South Slav Journal. Dositey Obradovich Circle. 1983. p. 93.
  6. Peter II (Prince-Bishop of Montenegro) (1905). Gorski vijenac, vladike crnogorskoga. Hrvatska knjižarnica. p. 61.

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